Sunday, April 21, 2019

Malaysian carrier Firefly resumes flights to Singapore as first plane lands at Seletar Airport

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Singapore Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan welcomed his Malaysian counterpart Anthony Loke who was on board the flight.

This is a positive bilateral relationship development between Singapore and Malaysia.

At least, the younger Ministers aspire to have a positive relationship - instead of a confrontation politics across the Causeway - which spell good in the medium and long term.
Georgie Lee
Who in Singapore trusts that Anthony Loke.He is another Baruah spawned out of the eggs of that 93 year old snake. We are being diplomatic that is all.
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee -
I don't get the sense that the rest of their other Ministers or Cabinet are unreasonable.

They are reporting to a Prime Minister - who has authority over them.

Given the context they are in - I sense that they wanted a positive bilateral relationship with Singapore.

Else, the outcome of those disputed issues could be worst.

We should take a long-shot views (on the positive side) of what will be unfolding --- but i don't get the sense that difficult issues will spin out of control negatively.

As long as what we negotiated does not seriously breach our National Interests, or Sovereignty or Right of Existence - give and take through goodwill - will be the right step forward.

Remember our principle :-
"Friends with All,
Adversary with None.
Forge mutual benefits with win-win outcome"

Even with bad circumstances - we still can stick to our principle without deviating much from it.
This is truly living up to the "true spirit" of the message.

And I have good confident that Singapore Government can truly live up to the "true spirit" of this principle which is actually written that are meant for our Singapore Government.
Georgie Lee
Ricky Lim When Najib was the PM. We hear no such nonsense everyday. Water agreement is one. Intruding into Singapore water is another.The third is the HSR project when that 93 year old snake claimed tht he will compensate Singapore, But when? It is long overdue. Bet you come 2020 he will further request for another postponement the HSR prject. Dont you think Singapore has given them too much rope, One of their former Defence Minister Hishamuddin said - cannot settle go to war.l
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee -
(1) We have very good relationship with Malaysia under Najib. This is a true fact.
And we have worked out many mutually beneficial projects with win-win outcome with Najib administration.

But on the hindsight, I don't think we should lost hope in the future administration of the Malaysian Government - even though we have been given a hard time by this old man.

I sense that many of their younger Ministers and Cabinet members want better relationship.

We need to stay cool and calm and act wisely but not rashly.
Our Government has been doing fine all along - and let us stay cautious and focus while steadily moving forward.

(2) I read from a report that one of their Minister has announced that they have paid the compensation sum for the delay for HSR.
I am not sure whether this is confirm by our Minister. But it look like it has been settled for now.

As for the future of HSR, I do not want to pre-empt, we will respond as it come.
Anyway, this project is not a thorn in our flesh.

Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee -
As for the "war" statement - it was make 4 times by Malaysian politicians --- and I will want to address this separately - as I am taking this very seriously.

Else why do i make very sharp and stern statements to the old man and why do i play the role of :-


(1) Politicians making statement about "war" --- have very serious repercussion - because it can bring 2 Nations into military confrontation and mass bloodshed can follow.

Thus Politicians will have to observe diplomatic protocols when issuing "war statement" - and will not utter such statement lightly.

Hence :- 好人政府 must 做.

But as private citizen that does not carry such weight - can make "sharp" and "stern" statements - to "wake up" their ideas ---- if it push 2 Nations into military confrontation and bloodshed.
Hence, 坏人我来做。
Ricky Lim
(1) The 1st war statement was made by Mahathir - that Malaysia will not go into war with Singapore - as Singapore though small is too powerful for Malaysia.

(But Mahathir follow up by intruding his government naval vessels into Singapore Territorial Water multiple times).

This raise the tension with Singapore - where the possibility of "naval invasion" is raised - and prompting Singapore navy to respond and almost trigger Singapore Airforce using our latest fighters to remove the threat.

(2) The 2nd war statement was made by the opposition - ex Defense Minister - cannot settle go to war.

3) The 3rd war statement was made by their PM office civil servant - issuing statement of "thousand cuts" --- prompting our PM wife to post her line "be chill".

(4) The 4th war statement was made by Mahathir - during a joint press conference with our Prime Minister - that it is lucky and maturity that "both Singapore and Malaysia will not go to war" when settling the disputes as both Countries can sit down to negotiate - unlike other Countries will have gone to war by now.

