Monday, April 8, 2019

Singapore, Malaysia affirm commitment to cooperative and forward-looking bilateral relationship

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Very impressed with PM Lee Hsien Loong when he read his speeches on Singapore position and the way he answer the questions from reporters.

He safeguarded Singapore's National Interests very well while neutralise difficult and "hostile" questions with poise, wisdom, good answers and with humor.

Singapore is extremely lucky to have pipeline of Wise Leaders in the lineup - that will ensure Singapore will continue to prosper and achieve peace and harmony for many decades to come.

The whole Singapore Cabinet and Civil Services handle the many very difficult bilateral issues very well.
Kenneth Avan
Invited to NDP? The haters here must be having seizures after reading that :)
Georgie Lee
Half has already collapsed.
Georgie Lee
LHL - that 93 year old snake accepted your invitation to visit Singapore on our national day. Be careful of him. He has now also turned into a liar when he said Singapore was informed of the STS Hub in Johore. Our MFA has denied it. Hasnt he feel ashame of himself. He is not someone we just know today. He is evil and cannot trusted.
Kwai Meng Tang
If Malaysia is much richer than Singapore (Dr. M once commented on Malaysia and Singapore wealth) it would be a different story all together and Dr M will have a different attitude towards Singapore.
Tham Serene
With a huge bunch h of supporters of corruption, ie refer to Najib case... He has no choice ce but to work more closely with neighbours who can provide strategic growth for the econ. Behind najib, got rosmah, behind rosmah got a suo huan swam from indo to malaysia to turn the country upside down.Prata man doesnt have much time left.. So to speak.

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