Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Big Read: Singapore’s voyeurism problem – what’s wrong with men, or the world?

Spycams and phone cameras are taking voyeurism to unsavoury new heights, but the published statistics are just the tip of the iceberg, experts say.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-voyeurism-problem-spy-cam-sex-harassment-monica-baey-11487244
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
This article accurately reflect the "peeping problem" is far more complex than previously thought.
(1) By increasing the punishment and thinking that it will permanently solve the peeping problem is too simplistic - not withstanding that there are other social cost and economic cost that Society got to bear.

(2) - looking at international practices worldwide
- assembling behavorial scientists, criminologists, enforcement, prison personnel, welfare socialogists, educationalists, women chapter personnel, man chapter personnel, police, lawyers etc --- to come out with a more wholesome solutions ---- taking into account the complexities of the root cause of the "peeping problem" --- will be more helpful.

(3) For a start, wonder is it possible to close the online forum of "sammyboy" - that help to propagate online exchange of undesirable content distributed locally.
Also wonder is it possible to nab those people that create this online forum - and those that are actively involve in circulating this undesirable online content.

This will remove the incentive for people to take "peeping pictures and videos" - as well as cut out one local source of proliferating lustful content.
In a world that is quite mess up & better still, ease in available of fantastic tech in almost every human hands this issue is hard to stop if law is too soft.

Can we ban criminal frm owing amazing camera phone in new law for a period of time(help to cure it sickness in voyeurism act temptation) deoending on it seriousness of crime committed?
Tommie Vale
Why worry. He's your fan and that's why your image and video are stored in his phone. Think this way and you won't be paranoid.
Nicholas Wong
Critically important story, awareness needs to be spread further for better legislation not just at the government level, but beyond... but what's with all the 27 year-old sources? Was that just your circle of friends?
Paul Tan
The world is the situation u have to accept, the man is the reason that creates such a situation. Clear?
Li Ren Zeng
Voyeurism has been there even before the 1st human being walked the planet. Even chimpanzee males will admire the good looking female chimpanzees, and vice versa

I think the problem is not about voyeurism, because naturally human beings have sexual intentions and cravings in their brains, they will to see pornographic stuffs of the opposite sex. Even girls would like to see long and big private parts of men. There is nothing wrong with people having sexual interest in somebody of the opposite sex, because scientifically everyone is born like that.

Hence this article title is not appropriate, there is nothing wrong with men or the World.

The problem is taking private photos / video and sharing without approval of the party whom the private photo / video was taken. That is intrusion of privacy. Hence these activities need to be curb. Curbing them is not just about regulation, it is about education. Since young our parents teach us that killing another human being is wrong, even though the natural survival instinct is to kill other human beings and take their resources, so we do not go around killing people. Hence the same practice can be done about educating children about voyerurism

I hope all these people who feels stongly about voyeurism think carefully what is the actual problem and stop talking rubbish. If the person is so worried about voyeurism, wear a burqa, though I am sure there are optic technologies that can already film through a burqa. Else go live in forests where no other human beings live, then there is no voyeurism.

Ricky Lim
Your analysis is not wrong.

Unless man want to be a Monk.
And women want to be a Nun.
Then abstain of lustful thoughts, speeches and actions will be a training for celibacy.

Mundane human like man or woman - has voyeruism tendency which is a human nature (to be attracted to opposite sex) - as this is part of 12 dependant origination of life. 十二因缘法。

But human should not treat this as excuse to commit sexual crime.

Photographing or videoing opposite sex in nude without permission or worst distribute them - infringe the modesty of the victims - and has a long lasting scarring effects on the victims.

While punishment need to be appropriate to deter crime, excessive punishment will have undesirable consequences and cost to the Society as a whole.

Rehabilitation need to come into the picture.

Other measures - such as psychological treatment, social care and counselling etc

Plus the various appropriate field of expertise to manage this inclination need to be assemble to come out with a more wholesome solutions.

Jumping straight into harsh punishment - is popular but will not resolve the root cause of the peeping problem.
Ricky Lim
As a note, there are 3 scenarios when a human (male and female) - can abstain from any lustful thoughts, speeches or actions.

(1) Jhana Samadhi of rupa jhana (再世禅)- suppression of mundane consciousness - including suppressing the mundane form of lust.

(2) Jhana Samadhi of arupa jhana (出世禅)- suppression of subtle form of consciousness (subconsciousness) - including suppressing the subtle mundane form of lust.

Note - the above 2 scenarios are merely temporary suppression of lust thoughts, speeches or actions.
Once a meditator emerge out of the Samadhi state - those thoughts will come back again.

(3) Nirvana (涅槃)- where 3 defects of human are fully eradicated 
(不起心动念)- ie. Greed (including lust), Hatred and Ignorance (贪嗔痴) - when this happen 不生不灭 in the next life will be achieved.

But with a physical human body, mundane consciousness will still return - even though the hybrid of Nirvana consciousness will exist.

Thus as human with human body (一副臭皮囊)- lustful consciousness will still arise.

In this world, very rare we will encounter any human who possess the above 3 States or any of the above 3 States of Attainment.

But having say so, discipline and morality need to come in - to rein in on behavior that cause sexual crime.
Yi Yong Ke
This is because camera is easily available... it is attached to the handphone.
The latest Huawei handphone boasted of latest top camera features.

Remove them and there will be less or no problem.
Jack Sparroww
Another good distraction article from MSM: This is a world wide problem, not police warning problem!

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