All these are very serious statement --- and what is expounded in their speeches -- reflect how they think in their heart and mind.
Ricky Lim
Siingapore and Singaporeans must always be on our toes, stay alert and must never be complacent --- when we are dealing with someone who at the back of their mind - do toy with the ideas of turning back to bite us with venom.

And the person with such mind - is the old man.

Now you know why i have to speak "sharply" and "sternly" to him?

By putting our armed forces asset in comparison with the old man's --- we have the capacity to decimate their military with an "all out strike".

But this will also means collateral damage - where both sides will be hurt economically, financially and destruction --- though less on our sides --- but still not a good outcome.

To prevent a war - we must prepared for a war and never rest on the laurel.

Some of our opposition selling the idea of no NS, no need to spend on military and similar craps - ought to be defeated in the election convincingly --- because it means as good as digging our tomb.
Yi Yong Ke
why all these fuss...?
The plane had landed in Seletar Airport earlier...before the anti-ILS.
Ong Ch
Wonder how much the ILS system cost? And now a white elephant?
Brian Leong
I googled before. It is an estimated 3million usd.. but then again it varies against the length of the runway.
Tony Mok
ILS is still being use in Subang airport the home base for firefly
Unker Will
Singapore should have done their homework first before they acquiring the ILS system. It is very clear that aircraft has to encroach into Malaysian airspace if it would to follow that path.
Ong Ch
Unker Will
Agreed precisely.

Ricky Lim
Firefly CEO who sits in the board of air safety review for MH370 is the one that ask for ILS to be installed in Seletar Airport to ensure safety and operate as a full-blown airport.

Who say Singapore did not ask the Malaysian side before installing the ILS?

Malaysian at that time under Najib Administration did not raise any objection with couple of correspondence.

BTW, ILS is the default instrument used in many airports.
For GPS landing instruments - it means all airplanes landing in Seletar will have to spend additional money installing this gadget before it can land in seletar airport.
And who suffer loss? The malaysian airlines such as firefly, mindano etc - though we also suffer loss with the ILS and the new GPS installation.
Both lose-lose outcome.

Our strategy in diplomacy with difficult old people will be --- "patient but firm" ---- this is an appropriate strategy.

Ricky Lim
Having say so, will our investment in ILS a "white elephant"?

I may think "not so". Why?

Because, not only Malaysia turbojet will be using Seletar Airport coming from the Northern side.

Some airlines from Indonesia - flying from Jakarta and Batam may also be landing in Seletar Airport coming from the Southern side.

By doing so, ILS (which is a ground based station) - can be used to guide the Indonesia airplanes.

The only question is, will the GPS - satellite based system interfere with the signal of ILS ground based station --- this will need to be tested and verified by the engineer on the ground --- as both - I believe are RF (radio frequency) signals.

Si Tiawan
Ricky Lim You said: "Our strategy in diplomacy with DIFFICULT OLD people ...."

If saying that is "YOUR" strategy in diplomacy, I think your diplomacy has the value of a dustbin. When you are diplomatic, you do not use words like calling the opposite party difficult and old, just use a bit of common sense! There are difficult old people in all countries, Singaporeans are humans too, and some of them can be just as difficult, and everyone will get old in time!

Ricky Lim
Si Tiawan -
It is not "my strategy" --- it is our Government strategy. And I respect our Government for being cool, calm and act with Wisdom.

I don't take the credit away from the Government - when the Government is the one that adopt this approach which is wholesome and effective.

While our Government need to use diplomatic languages when dealing with foriegn Government - no matter how reasonable or unreasonable the other person is ---- as private individual --- I don't need to be diplomatic (as this is the purview of the Government) - and not me as a private citizen.

I am looking at a person - who deserve to be respected (if he/she is worthy to being honour) or to be chided and even be taught of the right values (if he/she is unworthy to be accorded with respectful languages).

I have very little respect for people - who dishonour signed contract, flip-flop, spilling half truth, people who are unreasonable or who like to pick fight unreasonably - whoever this person is - whether he is high or mighty king or commoner.

I respect people who possess good values and of good character - but not people who possess negative values or shady character --- whoever this person is.

Mahathir is one of them - whom i have little respect -- all this words is for him - right in front of his face - he has alot to learn on how to live and behave with the right values and the right role model for his people.

While our Government use "white face", someone must use "black face" --- "carrot and stick" approach - to impart the right values and make him learn - whatever it takes.

