Friday, April 26, 2019

22-year-old NTU student under investigation over peeping Tom incident
 (Updated: )

Wonder why this offenders want to 自毁前途?
Clifton Foo
Hmm, no idea too...

But...... no WORRIES! The authorities will get the school to make him write a long arse essay saying he's SO SORRY.

And give him conditional warning haha.

How can we imprison degree holders to be. They are the pillar of our future. Too bad for the girls, they have to be the sacrificial lambs to secure SG 60 haha.
Clifton Foo -
When a crime take place - the Whole Society will pay a price for it :-
(1) not just the offender who have to pay a price for it.
(2) the victim who suffer from the harassment
(3) but also the Society - who need to :-
- pay a price to lock him in prison
- who lose a talent if he has rehabilitated
- whose family lose a breadwinner - and the whole family suffer - and will have to depend on Society to bail them out
- the offender may turn violent when he has no way out - to silence the victim to escape or when release will turn more violent, commit more crime - when he has no mean to make a living.
- the offender may commit suicide out of hopelessness

(the taxpayer burden, and the Society burden - is paying a price for a crime) - social cost and economic cost.

Punishment, Deterrence, Prevention - need to be effective to prevent crime.

It must not be too slack - not effective to deter crime.

It must not be too excessive - as there are undesirable consequences as mention above.

Having say so, has the harshest and cruelest of punishment deter crime and make a society - crime zero?

The answer is no !

(1) Stoning to death, gorge the eyes, amputate arms and legs for crime - does not prevent crime.

(2) We have capital punishment for murder and drug trafficking - does it means no more murder or drug trafficking occur?
They still occur.
Thus the Police and AGC will have to exercise the due legal process and procedure (with no fear or favor - whether is he an undergraduate or not) - by looking at the :-
(1) weight of the crime
(2) any mitigating factors
-- and meted out the sanctions or punishment appropriate to the crime.

NTU on the other hand, will have to work in conjunction with the Police and AGC to look at :-
(1) Punishment, Deterrence, Prevention - to see the best fit
(2) Victim care, emotional support and help
(3) Offender - if there is a chance of rehabilitation and any other mitigating factors --- to administer the right sanction, supporting care, counselling and other measures.

Having say so, all the education institutions are reviewing the :-
(1) Punishment, Deterrence, Prevention, Education etc - to determine is it sufficient and need to adjust accordingly.
(2) Better and adequate victim care and support
(3) Offender rehabiliation measures
--- all these should be done in a view that Society as a whole can better deter, and managed all these crimes.

The reviewing of the 3 angles - can be done by :-
(1) looking at international practices worldwide
(2) assembling behavorial scientists, criminologists, enforcement, prison personnel, welfare socialogists, educationalists, women chapter personnel, man chapter personnel, police, lawyers etc --- to come out with a more wholesome solutions.

Jumping straight into harsh punishment to condemn the offender eternally, ruining him eternally - is popular (when ride on the current public emotion and anger) but will not solve the problem --- which in effect create more undesirable consequences further down the road --- and the Society (like you and me and the whole Country) will have to bear this burden ---- if we are reckless in adminstering the right solution.

Singapore is Great - not because we are seen to be strict but reckless.

Singapore is Great - because we need to be Wise and can see every possible consequences -- and can see the Whole Picture.

Just look at the serious consequences the Malaysia Society as a whole got to bear - when Society are intolerant to wrong sexual behavior and excessively strict and intolerant to sexual misconduct.

I think no Singaporeans want this to happen to Singapore - if we mismanaged the whole saga. It is a humanity tragedy that the whole Society got to bear. 物极必反。

Poor sex education, social exclusion leading mums in Malaysia to abandon babies
--- when they are push into a corner with no respite - they will respond with something even more undesirable than the Society can bear. 物极必反。

Bill Gate
Ricky Lim
Tobias Xuehe Li
Repect, man. Best analysis over such incident online I saw so far.
Lee Sentinel
Great timing! Now we'll see how both NTU & the Police respond to this.
Wao....u sound happy when another sick committed crime?
Foong Mun Loh
if University girls all look like Josephine Teo, Grace Fu or Lee Bee Wah......then no more such cases liao.........
Not again?
Hope not a wave rock NTU this time because of a criminal.
Criminals had cause lots of issue on state lately.

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