Sunday, June 2, 2019

US, China should offer ‘moral justification’ for countries to accept their dominance: Ng Eng Hen

 (Updated: )

Lam Chian Leong
(1) If US think that they can hammer all their trading partners - and yet want close security ties with them - is seriously mistaken.

(2) Minister Ng Eng Hen rightly pointed out that when US leave TPP - Japan take it up and form CPTPP with all other 11 members.

(3) When US want to punish EU with trade tariff - NATO form closer bloc and is leaving US defense contractors out.

(4) Soon Trump led US trade war - will lose all its security partners and US will be very much left alone.

(5) If China is able to beef up its trade alliances with many Countries and tone down its assertive stance in South China Sea - US will be a lost cause in global leadership.

(6) America first - become America last in the eyes of the World.

Lam Chian Leong
(1) Trade, Business, Investment is the Global Softpower - that determine Global Leadership - as it bring mutual benefits and win-win outcome.

(2) Not military power.

(3) Trump led US --- make this most fatal strategic mistake.

(4) And trade. business and investment - is to keep your strategic competitor friendly and benign - not flaunting your military power.

(5) Unfortunately, Trump-led US fail to keep trade intact with China - to ensure China continue to be a friendly and benign power that will not go full head on with US in economic and military arm-twisting.

(6) What Trump has done in foolhardy trade-war with China - is in fact accelerating China's will and determination - in going full-steam head-on arm-wrestling with US in both economic and military arena - that will do great harm to both US, China and the World.

(7) The current development shows that more and more Countries are moving away from Trump-led US who hammer them with trade war sticks --- while moving closer to China who are opening their arms in trade and business.
Li Ren Zeng
I think that the idea of "moral justification for countries to accept US or China dominance" is not correct. Every country in the World today is an independent entity and should not accept dominance by other countries. It is like going back to feudal age whereby some small countries are vassal states, accepting dominance from their bigger neighbours.

If US and China are morally allowed to dominate certain countries across the World, soon other major powers like Russia and potentially India and Brazil will come in and dominate other countries. Other regional large or wealthy countries like Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Japan, UK ...etc will also claim "moral justification" to dominate smaller countries in their region.
Jos Neo
I believe he was trying to advise the 2 countries to seek dominance in a moral manner, cause it would appear that that's what they are after.
U will make more mess if u r one leader.
Arthur Mah
He is asking for 以德服人
But of coz, different dominating country has different yardstick in moral values
After this event the two big children will still talk talk talk....& still talk. Boring 💤
Georgie Lee
Can Malaysia Defence Minister speaks like our Ng Eng Hen?

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