Sunday, April 7, 2019

PUB’s Johor waterworks resumes production of treated water to Singapore after drop in ammonia levels

 (Updated: )
Yeok Fong Yong
Obviously Singapore cannot depend on Mahathir's water as they are poor in protecting their own water sources. Furthermore, Mahathir can shut water when his way is not met or more sinisterly terrorist can poison the dam easily as can be seen how easily Johore rivers are polluted repeatedly and the Mahathir govt apparently cannot stop it from happening.
Ricky Lim
Singapore must prepare ourselves with water sufficiency - in case water sources are cut by Mahathir.

But Mahathir must fulfill all the conditions in the Water Agreement 1962 up to year 2061.

If they can't fulfill due to 2 to 3 days pollution - then when it recover, we should be able to recover the lost water for the past 2 to 3 days lost - by drawing more.

Don't trust Mahathir promise to Johor people - they can treat their own water and become self-sufficient - because of drought, poor rainfall, industrial pollution, seawater pollution.

One day, Malaysia will have to buy treated water from us - and we can supply them at the market price - a new source of export from us.

Pher Kim Huat
Ricky Lim , yes our DTSS phase 2 is on the way.

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