Monday, April 1, 2019

Two Malaysian vessels still anchored in Singapore waters off Tuas: Vivian Balakrishnan

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Let us wait till Apr 14 - to see whether all the Malaysia ships leave the disputed area.
Georgie Tan
Since Malaysian ship is still there, is ours there?
Clarence Chong
seems like the poor is extorting money from the rich
Georgie Tan
If Mad dog dare to station ship in South China Sea which Malaysia also lay claim, I think the ship are gone long ago waiting for Mad dog in hell.
Georgie Lee
You got no bodek to do that.
Georgie Lee
So what is the point of LHL meeting that 93 year old snake in Putra Jaya? He is so defiant and does not show any respect to anyone of us..

Wayang. In case we said he jialiaobi mai ham.
LKY will just go tow the vessels after first warning, impound them for illegal trespassing. Sold as scrap metal. Personnel on board jailed 10yrs. Case close.

Want escalate, start mobilization, liberate JB & let its Sultan decide if to joint us as Jogapore or Singahore. Then we will develop JB as prosperous as SG at JB living cost, all happy one family. Make noise again, invite another state to join.

See now we know the important of NS service, no sweat no security no home to talk about. Count on FT?
Georgie Lee
Please let LKY rest in peace. He had enough of this 93 year old snake.
Georgie Lee How can LKY RIP? He is spinning in grave now seeing his dishonored son used his set up "Not Pliant" court system to screw his last wills, threaten his younger son run road to HK, bully his beloved grandson with 3000pg affidavit...and now Pinky dare not even make a fart when a dying old man shit on his head all over.
Ali Gandh
So boat people are going to tell what is right or wrong to land owner
Joe Joe Bing
I feel very shameful for the no-action from our talking-only government side.
If I park my car in your Parliament House, my car is immediately towed away and impounded.
I would write to the Malaysian partners to inform them that the deadline is 14 April. If the ships are still there, they will be boarded and arrested for trespassing. They can then cry baby at the World Court.

Why are we so "chicken"? All that money spent on military might is only for show during NDP?
Use it, otherwise the neighbours continue to bully us.
Tun Osman
Bingjoe, you played to many video war games. Being quiet n patience does not mean Singapore's afraid. Having military might does not necessary means you can use it at the slightest provocation. Singapore is a Peace Nation. Grow up lah bingjoe.
Chippy Chip
If they parked their ships in South China Sea, they will be scrap metal now and that doctor will visit another doctor for treatment.
Even 2013 Little India riots also dare not arrest one, you say la.

500 armed police surrounding 300 violent drunkards burning police cars & ambulances, one Gurkha contingent with heavy arm, one squad of Special Police Force, one battalion of commando, 1.5M of NS men withbM16, all waiting for pinky & his sham give permission.

After 5hrs, he whispered, let them go free unhurt. So today these same indians still rioting in SG.

You think he dare give order to Navy?
Frank Kam
LHL should cancel the up comming so called Leaders Retreat with the snake!!!! ....nothing less is acceptable !!!
Chippy Chip
Calm down. Don't let Singapore fire the first shots and sink their laopokai boats and then pay them US$1000000000 as compensation when they accused us of aggression. Don't be tricked by a laopokai. Calm down.
So good at going after own family until they have to runaway, but dare not to even make a fart when shit all over head by a dying dirty old man. Why not file 30,000pg affidavit to sue Msia in ICJ or complaint to UNSC?
Ricky Lim
This is no end asking n looking for trouble..???
Same as the water issued!!!!

Indie L'id
Tell the navy to send their elite diving unit to quietly drill holes onto the ship.
You're welcome.
Dino Tan
Where is our summon aunties? ðŸ¤£
Georgie Lee
Vivian - you have already wasted so much of your precious times dealing with these Bodohs. There seems to be no headway at all. Each time these Bodohs and their 93 year old snake will ask for postponement or more time. It seems all avenues are exhausted. The only wayout now is to talk to them with our
F35 just like what their former Defend Minister Hishamuddin once said cannot settle go to war. Tell them we are ready.
Chippy Chip
Once the Laochoupi dies, peace will be back. Singapore and Malaysia will prosper tremendously when many new projects are approved and carried out.

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