Sunday, April 21, 2019

NUS Students’ Union to consider if ‘heavier punishments’ are needed for sex harassment cases

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
While deterrence is required to prevent perpretator from committing such crime, there must be an eye into "rehabiliation".

After all, an IHL, schools, education institutions --- is also a place to impart the right moral values to students, when he/she err - but remorseful to be given an opportunity to rehabiliate and become a better person.

Unless this person is not remorseful and commit the same act after given a chance - then stern punishment must be administered.

Even a prison system adopt "yellow ribbon" to allow the convicted criminal to rehabilitate and become a better person - not condemned he/she eternally without giving chance for the person to rehabilitate.

In the midst of emotion and anger - it is easy to get worked out - and prescribe excessive punishment to ruin the person for life (even though the person is remorseful and can change for the better).

A more composed and appropriate deterrence with an eye to allow "rehabilitation" --- will be the more wholesome approach in an education system for students who err (for less serious crime - not for
 rape, murder, arson etc).

Ricky Lim
Having said so, the victim must also not use "vulgar languages" in social media --- when she feels that punishment is "not sufficient" to her liking. This is no angel.

A man or a girl using vulgar languages --- especially an undergraduate (a highly educated one) --- also reflect badly on the upbringing of the person.

Using abusive (vulgar languages) - the 4 letter words multiple times in the instagram against the Police, the School Administrator and the offending person - is it an act of abusive languages against the public servants?

And publicly naming the person in instagram to shame him - has breach the act of “doxxing" under the Protection from Harassment Act (POHA).

So should the victim be charge under the Act?

Ricky Lim
Education institutions disciplinary boards will have to consider the weight of the punishment - especially for students -- treating them like criminals in an open trial in view of imprisonment :-

(1) A student steal another student pencil box.
Crime :- stealing (imprisonment)

(2) A male student play prank on a female student by pulling her hair.
Crime :- molest (imprisonment)

(3) Male students in orientation camp unconsciously touch female students during games.
Crime :- molest (imprisonment)

(4) Male and female students courting - turn sour.
Crime :- sexual harassment (imprisonment).

(5) A group of boys students fighting - one with black eyes - over a girl student.
A group of girl students pulling one another hair - fighting over a boy student.
Crime :- fighting and rioting (imprisonment)

(6) Female students say vulgar language to school administrators or write in instagram using many "4 letter vulgar words" - against the Police, the School Administrator, against the person who offend her.
Crime :- Abusive language against Public Servants (fine in Court).

(7) A female student shaming another student by publishing his name for offending her - in the instagram.
Crime :- Doxxing act, ONLINE VIGILANTISM - $5,000 fine and 6 month jail.


Then education system will be derail - and witch hunt become rampant.

This is probably a perfect example of you going into extreme lengths to come out with nonsense to defend a crime because you think that is what your white masters want, victim shaming included. What was done is clearly a crime. Do you need someone to spoonfeed you with pages from the law? Suitability for rehabilitation is for the courts to decide, otherwise any entity can subvert the courts and the law. In this case it didn't even reach the courts. Yellow ribbon is not relevant, as it can only be applied after a prisoner serves a sentence meted out by the courts, and not before.
Eric Pang
Ricky Lim
A female student shaming another student by publishing his name for OFFENDING her - in the instagram.
Crime :- Doxxing act, ONLINE VIGILANTISM - $5,000 fine and 6 month jail.

I very very very disappointed. The young lady is the victim. And her pciture is shown in this news.

The man who commit the sexual offences identity is protected in this news.

And according to Mr Lim by sharing this criminal act of the man, so the other lady (& maybe man as well) can be AWARE and better protect themselve from this man; is a crime itself? $5,000 fine and 6 month jail?See More
Jack Sparroww
ビンオマール宗作 No worries bro, we all familiar with Ricky Lim by now, the guy who likes to post grandma stories to change black to white of all acts by his idol Pinky Loony and his cronies (in this case, 'NUS scholar' cronies supporting Pinky's policies)

The good thing is Ricky Lim doesn't even know his audience. Nobody comes to CNA to read long copy-and-pastes of his 'law books' 😂💩😂
Paul Tan
Ricky Lim U r mixing black and white. The netizens are discerning and not confused like u.
Ricky Lim
Principles and guidelines of dealing with crime

(1) I don't condone crime - and all crime must be properly addressed.

(2) All crime must be dealt with - with appropriate, effective deterrence to discourage crime from occuring but not excessive.

(3) Offenders upon punishment - must be accorded the chance for rehabilitation with the view of allowing them to rejoin Society to be a better person and not condemn him/her eternally or ruin his/her lives forever eg :-
a. drug offenders - drug rehabilitation
b. terrorist - religious rehabilitation
c. convicted criminal - "yellow ribbon"
d. education institiution - police working with school authoritites
e. military camp - police working with military punishment eg. charge, DB, SOL, confinement, extra guard duties etc - without "black record".
f. home - police, welfare institutions working with parents, guardians and family members

and many others.

(4) The above justice are carry out for less serious offences (not serious crime like rape, murder, drug trafficking, bomb, discharge of firearms etc) occuring in the various institutions :-
a. with the mind to administer justice appropriately to deter crime,
b. with mind to encourage offenders to be remorseful and to become a better person.
c. to foster rehabilitation - without ruining his/her lives - in the moment of folly.
d. without going into extreme punishment, "go everything by the book" - to ruin a person's life who can be rehabilitated.
Ricky Lim
Now let analyse this particular case - whether all the principles and guidelines of dealing with the crime is followed through :-

(1) A crime - video recording a female student by a male student in the Uni is indeed an offence that need appropriate punishment to ensure deterrence and to provide justice for hurting the victim's modesty.

