Saturday, June 15, 2019

India set to raise tariffs on some US goods: Reports

15 Jun 2019 09:16PM
Danny Lum
(1) Trump by opening up trade war with so many Countries - eg. Mexico, China, India, EU, Japan, etc ---- will face a full-blown tariff backlash against US business and consumers.

(2) India should focus on concluding the regional multi-lateral trade deal specifically RCEP to cushion against the trade war with US.
The RCEP GDP of U$32 trillion is much more attractive than US GDP of US$19 trillion.
Goh Jon Hin
Good job. Donald Duckie Trumpet will bully you irregardless of your actions. So, be honorable and with dignity, stand up to bullies with your spine upright.
On Kian Hong
Come on. Join in with China and Russia. I would love to see 80% of the world versus US.

Abi Ram
China India and Russia along with Iran and Turkey will be one hell of a powerhouse against USA ðŸ¤£. But the stupid politicians won't let that happen.

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