Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Commentary: All this anger over voyeurism but what we need is respect

The NUS case of sexual voyeurism suggests we need to take a good, hard look at whether a toxic culture may be behind such actions, says SCWO’s Junie Foo.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/nus-monica-baey-sexual-voyeurism-respect-women-bodies-11491516
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
One day we will not have to warn our daughters not to “court trouble” with the way they dress because we would have taught our sons the importance of respect. 
Only then would we have achieved “Equal Voice, Equal Space and Equal Worth”. 
Being a conservative person, i always urge my female family members to dress appropriately and not put on revealing dress when going out.

In order for people to respect us, respect ourselves and our body.

Why reveal what is unnecessary to others and invite trouble when you don't want trouble?

Also revealing dress is not respecting others in others' presence - who may not feel comfortable.
Tommie Vale
I respect women who are sexy and pretty. Yes, who are brave to show lots of sweet skin.
One day your so call "respect" will get u into trouble. Did u bring your kids up this way too(if u do have any kids)?

Your previous comments show otherwise! ;)
Elizabeth Chau
Tommie Vale - I feel so very sorry for your wife and children (if you have any, hopefully not), your mother, sister(s), any of your female relatives, and your male relatives who do not share your sense of entitlement.
Sheyha Sulong
you expose too much, you invite temptations from men.
Kua Hoe Say
Yes. Leave your door wide open unlock, and blame the thieves & bandits.

Unless we have reached such high morality state as in Confucianism, but even so, when gentleman does not even glance lustfully at women, still women are to wear decently well covered as mutual respect.

Wearing a tight Tee with short(hot pants) as most did in Sg daily life is considered very sexy & daring in past, even in US. Now, that is not enough for the hot one, blame Sg 90% humidity 36deg hot weather.
Elizabeth Chau
Sheyha - please do not justify the actions of these sick perpertrators by victim blaming. Or are you suggesting they are so feeble that they do not have an ounce of decency within their moral fibre? In the case of child victims, how would you like to apportion blame towards them for attracting these perps!!?
Elango Subramanian
I will say that the perpetrator should be punished and let the police decide. On the other hand women should dress appropriately and not be an object of arousal. Between age of 14 and 25 the youth are hijacked by their hormonal developments. At this stage there should be separate hostels for male and female students. Should not allow for sex to happen in hostels. They always have hotel 81 and fragrance hotels. Students should be properly dressed in school and not wear clothes to show off their biology which is sacred and meant for their partners and not for public. I am talking about decent dressing and not to totally cover and go to other extreme. Bathroom and toilets for female should be secured. If we prevent guys from going to girls hostel this problem will come under control. In addition the university should regularly remind guys on appropriate behaviours and severe punishments whilst the girls should be advised to dress properly.
Francis Ong
A very neutral article which I enjoyed reading and agreed with the points brought up. With rampage of technology and increase in voyeurism, there are people who may be tempted to do it out of curiosity. That doesn't mean that doing it out of curiosity d not warrant similar punishment. In our older generation, we were always taught that if you steal 50cents and get away, you will slowly progress to steal $50, $500,$5000 etc. People need to know what they are doing is wrong and the law has to make sure everyone is deal with fairly and not have differential treatment because of individual social status or wealth. Society need to learn how to forgive those who have served their punishment and gave them a second chance.
Kua Hoe Say
You lack the naunce to get her real message.

(((One day we will not have to warn our daughters not to “court trouble” with the way they dress because we would have taught our sons the importance of respect.

Only then would we have achieved “Equal Voice, Equal Space and Equal Worth”. From a Feminist.)))

Respect regardless how they wear, whether its like a graceful dignified lady or KTV bar dancer with G-string, walking in school, attending parliament, making state visit, all make no different if our sons are taught to respect woman body.
Chua Lee Kheng
This type of article is usually written by a female who enjoy tell people what to do and not by a male. It is likely not to be published if it is written by a male. Do you get it?
This whole hooha of this episode is all because of a female victim so nothing wrong in that. It could fall on your mother, sister, niece, wife, daughter.....

