(Updated: )
Danny Lum
"We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights (sic) when I asked, how many will die," Trump wrote in a series of morning tweets. "150 people, sir, was the answer from a General.
"10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry."
(1) At least Trump has compassion - not to kill lives unnecessary - this is something that Trump has done right.
"10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry."
(1) At least Trump has compassion - not to kill lives unnecessary - this is something that Trump has done right.
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Albert Kwek
Sorry. I do not believe what he talked. He has already said US does not want to wave war with Iran. But end up he approved the strike to Iran. But last minute he called off the strike. Very strange for the 150 lifes in Iran. When war is happened, no body will know how many people will be killed. The general of US or Trump can tell you 150. In the past, USA has helped the Syria rebel army. How many people has died due to USA help? Next things why Trump government suddenly change the course. Maybe all these oil tankers attacks are fabricated by USA and Spy drone are in fact flying in Iran air space. Once Iran has shown proofs at UN, it will make USA even more shameful if the strike has been done. Now most of allied countries do not believe the tankers attacks are done by Iran. Only UK supports USA. It Trump do not abolish the strike, that will be a big mistake. He will not have any chance to win the next election.
Unker Will
I doubt it is due to his compassion for the people in Iran. This time around we did not hear many or no comments from US allies like previously with Iraq and he lacks support from them that he cautiously withdrawn his action and he boasted about it for no killing 150 people....thats Trump!!
Rukia Kuchiki
Albert Kwek Oh no no no we should not believe Trump. We should trust that Albert Kwek who came up with his Grand Unified Theory:
More population means more talent
More population means more talent
Albert Kwek
Rukia Kuchiki you have many parents , that why you always flip and flop. Haha
Raymond Chan
Simply said, Trump dare not start a war with Iran. All talks no action. Nato.
Joseph Lim
It's NOT about dare or dun dare to start a war. It's not All talks no action. It's about the decision/action that Trump made. Is it correct and proportional? How is it going to affect the people involved? Life lost? The consequences.
Kwang Joo Lim
Why a piece of news can be interpreted by two vast diff view below... cock... 👇
Kee Wee Lee
As the situation go on like these. Any time any thing can happen. Avoid to fly over the sky over there.
Michael Shu
Idiot you were the one who initiated retaliation n approved the plan to attack. Now you act as a hero by aborting the attack to save lives. What a clown you are. You n your minions had changed the good image of american to a ruthless n stupid nation.
Luo Sha Tan
US claimed that the drone was at least 30+ miles from Iran's coastline when it was hit but Iran claimed that they recovered the drone in Iranian waters.
On a normal flight with all flight control surfaces working, it's already aerodynamically hard for the drone to glide 30+km from its service ceiling to ground level, what more when the drone is already structurally damaged.
Also, with the US Navy's 5th fleet based nearby, the crashed drone would have been easily retrieved by the US Navy if it was in international waters. All else being equal, it looks like the Iranian version seems more correct.
Is this a false flag operation by the Pentagon and/or CIA to purposely fly a drone into Iranian airspace to trigger an incident?
On a normal flight with all flight control surfaces working, it's already aerodynamically hard for the drone to glide 30+km from its service ceiling to ground level, what more when the drone is already structurally damaged.
Also, with the US Navy's 5th fleet based nearby, the crashed drone would have been easily retrieved by the US Navy if it was in international waters. All else being equal, it looks like the Iranian version seems more correct.
Is this a false flag operation by the Pentagon and/or CIA to purposely fly a drone into Iranian airspace to trigger an incident?
Lim Bee Kow
Times were come when this gangster country have to pay for all their evils handling.
George Lim
If Trump went to war, his enemies such as the fakenews CNN and ST will condemn him for not sparing evil. If he didn't go to war, they call him confused and indecisive. believe the liberal media?
Niko Nishi
Many Trump was finally told that the drone was really in the Iranina airspace and the Iranian has concrete evidence to prove it. You can't believe anything Trump says.
Eric Cheong
Yes, his expression of "compassion of not killing t 150 Iranians" is just a face saving act , coz he knows tt Iran will retaliate big or small across t Hormuz Straits, n a war zone in tt area is ill afford by America, not at this moment anyway.
Reply · 2h
Unker Will
Trump knows that it is a polictical sucide to start a physical war with a long term effect at this moment when he is trying for a 2nd term as president. If he would to suck into this war with Iraq, he has to send more troops to that area and this would send fear and unrest in hearts of many Americans even with his supporters, I don't think he can afford that at this moment. Furthermore, he lacks support from his support from them, he has to pay for the expenses which is economically unsustainable for US especially now he has to deal with the economic situation back home because he has a trade-war that he started with China.
Winston Ling
Iran shot down an American toy, and if America shot back, they will be killing innocent human lives, whats the cost of the toy vs human lives lost?