Ricky Lim
My chiding of this Mahathir -- is particularly sharp and stern ---- because he almost brought 2 war between Singapore and Malaysia - once earlier when he threaten to "cut our water supply" and the latest episode by intruding his government vessels many times into our Territorial Water - almost sparking us to response.

If there is a need to use stronger languages to make him learn - i will use it.

Pher Kim Huat
Ricky Lim , fully agreed.

Ricky Lim
Pher Kim Huat -
Individuals can make important contribution such as through social media - as long as what we write make sense - and can make a difference.

People (all over the World) who read the new articles also read individuals' comments - to get a sense of how people respond to the article.

You will be surprise the target audience is reading what you are writing about him.

It is up to him whether he want to learn and change for the better.

Wholesome messages can be pleasing to the ear or could be unpleasant - learn from it or react negatively.

Important is the outcome - whether he take it positively or negatively --- it is all up to him.

Ricky Lim
Mahathir say this statement in the UN forum (that Malaysians aspire to the following) after he was elected as Prime Minister :-
"Friends with All,
Adversary with None.
Forge mutual benefits with win-win outcome" --- by picking up from the social media forum :-

Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·

We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins

--- But unfortunately, he did not preach what he copied from the social media forum and regurgitate in the UN forum.

And i have the right to rebuke him sharply and sternly - for not learning the "true spirit" of the message.

Georgie Lee
Ricky Lim That 93 year old is also a snake and a liar.
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee -

We have to guard ourselves in case he turn around and bite us with venom.

But i don't have information whether he lies outright.
Alwyn Song
Ricky Lim Instead of getting Firefly's CEO approval, it would have been better to have received Malaysian MOT or official government approval before implementing the ILS. The Firefly CEO does not represent Malaysia.
Ricky Lim
Alwyn Song - I don't know the detail correspondence between our MOT and their MOT - but it is reported that there are exchange of information on both sides --- that eventually lead to ILS to be implemented by Seletar Airport.

Our MOT don't seek approval from Firefly CEO - but it is a request by Firefly CEO due to safety concern - and I believe our MOT take this feedback positively because having an ILS do make Seletar Airport a full-blown airport for safe air transportation.

But whatever the case - we are landed with this issue and dealing with a new government that don't agree with the ILS - and no choice we have to adjust and take it from here.

Crying over spill milk will not help.
Teo Huai Wei Edmund
Unker Will you should have done your homework first before commenting.

1. It was Firefly which requested for the ILS because it is a requirement by the Malaysian government.

2. The ILS does not change any flight route. The planes will be flying over Malaysian airspace with or without the ILS, as they just did.
Georgie Lee
Ricky Lim Remember the STS Hub joint venture with Hutchinson of HK. That 93 year old snake claimed that Johore is aware of it. So is Singapore. But was rebutted by the Tengku of Johore. The Singapore MFA also claimed that they have not been informed. So isnt that 93 year old snake a liar.Upto today he has not responded to the Singapore MFA.
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee -
(1) For the STS hub, there are a number of conflicting reports.
- Some reports say Mahathir inform Johor MB Osman Saipan about the STS hub - but Osman did not inform Johor Sultan and the Crown Prince.
That is why Osman was fired by Mahathir, where the Crown Prince say that it is the Sultan that give him the marching order.

- Some reports say that Osman was not told about the STS hub

(Given the many conflicting reports - and the benefits of the doubt --- I can't attribute this to "outright lies" to the old man - but probably more incline to half truth).

(2) As for informing Singapore - I believe in Singapore Government who has far more integrity than the old man.
I also tend to believe the Johor Sultan and Johor Crown Prince integrity more than the old man.
Leon Lim
score point times
Joseph Lau
Blessed and Happy Easter to Mr. Anthony Loke. Taste our Easter buffet lunch.

Ang Kam Kwang
"ILS would have allowed pilots to land in all weather conditions, even when visibility is low. It had been put in place at the request of Firefly."

This episode should serve as a very good lesson for the relevant authorities (SG side). Huge project like this one (international and also using public monies), even though it has a lot of benefits should never be "put in place at the request of Firefly"; in short, protocol-wise we are not totally "right".

Tokiwa Sporeco
Singaporeans should stop visiting Malaysia . Starve them of tourist dollars . Firefly will soon go bankrupt . Then follows Malaysia.

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