(Updated: )
Singapore defense must never get complacent.
We must be ready to buy our advanced fighters and get ourselves trained on them as our neighbors are buying their new fighters.
We must not be caught unprepared - in case someone suddenly turn hostile and decide to take military actions to violate our Sovereignty.
We must be ready to buy our advanced fighters and get ourselves trained on them as our neighbors are buying their new fighters.
We must not be caught unprepared - in case someone suddenly turn hostile and decide to take military actions to violate our Sovereignty.
A good example is someone suddenly use their military naval craft and intrude into our water territory many times.
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Georgie Lee
Dont worry they will not know how to fly the fighter jets. Up one minute the next minute come down.
Reply · 7m
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee -
Never underestimate anyone.
Also depending what they buy - they may nullify our current superior advantage.
Never underestimate anyone.
Also depending what they buy - they may nullify our current superior advantage.
Like · Reply · 1m
Georgie Lee
Ricky Lim No way. We know what they have and what they are capable of. Remember their obsolete Russian Fighter Jets? Despite appeal from that 93 year old snake Putin stll refused to help him. So now no money have to resort to barter trade.
Reply · 3m
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee -
If they buy the SU35 - they will nullify our advantage offer by our F15SG.
They are almost equal match - and each have some advantages over another.
F16 has no match for the SU35 - though our F16s can do a good match on their current SU30s and MIG29s - whereas our F15SGs have superior advantage over their SU30s, MIG29s and FA18s.
We will need to buy the new fighters to maintain our edge.
The above scenarios assume that all their fighters are maintained at a tip-top conditions and all their pilots are very well-trained supported by their other air support.
If they buy the SU35 - they will nullify our advantage offer by our F15SG.
They are almost equal match - and each have some advantages over another.
F16 has no match for the SU35 - though our F16s can do a good match on their current SU30s and MIG29s - whereas our F15SGs have superior advantage over their SU30s, MIG29s and FA18s.
We will need to buy the new fighters to maintain our edge.
The above scenarios assume that all their fighters are maintained at a tip-top conditions and all their pilots are very well-trained supported by their other air support.
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Georgie Lee
Ricky Lim Never mind about the type of fighter jets they just dont have the brain.
Like · Reply · 4m
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee -
When we plan, we never assume that.
We plan with all possible scenarios and plug all possible loopholes --- so that we will not fail.
When we train - we trained with top notch airforce - and get the best out of the training.
We must never be complacent or 轻敌 - this is 兵家大忌.
When we plan, we never assume that.
We plan with all possible scenarios and plug all possible loopholes --- so that we will not fail.
When we train - we trained with top notch airforce - and get the best out of the training.
We must never be complacent or 轻敌 - this is 兵家大忌.
Like · Reply · 1m
Georgie Lee
Ricky Lim We know them to well. So no planning required.
Like · Reply · 9m
Kua Hoe Say
Ricky Lim So what can we do now, buy your promoted junk F35 again by increase GST 5%?
Do you know Indonesia already acquired SU35 fleet? Old airframe F15SG is not up to standard to match, even SU30 is too tough, but USM has no better fighter now, that's our big headache.
Lucky we still have best integrated sophisticated air defense system & military to out maneuver, including that bloody expensive $5B early warning Hawkeye kotok by USM.
Now only can hope Boeing upgraded 4.5G F18X can match SU35. Otherwise we better switch over to buy SU35 & win with better trained pilots.
If China agree to sell us, J31 or even FC17 also good. S400 or HQ9 is a must get. Don't sell your useless Patriot here.
Do you know Indonesia already acquired SU35 fleet? Old airframe F15SG is not up to standard to match, even SU30 is too tough, but USM has no better fighter now, that's our big headache.
Lucky we still have best integrated sophisticated air defense system & military to out maneuver, including that bloody expensive $5B early warning Hawkeye kotok by USM.
Now only can hope Boeing upgraded 4.5G F18X can match SU35. Otherwise we better switch over to buy SU35 & win with better trained pilots.
If China agree to sell us, J31 or even FC17 also good. S400 or HQ9 is a must get. Don't sell your useless Patriot here.
