Sunday, April 28, 2019

Singapore, China sign 5 deals to boost cooperation in economy, customs operations

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
A ministerial-level cooperation council will be set up between Singapore and Shanghai, making this the eighth business council Singapore has with China.

This is, however, Shanghai’s first comprehensive institutionalised platform with a foreign country.

Called the Singapore-Shanghai Comprehensive Cooperation Council (SSCCC), it will cover the Belt and Road Initiative, financial services cooperation, technology and innovation, ease of doing business, urban governance and people-to-people exchanges.

Wow this is a good cooperative relationship between Singapore and China.

Shanghai BRI comprise the Yangtze River Delta region to Shanghai Ports --- that will connect the maritime route to Japan, Korea, Russia - even the Arctic route (if the ice melt) - and back to Singapore via Straits of Malacca to Indian Ocean, Middle East, Africa and Europe.

Singapore and China bilateral relationship indeed has go up one notch up !
Ricky Lim
Posted on :- 23 Apr 2019 08:58PM

Ricky Lim
Just thinking aloud, if Singapore is able to work with China to plug into :-
(1) Greater Bay Area - connecting to Guandong ports and Hongkong ports.
(2) Yangtze River Delta region to Shanghai Ports.

Then it will be another projects for cooperation after the Chongqing BRI connectivity project.
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Ricky Lim
The agreement will also bolster Singapore's role as a launchpad into the South-east Asian markets for Chinese companies looking for opportunities along the Belt and Road, he added.

According to MTI figures, trade between Singapore and Shanghai hit US$13.5 billion (S$18.3 billion) last year, accounting for nearly 14 per cent of Singapore's trade with China.

As of the end of last year, Singapore had over 4,800 projects in Shanghai, amounting to US$15.2 billion worth of cumulative actual investments.
Kua Hoe Say
How beautiful for us to make peace & friendship with whole world, esp to our utmost strategic partner & No.1 trade that LKY carefully nurtured over 40yrs with Mr DengXP.

China, HK, Twn alone make up US$116B (25%) of our $400B total export, far larger than QUAD add up (US$31.9B, Jp$20B, Australia $12.7B, India $12.3B)= $76.6B.

Hope these strategic cooperation will not only further increase our future trade with China, but deepen our relationship to highest level in every aspects including space & military alliance.

One day Spore with Asean can send our own taikonaults into space using China space crafts to Chinese ISS, conducting experiment & doing space walk, even landing on moon first time for mankind.

Ricky Lim
Kua Hoe Say -

Singapore can fulfill the "true spirit" of our foreign affair principles that we have set for ourselves :-

"Friends with All,
Adversaries with None,
Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".

I believe our wholesome value system - will be able to rub on with China and with the rest of the World.

Singapore is the Country that possess almost all the right attributes to be able to achieve the "true spirit" of the above priniciples - and we should share this value system with everyone - while we do by example.
Paul Tan
Just hope this these deals would truely make money . Hope that they have learnt from the lesson from SuZhou industry park . Otherwise another losses could result in higher tax from tax payers.
Pher Kim Huat
Great move and good for S'pore and China in these deals & cooperations.
Credits also have to be given to our 2 late great leaders in LKY and Deng Xiaoping for their good foresight to build up the mutual trust between S'pore and China since its opening in 1979.
Starting with the Suzhou Industrail Park with some hiccups along the way and was heavily criticised by critics, we've since progress to Tianjin, moving forard to Chongqing and now with this BRI.
Over the decades, S'pore had gain trust and confidence with many countries (be it US, Europe, S.America, Africa or even Asia) to become a connector between China and the rest of the world especially in Finance, Legal, Technology, etc.
Though S'pore may not have the land mass to buld those physical infrastructure or "hardware" with this BRi, we have over the decades win many friends who are willing to use S;pore as their connecting point on the "software" portion i.e. Finance, Legal and certain Project Management knowledge to deal with China.
Good for everyone which is what S'pore always doing utmost as a "little red dot" to win mutual respect, trust and understanding and be friendly with all countries.

KS Lim
As our late LKY also cautioned "As long as they don't bring in communism"

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