(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Some people here ask why only $40 million - so cheap.
(2) This is not a full-blown implementation of 5G network (which should be invested by the telcos) - not coming from Government fund.
(3) This $40 million are seed fund to pilot, set up test-bed, sandbox, proof-of-concept the 5G eco-system, devices, ioT, apps, software etc on those industry clusters --- that have export-potential to grow our trade.
(4) Once the test-bed have proven the viability of the 5G applications - then telcos will build the 5G infra and integrate with these 5G apps ---- that will have significant economic benefits to our Economy.
(5) Telcos have already committed so much money on 4G and has to recover the sunken cost.
Unless the 5G have big potential and support from the industry - such as all these industrial and business applications - for Telcos to invest in another new network - 5G - it will not have a good business case - as 4G can already support normal phone call and internet access.
(2) This is not a full-blown implementation of 5G network (which should be invested by the telcos) - not coming from Government fund.
(3) This $40 million are seed fund to pilot, set up test-bed, sandbox, proof-of-concept the 5G eco-system, devices, ioT, apps, software etc on those industry clusters --- that have export-potential to grow our trade.
(4) Once the test-bed have proven the viability of the 5G applications - then telcos will build the 5G infra and integrate with these 5G apps ---- that will have significant economic benefits to our Economy.
(5) Telcos have already committed so much money on 4G and has to recover the sunken cost.
Unless the 5G have big potential and support from the industry - such as all these industrial and business applications - for Telcos to invest in another new network - 5G - it will not have a good business case - as 4G can already support normal phone call and internet access.
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Winston Ling
If i am not wrong, Singtel has signed a 5G partnership with Ericsson already years before the Huawei ban, M1 i believe is working with Huawei for it.
"Chinese networking giant Huawei is continuing its 5G network tests with Singaporean mobile carrier M1, with the two working to complete an end-to-end live broadcast of virtual reality (VR) content over a 5G network.
The trial, which will make use of the 28GHz millimetre-wave (mmWave) spectrum band, will take place at the end of June in M1's MiWorld building in Jurong"
Lastly Starhub is working with Nokia for 5G
So the 3 main telcos in Singapore all have different 5G partners.
"Chinese networking giant Huawei is continuing its 5G network tests with Singaporean mobile carrier M1, with the two working to complete an end-to-end live broadcast of virtual reality (VR) content over a 5G network.
The trial, which will make use of the 28GHz millimetre-wave (mmWave) spectrum band, will take place at the end of June in M1's MiWorld building in Jurong"
Lastly Starhub is working with Nokia for 5G
So the 3 main telcos in Singapore all have different 5G partners.
Danny Lum
(1) This is a good development.
(2) Singapore cannot put all eggs in one basket.
(3) Having one Telco to one different 5G vendor - make alot of sense - as each 5G vendor have their own merit and advantages in technologies, R&D and innovation.
We can get the best of all Worlds.
(4) And rightly guess, M1 is the best candidate to get Huawei 5G - as M1 goes with Keppel and SPH.
No issue with threat from Trump - of not sharing security info.
(2) Singapore cannot put all eggs in one basket.
(3) Having one Telco to one different 5G vendor - make alot of sense - as each 5G vendor have their own merit and advantages in technologies, R&D and innovation.
We can get the best of all Worlds.
(4) And rightly guess, M1 is the best candidate to get Huawei 5G - as M1 goes with Keppel and SPH.
No issue with threat from Trump - of not sharing security info.
Shan Kissdani
Is there no one who is even curious about the health effects of 5G? Is everyone accepting technological advancement so blindly thinking it is always good? Read about 5G and the health effects of it. It is a sleeping catastrophy on human's and plants' health.
Danny Lum
I think alot of people has respond to you about the health hazard - and yet you still so stubbornly stick to your stand.
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Danny Lum
Lam Chian Leong
(1) If you are using your internet via wi-fi - you are already expose to RF (radio frequency) - 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz.
(2) If you are using 4G smartphone to post your comments here - you are already expose to RF.
(3) What is the difference of using 5G - which is also RF?