Jonathan Sim
Kua Hoe Say to even suggest taking in China-made aircraft is a joke itself. Goes to show your comment on military strategy has no substantial knowledge, not even anywhere near amatuar hobbyists.
Yi Yong Ke
Ricky Lim :
The manual for the US fighters is in English.
The malaysians are from bahasa school...
they need english to malay language dictionary on board the fighters.
The manual for the US fighters is in English.
The malaysians are from bahasa school...
they need english to malay language dictionary on board the fighters.
Ricky Lim
We are very sure F35s will be a good buy for us - and will be a game-changer for our airforce - regardless of what some say here and before or spread in the youtube and other social media.
F35s will change the whole dimension of air engagement - and in fact the whole battlefield engagement that not seen by traditional air battle.
The old argument of :-
(1) gst increase lah
(2) some old article talking about f35s are junk lah
(3) pulling out argument like dogfight, close battle etc. are just old way of air battle - that will not be fought by the F35s.
---- in an effort to discourage us from procuring the F35s indicate that we are right about procuring the F35s - that will move us up in many notches.
Also our unqiue way of upgrading our airforce into a 3G airforce - make F35s procurement - a Gift from the Divinie - that perfectly fit our air doctrine of a 3G airforce.
F35s will be used in a way that will be unfamiliar to many traditional air battle - but will in effect be a game changer of not only winning the air battle - but in the ground battle and naval battle.
F35s will change the whole dimension of air engagement - and in fact the whole battlefield engagement that not seen by traditional air battle.
The old argument of :-
(1) gst increase lah
(2) some old article talking about f35s are junk lah
(3) pulling out argument like dogfight, close battle etc. are just old way of air battle - that will not be fought by the F35s.
---- in an effort to discourage us from procuring the F35s indicate that we are right about procuring the F35s - that will move us up in many notches.
Also our unqiue way of upgrading our airforce into a 3G airforce - make F35s procurement - a Gift from the Divinie - that perfectly fit our air doctrine of a 3G airforce.
F35s will be used in a way that will be unfamiliar to many traditional air battle - but will in effect be a game changer of not only winning the air battle - but in the ground battle and naval battle.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
(2) Our decision to purchase F35s is based on our operational needs.
And so far, only US F35s can meet our operational needs.
China did not offer to sell their stealth fighter but offer to sell export variant of other fighter.
Russia also offer to sell export variant of their stealth fighters.
But both China and Russia and Europe are not able to meet the following technical specifications and operational needs required by us :-
(i) Stealth - where F35s have proven in combat that no air defense and fighters can detect it with their radar.
(ii) F35Bs are capable of short take off and vertical land - & not possible by China, Russia or Europe fighters (except jumpJet Harrier - obsolete now) - as Singapore has limited airbases.
We can land F35Bs in many places - greatly enhancing our fighter planes survivability and strike capability if our airbases come under attack.
(iii) US plane technologies (even with some hiccups) have proven technically superior and reliable and very effective in air battle and ground attack - this is a track record that is known to everyone.
(iii) Seamless integration with our other military assets - where F35s provide a superior integration that will be a gamechanger in air-warfare and ground-support warfare.
Singapore buy our military assets with rigorous technical evaluation and the ability to make a huge difference in operation and real mission --- not based on political affiliation.
We have bought military assets from all over the World not only from US - including Russia --- as long as they can be integrated into a unified fighting force that make the difference and give us the added advantage - if in the event it come to the crux and we need to use it.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
(2) Our decision to purchase F35s is based on our operational needs.
And so far, only US F35s can meet our operational needs.
China did not offer to sell their stealth fighter but offer to sell export variant of other fighter.
Russia also offer to sell export variant of their stealth fighters.
But both China and Russia and Europe are not able to meet the following technical specifications and operational needs required by us :-
(i) Stealth - where F35s have proven in combat that no air defense and fighters can detect it with their radar.
(ii) F35Bs are capable of short take off and vertical land - & not possible by China, Russia or Europe fighters (except jumpJet Harrier - obsolete now) - as Singapore has limited airbases.
We can land F35Bs in many places - greatly enhancing our fighter planes survivability and strike capability if our airbases come under attack.
