Monday, June 3, 2019

US recession odds jump as Trump trade wars bite: Survey

 (Updated: )

Lam Chian Leong
The odds of a US recession by next year have increased sharply, with mounting protectionism continuing to pose the greatest economic threat, according to a business economic survey.
Increased trade protectionism is considered the primary downside risk to growth by a majority of respondents, followed by financial market strains and a global growth slowdown.
The panelists put the odds at 60 per cent for a US recession before the end of 2020.
(1) This is the 1st time a foolhardy President from US - through his rash and reckless actions bring a Global Economy down from growth into a possible recession - with his foolish trade war.

(2) 1930 Deep Depression is triggered by US trade tariff against the World - and led to World War 2.

(3) Trump thought that he can pull off a Ronald Reagan Plaza Accord against Japan using tariff --- but he now in fact losing control - and inch towards more like the 1930 Deep Depression and the Miliitary Confrontation of SuperPowers.

(4) Posted in January 21, 2017
Trump's impact on the World is quite grave.
(1) Economic impact
(2) Security impact
Let see whether the World can last this 4 years without any major catastrophe - economically and security.
Hour before the announcement of US Election result :-
One Big Bang comes ------ Lightning strike and Thunder roar - when reading the 1st headline of US Election result .....
And a "Vision appear" --------- there will be One Big Bang.......
Let's hope the vision of 1930s Great Depression (Economic Impact) follow by World War 2 (Security Impact) -------- will not be repeated from 2017 to 2021 .....
Because it will end the Mankind .......... if there is WW3........

Lam Chian Leong
As the prophecy goes .....

Posted on :- 30 Nov 2017

It is thus important to watch out for Trump's "Boom and Bust" budget, fiscal policies (or his "Economic Yo-Yo" policies) - that artificially inflate economic growth (causing a spiking "Boom" for immediate gratification to his voters --- but will cause a sharp correction in the near term causing a sharp downturn correction - a "Bust" --- that will cause US recession --- and have the impact of pulling down the World Economy --- triggering a World Recession --- like in the past.
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