(4) You are living in the world full of RF around you - wifi, 3G, 4G, 5G, radio, microwave, satellite, IoT using wifi, autonomous using RF etc.
(5) Unless you don't use internet.
(6) Even the TV you watch also emit radiation. Then you should not watch TV. Laptop also cause radiation, then you should not use your computer.
(7) The only safe place that you don't get bombardment from radiation, RF, EMR etc - is to live in a forest (provided that human don't get eaten up by wild animals).
(8) There are no definitive report to say that by using this RF, you will get brain tumor or cancer.
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Lam Chian Leong
(1) Conversely, 5G network can bring unprecedented possibilites in many aspect of an Economy - where many industries can tap on the high speed network to deliver eServices that is not possible by a slower 4G network.
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Shan Kissdani
Lam Chian Leong According to your rationale, if a girl is raped once, it shouldn't be an issue if she is raped again then?
Yes, 5G can bring many possibilities but at your health's expense and your children's health as well?
Like · Reply · 29m · Edited
Lam Chian Leong
Shan Kissdani -
(1) Can you read the whole text all over again?
(2) Then why you use laptop, smartphone to access internet, watch TV if you are so afraid of radiation? No on force you to used. You must as well live in the jungle.
(3) Nobody force you to use 4G or 5G. If you are so afraid, then don't even touch internet - because the gadget you use harm your health. You cannot stop the Country for implementing 5G - because there this are survival for Country to be able to compete effectively in this growing uncertain world.
(4) Then you must as well don't work - because in every company everyone is using 4G, 5G, internet, computers.
(5) So your argument got logic or not?
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
(1) If you are using your internet via wi-fi - you are already expose to RF (radio frequency) - 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz.
(2) If you are using 4G smartphone to post your comments here - you are already expose to RF.
(3) What is the difference of using 5G - which is also RF?
(4) You are living in the world full of RF around you - wifi, 3G, 4G, 5G, radio, microwave, satellite, IoT using wifi, autonomous using RF etc.
(5) Unless you don't use internet.
(6) Even the TV you watch also emit radiation. Then you should not watch TV. Laptop also cause radiation, then you should not use your computer.
(7) The only safe place that you don't get bombardment from radiation, RF, EMR etc - is to live in a forest (provided that human don't get eaten up by wild animals).
(8) There are no definitive report to say that by using this RF, you will get brain tumor or cancer.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Lam Chian Leong
(1) Conversely, 5G network can bring unprecedented possibilites in many aspect of an Economy - where many industries can tap on the high speed network to deliver eServices that is not possible by a slower 4G network.
Like · Reply · 1m
Shan Kissdani
Lam Chian Leong According to your rationale, if a girl is raped once, it shouldn't be an issue if she is raped again then?
Yes, 5G can bring many possibilities but at your health's expense and your children's health as well?
Like · Reply · 29m · Edited
Lam Chian Leong
Shan Kissdani -
(1) Can you read the whole text all over again?
(2) Then why you use laptop, smartphone to access internet, watch TV if you are so afraid of radiation? No on force you to used. You must as well live in the jungle.
(3) Nobody force you to use 4G or 5G. If you are so afraid, then don't even touch internet - because the gadget you use harm your health. You cannot stop the Country for implementing 5G - because there this are survival for Country to be able to compete effectively in this growing uncertain world.
(4) Then you must as well don't work - because in every company everyone is using 4G, 5G, internet, computers.
(5) So your argument got logic or not?
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Joseph Convergence
Always the lowest QUOTE win contract.
When poject completed, always boast top- quality and 1st class
You know i know lah.
When poject completed, always boast top- quality and 1st class
You know i know lah.
Ravin Benedict
Its a case like Mahathir said will use HW..But that is only drama to fool china. Just like how he said proton sold to geely and then backdoor he started a 3rd national car project with Japan to kill Geely sales later. Maybe after china dispatch that fat 1MDB pariah might have another trick up his sleeve. Just like he went to china and drop the train project cost from 65bil to 20bil just like that with only RM600 flight ticket. He knows at 20B China will not make any money from it and let them ponder in the pond to see where to cut corners.
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