(iii) US plane technologies (even with some hiccups) have proven technically superior and reliable and very effective in air battle and ground attack - this is a track record that is known to everyone.
(iii) Seamless integration with our other military assets - where F35s provide a superior integration that will be a gamechanger in air-warfare and ground-support warfare.
Singapore buy our military assets with rigorous technical evaluation and the ability to make a huge difference in operation and real mission --- not based on political affiliation.
We have bought military assets from all over the World not only from US - including Russia --- as long as they can be integrated into a unified fighting force that make the difference and give us the added advantage - if in the event it come to the crux and we need to use it.
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Ricky Lim
As for my comparison of the performance of F16s and F15s - they are not plug from the air --- but actual air combat results and performance used in many air battle.
(1) F16s had shot down MIG29s in air battle.
(2) F15s have 100% record in air-to-air combat.
(3) SU30s have no record of a kill for 32 years in operation.
Both F16s and F15s have been heavily tested and used in many air combat by many airforce.
F35s used by Israel Airforce in 2 combat sorties - have penetrated the strongest multi-layer air defense with S400, S300 and other older air-defense system - plus SU34s, SU30s and MIG29s undetected - and shot down a few mobile air-defense batteries.
These are actual combat results - not paper evaluation, exaggerated claims or propaganda spread in social media, youtube, propaganda articles.
(1) F16s had shot down MIG29s in air battle.
(2) F15s have 100% record in air-to-air combat.
(3) SU30s have no record of a kill for 32 years in operation.
Both F16s and F15s have been heavily tested and used in many air combat by many airforce.
F35s used by Israel Airforce in 2 combat sorties - have penetrated the strongest multi-layer air defense with S400, S300 and other older air-defense system - plus SU34s, SU30s and MIG29s undetected - and shot down a few mobile air-defense batteries.
These are actual combat results - not paper evaluation, exaggerated claims or propaganda spread in social media, youtube, propaganda articles.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
Air Combat Statistics :-
Air-to-air kills – Air-to-air losses – Losses to ground fire
F-16 Falcon 76-1-5
F-15A/C/I/S Eagle 102-0-0
F/A-18 Hornet 2-1-1
MiG-29 6-18-1
(Note :- F15 and F16 --- participated in many more air battle compared to MiG-29 and SU30s used in air combat.)
Facts and Statistics speak louder than words, arguments or propaganda.
Air-to-air kills – Air-to-air losses – Losses to ground fire
F-16 Falcon 76-1-5
F-15A/C/I/S Eagle 102-0-0
F/A-18 Hornet 2-1-1
MiG-29 6-18-1
(Note :- F15 and F16 --- participated in many more air battle compared to MiG-29 and SU30s used in air combat.)
Facts and Statistics speak louder than words, arguments or propaganda.
Meng Chan
Reenter history to the primitive age!
Like · Reply · 1h
Raymond Goh
You think your palm oil price will raise even if Russia agreed to barter trade with military equipment? No countries are interest to deal with a corrupted government especially the Corrupted PM. 22years in his tenure as PM, look what happen to the country? Only blame Najib but never himself that his 3 sons are Billionaire overnite. Where the money comes from? They are sio clever?Malaysians to wake up that this corruptedf roti prata Old Dog cannot be trusted.
Georgie Lee
The trouble is when he was the PM for 22 years not one in Malaysia dares question him. They worship like the Almighty Allah. When he tells his Malaysians a rabbit has got three legs they will believe him. His sons use him a pillar to lean on. Actually they are no better than a common Malaysian.
Reply · 3m
Georgie Lee
Poor thing. What a shame. Must be almost bankrupt. Can they buy F35 fighter jets like Singapore. Cannot lah! So a Pakistan fighter jet is equivalent to 10 millions tons of Palm Oil. Russian 40 millions. China 30 millions. At the end of the day the whole of Malaysia is nothing but palm trees. Style mahu kala tidak apa. MALAYSIA BOLEH.
Colin Tan
Back to ancient times... haha What an ancient country.
Like · Reply · 2m
Georgie Lee
One day even have to offer PANTAT in exchange to buy rifles.
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Pher Kim Huat
Just one word to describe this kind of situation when a country needs to revert to primitive or vintage Old Man's way through barter to purchase military assets in this 21st century : "PATHETIC".
