Thursday, April 11, 2019

Daunting salvage task awaits Japanese F-35 investigators baffled by crash

Two days after one of Japan's F-35 stealth fighters plunged into the Pacific and no closer to finding out why it happened, investigators face a daunting task to recover what remains of the highly classified jet from the ocean depths.
11 Apr 2019 07:26PM
Ricky Lim
It is important to find the wreckage and investigate the cause of the crash --- so that remedies can be done to patch up any flaw.

But it doesn't seems like a systemic flaw - as other F35s do not have known flaw that cause a crash.

Also noting that this is the 1st plane assemble by Japan plant - not Lockheed Martin
Eng Hong Ong
I solved the mystery! They installed the same MCAS as boeing...🙃
Williams McHenry
The last message from pilot to mission control informing that he was aborting training could mean a sudden technical problem(s) to take remedial action so that it was too late even to eject safely.

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