(2) Was punishment meted out?

Answer :- Yes
a. Police in consultation with Uni - meted out 1 year conditional warning of no recurrence of similar offense - else stern punishment will be meted out.

b. A remorse letter is written by offender and handle to the victim - expressing remorse, ask for mercy and an undertaking to repent and to become a better person.

c. Uni further meted out punishment of 1 semester suspension to offender.

Prohibited access to hall residence.

Based on all previous precedent, such punishment have been meted out to offenders based on some reports - eg. offenders happen in Uni, ITE, schools, polys.
---- in view with the priniciples and guidelines to deal with crimes that occur in education institutions.

d. The victim when discover the above punishment is not to her liking or meet her expectation of the punishment - take punishment into her own hands and "on prima facie could have broken some laws" :-

(i) Write in her social media using "4 letter vulgar words" abusing -
- the Police (for handling the case - and not administering serious charge on the offender).
- the School Administrator (for handling the case - and only 1 semester suspension).

where on prima facie - tantamount to breaking the law of using abusive language on public servants
- as well as using it on the offender

(ii) shaming the offender by publishing and naming the offender in the social media.

- where on prima facie - infringing the Act of "doxxing".

Ricky Lim
Now the question is :-
(1) Should the Police and the Uni - stick to the punishment already meted out according to the priniciples and guidelines in dealing with less serious crime that happen in the Uni or should an open trial court case be meted out like other criminals?

a. If whatever punishment has already meted out is deem sufficient --- then the matter is close.

b. If the punishment above is deem insufficient - when the victim and her sympathisers are crying for blood --- then the Society as a whole will have to weigh the consequences of any offense happen in school grounds (Uni, poly, JCs, schools etc) --- such as those offenses committed by students --- our children like fighting, stealing, molest, play pranks etc.

c. If strictly going by the law book -
- the offenders can be charged in court and could be fine or jail
- the victim herself - should also be brought to task for using abusive languages against public servants and for "doxxing"

---- then this will be "Mutually Assured Destruction" --- where 2 promising lives that have the chance to rehabilitate will be ruined.

It is up to the Society to decide Option a or Option b.

As for me, I opt for Option a.

Jack Sparroww
Ricky Lim oh yes our garmen spokesman Ricky Lim will call it doxxing or evidence, depending on whichever is more convenient. If his idol Pinky wants to release past info of a cab driver, Ricky will call it useful evidence. In this girl's case where she's not even trying to hide, Ricky calls it doxxing.

Just wow. And convenient. Notice how much of his comments is spent on pelting pebbles on a daughter of Singapore, on her use of '4-letter words'. Really, PAP stooges these days....
Gsan Lee
need to jail.
Lu Pin
So all NUS Male students take heed: There will be NO PUNISHMENT for sexual offences on NUS campus, only rehabilitation. It's a golden pass and double standard specially provisioned for you guys.
Benny Potter
What crap is this? Sexual harressment is a criminal offence. Period.
Lu Pin
I'm shocked to learn that it's not a serious offence if committed by an NUS student on NUS campus. Even the police can't touch them, merely can give warning. Super above the law.
Heng Choy Yuen
since when did NUSSU & NUS authorities have legal jurisdiction over Singapore's Penal Code? Peeping toms/filming of women in toilets is treated as a criminal offence anywhere in Singapore but just because the incident happened inside NUS area, it is given special leniency? What will happen in future if another sexual offender from another university in Singapore demands the same leniency as NUS has given to their sexual offenders? Isn't that a very dangerous precedent? If our Penal Code is allowed to be interpreted differently by universities, then it simply makes a MOCKERY of our laws! Any male student aged 18 and above caught with evidence doing peeping tom/filming women in toilets should be referred to the AGC for criminal proceedings and only a judge and our court systems be the final arbiter, not the students' union, not the university admin. Whether the pervert is jailed, fined, sent to IMH, should be at the sole prerogative of our courts. We citizens MUST SHOW ZERO TOLERANCE for any form or degree of leniency given by the university whenever one of their students is in violation of the Penal Code whether inside or outside of the university premises.
"Future cases". Probably NUSSU was pressured by NUS to make such a statement that further detracts from increasing the sentence for the perpetrator of this very case.
Koffee Koffee
NUS is not a safe institutional place to study anymore.
NUS is becoming a very dangerous to study and to dorm.
Unless strict enforcement rules must be adhere to protect all students be it males or females from harms and dangers.
So Nicolas Lim must be punished and cannot go scot-free. He must be expelled from NUS.
He had committed a very serious offence for peeping a female student taking shower in the cubicle.
Since he play-play against the law, he must be punished at all cost.
Game over sex maniac Nicolas Lim.
You ask for it.
Koffee Koffee
Hello law-enforcers and the school who man-make laws in NUS. Better wake up your ideas.
Koffee Koffee
Do not keep and cover-up its institutional's name and reputation's sake.
Set the record straight and let the public know what you bunches are going to do.
You all must satisfy the public requirements with. Punish or no punish.
The public want to know that the sex maniac
would be charged and sentenced to jail.
Korky Changer
Whats this in the other articles about nicholas being a white horse from a powerful family? The SPF should speak up and assure us that they were not biase just because this person is from an elite status....after all the last time a very small girl claimed tbat a very small boy touch her briefly...burly men picked him up from school to the hq....questioned him without him having anyone...anyone close to be at least at the station. So proud to get a confession...well i cannot bring myself to detail what happened next. To the law minister ...are you so far off that you cannot see or are you thinking of fixing us instead?
Nicko Hartono
Then WP should look into this..
Nantha Tan

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