M'sia's future looks very bleak under this insecure, unreliable, incompetent, etc , etc federal govt.
So Johor, Sabah and Sarawak should secede from this incapable federal govt soonest possible and seek for independence for your own good sake and better future for Johoreans, Sabahans and Sarawakans.
M'sia's future looks very bleak under this insecure, unreliable, incompetent, etc , etc federal govt.
So Johor, Sabah and Sarawak should secede from this incapable federal govt soonest possible and seek for independence for your own good sake and better future for Johoreans, Sabahans and Sarawakans.
Like · Reply · 1m

Wahida Mohamat
F35 can be beaten by anti stealth radar
Ricky Lim
Are you sure?
Up to now, no radar can lock missile on the F35 - much less "beaten by anti stealth radar".
Up to now, no radar can lock missile on the F35 - much less "beaten by anti stealth radar".
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James Lim
Can you name an 'Anti-Stealth' radar ??
Reply · 2m
Wahida Mohamat
Please look into the trend and speed of such radar dev. Tech ology is there. F35 is long term investment. Will become obselete
James Lim
Wahida Mohamat - Eventually... EVERYTHING will become obsolete... that includes the Stealth Technology of the F-22/F-35... BUT till that day comes... and 'Anti-Stealth' Radar becomes common place with S'pore's neighbors having such Radars.... the Stealth on the the F-35 will still rule supreme around the immediate region...
Like · Reply · 10m
Ricky Lim
Wahida Mohamat -
US develop the 1st stealth fighter 30 years ago.
Until now, still no available radar can effectively detect and lock missile to shoot at stealth.
Many upgrades have been done to improve the stealth since the lst stealth appear.
No one can tell many years down the road whether radar can one day effectively detect and lock missile on stealth --- but the stealth capabilities are constantly upgraded with better materials or countermeasures are developed the moment radar improve to detect them.
Thus our procurement of F35s now is a timely moment - and we are quite sure our long term investment will be safeguarded.
US develop the 1st stealth fighter 30 years ago.
Until now, still no available radar can effectively detect and lock missile to shoot at stealth.
Many upgrades have been done to improve the stealth since the lst stealth appear.
No one can tell many years down the road whether radar can one day effectively detect and lock missile on stealth --- but the stealth capabilities are constantly upgraded with better materials or countermeasures are developed the moment radar improve to detect them.
Thus our procurement of F35s now is a timely moment - and we are quite sure our long term investment will be safeguarded.
Kenny Williams
Malaysia should pay for the HSR project with palm oil !!
Like · Reply · 4m
Georgie Lee
Friend, we are not that cheap. If Singapore agrees that 93 year old snake will be the happiest man in the world. If we have to buy Singapore would prefer to buy from Jokowi who is our friend.
Reply · 1m
Kee Wee Lee
Keep the economic going on workers continues having bread and butter. Use the defence budget to help the workers and the army has the weapons to go on training. Smart move.
Like · Reply · 9m
Georgie Lee
No money dont buy lah, Bodoh.
Like · Reply · 12m
Niko Nishi
The ultimate consideration of what military assets to purchase is based on which country can accept barter trade. Very soon, Malaysia will end up with chapalang military assets that may end up with training, interoperability and deployment problems.
Like · Reply · 3m
Unker Will
Those countries interested in barter trade with MY should wait till the palm oil kena banned globally then MY got to lelong (auction) it out cheap.
Georgie Lee
Want to sell Malaysia Airlines and now want to buy military assets. For what? To fight Singapore? We are waiting for you to make the first move,. Has this 93 year old snake ever said about improving the life of the Malays? Never. Chinese do not need his help.
Wei Ong
Malaysia government is a joke. No wonder they will alway behind spore.
Like · Reply · 1h
Edwardo Kopio
A week Malaysia is not good for Singapore also 唇亡齿寒。Historically, it was Indonesia (no offense intended) in our neighbourhood that attack SG and Malaysia. It is only wise historically that both countries grow up in mutual support in strength as Indonesia becomes stronger under Mr Jokowi.. It is good tat we are in good terms with Indonesia under Mr Joko.
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