Be rationale your statement is not healthy...;)
Kua Hoe Say
用李 It happen to men also getting flim & peep. Chua has a point.

If a woman expose, its call sexy & seducing. If a man expose, its a pervert.

But its ok lah, since we flash around without complaint in common bath of swimming pool or army camp. Who care, all same what to see.
Elizabeth Chau
Chua Lee Kheng - it is obvious you just do not "get it".
Singh Prem
A thought-provocative article. Our female must take it to the next level. Let your voices be heard, individually or as part of an organisation, society or students' council. Explode #Metoo if you have had been sexually harrassed, one way or another, and i am specifically addressing this to our female students of our various educational institutions. No lying low. Speak out of the post-incident's trauma, and impact to your family, social life, and personal esteem. Suggest how the educational institutions, the police and the AGC ought to handle such cases, for it is coming straight from the victims' perspectives. To me, for now, all such cases MUST be brought before the criminal courts, as judges own a wide sentencing mechanism, which includes ordering probation, community service, or even mandatory treatment. There is no reason not to refer to our criminal courts. Any other way is non-transparency at work, and this is not how our criminal justice system works.
Kua Hoe Say
A very well articulate & dexterous written article from start, summarizing how mob instinct is asking for bloods without privy to detail.

But is asking complete Respect from men & woman to voice out in public domain like Monica a viable ultimate solution?

No. Respect is self earned & mutual, don't ask for it with a exposing clothing flirting in night spots or wandering in dark alley at wee hour, forest law ruled in such area.

[Only then would we have achieved “Equal Voice, Equal Space and Equal Worth”. ]

Feminism is the real message of this article: "we are equal in everything including oSee More
Kua Hoe Say
Even if man don't wear decently, he don't get the respect accordingly. Try advise her son to wear a leopard spot groin cloth with a lacey bra like shirt to school & pub, see if he will court trouble from gay if all sons & daughters are taught to respect man body also.

Fundamental problem is the eroding moral value by the lack of traditional teaching of moral upright & shame, and the invasive internet world filled with perverted values esp LBGTQ.

You don't see every good man taking upskirt video because their parents never tell them to respect woman body, nor decent woman revealing her disgusting fat butts cleavage & turquoise groin with ultra low cut as form of dignity for respect.

We need to bring back Confucianism in our school system, a philosophy that is not rooted on religion but morality.
Christopher Liew
"In a recent survey on gender equality in Singapore released by market research firm Ipsos, about 45 per cent of Singaporeans agree that women who wear revealing clothes should not complain if men make comments about their appearance - this is a perspective held almost equally by both men and women.

Views like this breed a culture that puts the responsibility on the victim rather than the perpetrator. Perhaps it is on us to examine our own gender lens and get rid of old-fashioned notions like this."

Why is it that this perspective is held equally by both men and women? Because luckily, most Singaporean women are rational enough to see the flaw of this author's argument. If you wear a bikini onto a public bus, do you have a right to complain if people stare and think what they think? It's said that "the clothes make the man". The same goes for women too but the author claims that this is wrong.
Kua Hoe Say
I sense the danger of putting such well articulating person in charge of SCWO, one who has no qualm to hijack a social issue to promote her championed feminism of West perverted value.

SCWO should focus on promoting a good social value of morality & dignity for women's true welfare, establishing support for victim. Not promoting another perverted value.
Kua Hoe Say
One day the wrtier may demand equal urinal wall for women, the rts to bare chest, a equal number of gov & corp leaders not on merit base, a mandatory female PM-Prez in every 5 terms... But on top of that, they also want special women only mrt cabin, bus, rest place, women charter, penal codes ...

That's how perverted US feminism value destroy traditional good value resulting in much social problem & high divorce rate.

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