Monday, April 29, 2019

Documents reveal children were filmed in toilet multiple times by NUS voyeur

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Maybe one effective way of preventing voyeur in campus - is for female student to register with the security guard each time they want to bathe in common toilet.

Female security guard (train in MMA - joking) can carry a rotan and stand guard outside the bathroom.

This will deter any voyeur for coming close to the bathroom.

Or NUS can develop an AI anti-voyeur robot to station guard outside the bathroom.

If the AI robot detect a non-female coming close to the bathroom, it can :-
(1) take a picture of any intruder
(2) speak out - "keep clear, female student bathing"

(3) and if the voyeur continue his action despite warning - a loud continuous siren will sound "e or e or".
Unker Will
Rick Lim, cannot use AI robot lah....they got camera and what if they 'accidentally' enter inside the female toliets then how to punish the robot.
Kua Hoe Say
Very funny Ricky. There are already CCTV in every toilets common area recording (who is watching the female toilet you may ask).

May be all female (male too since our body become attractive nowadays too) toilet can come with security feature like face recognition to enter, which China utilized in public facilities to curb criminals eith exceptional efficiency.

That will better deter 99.99% perverts thsn a noisy AI robots that can be nuisance.
Ricky Lim
Or it can be a :-
(1) buddy system - where female student must buddy up and take turn to bathe.

The female student on guard will wield a cane outside the bathroom to :-

A cane cheap cheap - only 50 cents - cheaper than :-
(1) Prison - Society got to feed them.
(2) Ruin their career - Society got to bail them and their family out.
(3) Police, AGC, lawyer, Courts, Education institutions etc got to waste alot of time deliberating and managing the peeping incidents as and when they occur. The time should have been better spend in providing good education to the students.

All these are cost that the Society need to pay, taxpayer need to pay.

By having a :-
(1) Effective prevention system
(2) A deterrence system - a guard and a cane (50 cents only)
--- it can achieve zero tolerance to the peeping incidents.
(a) it serve as shaming the "would be peeping tom".
(b) an effective prevention - preventing any peeping incidents
(c) and effective deterrence

--- and it cost very little -- cheap cheap and more effective than "excessive punishment" - which may not be a guarantee that such crime will not recur that come with heavy social and economic cost.

--- and it is also a simple solution to a very complex, emotional problem.

So NUS, NTU and schools --- should consider instituionalise the above system as soon as possible --- and prevent the ever snowballing outcry of such incidents.

Ricky Lim
Kua Hoe Say, Unker Will - CCTV no used - as those peeper still peep even though they know there are CCTV around and can identified them.

You must have a physical body - human or robot - to provide physical deterrence - and active (not passive) - to give signal to intruder that they have been intercepted.

CCTV is passive - not a deterrence.

Why i say using AI robots?
(1) It can be a computer science projects - for the female students - whom i believe can pick it up enthusiastically as their final year project --- since this is such a hot emotional topic.

(2) We may not have enough manpower to post so many security guards around the campus.

(3) AI robots can be programmed to guard the bathroom outside and cannot enter the bathroom to take pictures of the girls.
Kua Hoe Say
Ricky Lim AI programmer can embed malware to video tape naked gals thinking robots are safe.

Better is one machine control the toilet main door can chk gal or boy sex, with facial recognition. Problem is now man also peeping man, walau. Can go swimming pool toilet or sign on army see until vomit.
Ricky Lim
Kua Hoe Say - That is why i am suggesting female students to build the AI robot themselves - i did not suggest guys coding the program.

Theoretically speaking, CCTV and machine control door to bathroom - can also be hacked if it is IP-based and can be planted with malware.

Many IoT devices have been hacked and planted with bots or as part of DDoS devices.

Facial recognition IP CCTV with AI analytics, forensic by storing and accessing the video servers have been around for many years already.

IP Door access control with fingerprint, iris or facial recognition or card access have also been around for sometimes.

But the above are just physical access restriction - with no deterrence.

Ricky Lim
I can assure you now - that even if NUS and NTU tell the student body that they will implement door control access - whether by fingerprint, iris, facial recognition or card access ----- the up-roar will still snowball.

But if you tell the student body to institutionalise :-
(1) Burly cane wielding security guard
(2) or Female buddy system who take turn to guard the bathroom with cane
(3) or AI robot guarding the bathroom

----- chances is the uproar will slowly die down ---- as girl prefer "physical comfort and company" --- as this will ensure and console them psychologically.

Passive system like door access, cctv --- will not calm their nerve.

Trust me.

Ricky Lim
If you tell the student body that harsh punishment such as expulsion or charged in courts for offenders will be administered --- will it calm the nerve or will it cause the uproar to die down?

What happen if another case occur again - despite the above tough punishment?

Then does it means that there is a need to administer even tougher sentences such as :-
(1) stoning
(2) eye gorging
(3) thousand lashes
(4) amputation of limbs?

And then what happen another peeping case pop up again and cause another uproar?

Then are we harping at the right and most effective solutions?

Prevention, deterrence - at the source where offenders will have no chance to commit those acts --- will permanently resolve such incidents ---- and it is the most cost effective and a simple solution --- rather than crying for harsh punishment --- but yet still cannot guarantee that such crime will not recur.
HongKit Chan
" at least 26 cases of sexual misconduct during the three academic years."

I sincerely believed the NUS Board of discipline grossly underestimate the gravity of such kind of misconduct.

The consequence of meting out punishment that does not match the gravity of the crime is not only that within NUS sees more and more such crime, which is proven for the past 3 years record; but the entire Singapore society sooner or later, more and more such crime would surface. And that is a very sad scenario.

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