Friday, April 12, 2019

Information on tap: PUB to install 300,000 smart water meters in Singapore by 2023

 (Updated: )

Foong Mun Loh
M'sia sell us water at 3 sen (1 S'pore cent).........PUB sell us at what price ? meter - how much it's gonna cost us consumers again ?
Ricky Lim
Raw water no need to treat - you can drink is it?

Then you should collect your water and drink from :-
(1) drain
(2) rainwater
(3) sea water
(4) or you can stoop beside your toilet bowl to use the recycle water

They are all free - no need 3 sen.

Ricky Lim
You don't know how much it cost for :-
(1) desalination plant
(2) newater plant
(3) water treatment plant?

They are billions and hundred and millions of dollars.

You are lucky you got clean water to drink.
Foong Mun Loh
Ricky Lim ........all i know is water in S'pore cost far far far more than other 1st world countries.......all the treatment plants don't need to be replaced every year.......1 plant can last for decades........
Ricky Lim
Foong Mun Loh - there is no recurring cost in treating water? You don't need energy to treat the water every day?

Only capital cost?

Don't you know that treatable drinking water worldwide is diminishing and will not be able to accomodate humanity worldwide.

By a few more decade, water price could be as high as oil price.

You now have affordable drinkable water.
Yet you still grumble?
Foong Mun Loh
Ricky Lim .....ok lah......ok win lah.....
Ricky Lim
Foong Mun Loh -
(1) It is not a matter of i win you lose or you win i lose.

(2) It is whether we are objective, fair, reasonable or unreasonable in looking at the issue - not opposing for the sake of opposing or supporting for the sake of supporting.

(3) It is whether we choose a Government that can help the citizens to secure water security, housing, education, healthcare, social security, physical security and many others such as providing us jobs and maintain strong Economy and Finance to ensure our prosperity and peace.

Or anyhow choose a party or parties that are not competent, populist - promise everything under the sun and bankrupt the States --- and later leave the citizens to rot.
Foong Mun Loh
Ricky Lim .......with our national debt.......unsustainable CPF.......massive losses by GIC + Temasek........we're now like the Titanic - waiting to sink
Ricky Lim
Foong Mun Loh -
(1) I don't know whether you know finances or not.
- Singapore national debt = zero. (all borrowings are for investment and not Government spendings - because our spendings are finance in total by our budget revenue not from debt). The return on investment more than cover the debt interest. So since where did you get your fact that our national debt is unsustainable.

- Singapore achieve highest credit rating by all credit rating agencies.

- Singapore Soveriegn Fund earn net investment returns contribution stands at S$15.9b in FY2018. The S$15.9b is only half of the earning from all the Sovereign fund, the other half is reinvested as capital - where is your reported massive loss?

You are just spreading fake news - get your facts right first.

No one take your comments seriously - because most of the time you get the facts wrong or your analysis on many issues are wrong.

It can be as high as US$180 per installation, equivalent to our 3~5yrs bills, with meter reading still manually taken bimonthly in some US states.
Paul Tan
What we really need is honest meter. Too smart it might start to ask for higher salary.
Someone got to pay for the $180 installation & multi millions central system. Saving of labour cost to copy meters reading may be factored in over long run, some studies are required to release to public to justify.

Important is do we trust our utility providers now, when they are privately owned and clocking obscene profits annually. We don't mind if profits are plough back to national development, but not when it filled private pockets.
Eddie Wong
With smart meters, everytime you go toilet PUB know.
10cents per usage, fair? Otherwise its charging per sanitary bath room regardless of household size.
Peter Yeung
All toilet should converted to use seawater for flushing, then can save more fresh water in long run.
It will be when Msia water agreement ended. Like in 1980's, using smelly industrial water. Later it stop due to more problems.

I always wander why PUB only pretend to conserve water in manicure, while HDB upgrading blatantly using single flush bowl, permitting water wastage washing machines, PUB promoting tank water heater instead of instant to waste electricity, uncontrolled swimming pool, day time gardens watering, construction wastage, and high industrial usage sectors are not tightly regulated.

Hopefully our scholars are truly smart to think now its good time to expand capacity by allowing free usage, thus generating good revenue. When time come where world water is scarced, they will run water conservation exercise to squeeze our balls.

The older generations will remember queuing to carry water from water trucks up 10 storeys. Every drop counts.
Yoon Huei Leow
Smart water meters will not help dump consumers save water. Common sense do.
Of course its an excuse to say it help saving to justify costly installation which may also has health hazard concern depending on design of smart meter.

Its for central easy monitoring & billing, an unavoidable trend of automation, AI &Big Data era.

But for a densely packed city like ours, its not as useful & effective like huge rural area in US or India(often officials take bribe to report under usage).

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