Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Singapore, China ties have ‘tremendous potential’ ahead: PM Lee
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-china-ties-tremendous-potential-ahead-pm-lee-11471844

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Just thinking aloud, if Singapore is able to work with China to plug into :-
(1) Greater Bay Area - connecting to Guandong ports and Hongkong ports.
(2) Yangtze River Delta region to Shanghai Ports.

Then it will be another projects for cooperation after the Chongqing BRI connectivity project.

Georgie Lee
That 94 year old snake went to China to wash dishes after LHL and President Xi had dinner Besides selling durians and manufacturing cars what other business can he do? China welcome him because it is rude to tell him off,
Don't forget snake is same race as his twin Mooodi, they have two heads & two split tongues. Both shameless liars are broke but want to pretend rich to cheat.
Wahida Mohamat
That's the right move, your late father is wise not to give you an English name. He foresaw China rising way ahead of the world.

Make a bet. Try inviting China navy to station permanently at Tuas megaport. So you got both USA on the east and China on the west.
Ali Gandh
Can't blame Boat People are Shameles
Felicia Chen
"Hypocrisy" in epic display!

After silly n idiotic China jokes of "free pork soup" and "free smoke"!!!

Communist PRC Xi's PERSONAL RETALIATIONS so far have been conclusively clear... how Chinese feel "otherwise against" a DISHONOURABLE SON!...LOL!!!
Paul Tan
China is collaborating with Malaysia in various projects such as ECRL with the intention to by-pass Singapore's port. It shows that China is not friendly totowards Singapore and all our investment in China could be at risk if relationship turns sour .
Chip Chup Chye
Beware of chinese, they can be nasty while being your "friend"!

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