Ade Gbade
Downing a drone is not thesame as a strike that can kill as many as 150 or more and of cos thats what everyone expect based on what the whole world had percieved Trump to be but its a good thing to excersise restrain,the attack on oman ship coupled with downing of the drone would have cummulative effect at the long run if ever the iranian are found wanting again,you can bet there wont be warning again,its gone be total n emphatic strike,by that time,we gone see whos gone cry wolf.
Derrek Chang
The intoxication of waging war by the US is certainly mind bogging.
US strikes on Iran is a unilateral decision. It should be presented and discuss in UNSC to reach concensus who is at fault that cause strikes on oil vessel. Speculation drew closely on drone deployed by US that fired missile on the vessel yet seeking scapegoat for Iran to bear the brunt. Such provocative act ihas not been warmly trusted and welcomed by many of US allies anymore. The US needs badly to start a war to deviate their attention on its domestic issues, which the trade war is bringing more pain for consumers and businesses. The excuses set for waging war is to destabilise regional security, drive oil price , and secure more arm sales with middle eastern allies boosting US economy that serves rightly its own interest, unlike interests of others.
US strikes on Iran is a unilateral decision. It should be presented and discuss in UNSC to reach concensus who is at fault that cause strikes on oil vessel. Speculation drew closely on drone deployed by US that fired missile on the vessel yet seeking scapegoat for Iran to bear the brunt. Such provocative act ihas not been warmly trusted and welcomed by many of US allies anymore. The US needs badly to start a war to deviate their attention on its domestic issues, which the trade war is bringing more pain for consumers and businesses. The excuses set for waging war is to destabilise regional security, drive oil price , and secure more arm sales with middle eastern allies boosting US economy that serves rightly its own interest, unlike interests of others.
Goh Jon Hin
Must have been playing war games on his computer and thought that it was real to tell the world how compassionate he is. How can the US exactly be certain of the number of casualty? Only on PC war games. All made up story by Donald Ducke Trumpet.
Ryszard Ewiak
King Solomon stated: “The king’s heart is in Yahweh’s hand like the watercourses. He turns it wherever he desires.” (Proverbs 21:1, WEB) For now Heaven is holding back the wind of the Third World War. This war, however, is maturing and will be on a very large scale. Moses has already written: “And ships from the direction of Kittim [US Navy], and will afflict Asshur [Russia] and will afflict Eber [remaining enemies, including Iran and China].” (Numbers 24:24a) It will be suicidal mission. This armada will not return home. (Numbers 24:24b)
This time it will be a world war not only by name. The “great sword” will also be used. (Revelation 6:4) Jesus characterized him in this way: “Terrors [φοβητρα] both [τε] and [και] unusual phenomena [σημεια – unusual occurrences, transcending the common course of nature] from [απ] sky [ουρανου] powerful [μεγαλα] will be [εσται].” (Luke 21:11)
Some ancient manuscripts contain the words “and frosts” [και χειμωνες].
The Aramaic Peshitta: “and will be great frosts” [וסתוא רורבא נהוון]. We call this today “nuclear winter”.
In Mark 13:8 there are also words of Jesus: “and disorders” [και ταραχαι] (in the sense of confusion and chaos).
The Aramaic Peshitta: “and confusion” [ושגושיא] (on the state of public order).
There will be also significant tremors, food shortages and epidemics along the length and breadth of the regions as a result of using this weapon.
Jesus presented here a complete picture of the consequences of the global nuclear war. Many try to adapt this detailed picture to the nineteenth or almost the entire twentieth century. Jesus announced: “For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am’; and ‘The appointed time has approached’. Do not follow them.” (Luke 21:8) “For many will come in the name of me, saying: ‘I am the anointed’; and will mislead many.” (Matthew 24:5) Χριστός – משיח, in this context: “anointed”.
But all this, however, could not last more than 100 years! All this was to accompany only this war. Jesus stated: “All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” (Matthew 24:7, 8)
This time it will be a world war not only by name. The “great sword” will also be used. (Revelation 6:4) Jesus characterized him in this way: “Terrors [φοβητρα] both [τε] and [και] unusual phenomena [σημεια – unusual occurrences, transcending the common course of nature] from [απ] sky [ουρανου] powerful [μεγαλα] will be [εσται].” (Luke 21:11)
Some ancient manuscripts contain the words “and frosts” [και χειμωνες].
The Aramaic Peshitta: “and will be great frosts” [וסתוא רורבא נהוון]. We call this today “nuclear winter”.
In Mark 13:8 there are also words of Jesus: “and disorders” [και ταραχαι] (in the sense of confusion and chaos).
The Aramaic Peshitta: “and confusion” [ושגושיא] (on the state of public order).
There will be also significant tremors, food shortages and epidemics along the length and breadth of the regions as a result of using this weapon.
Jesus presented here a complete picture of the consequences of the global nuclear war. Many try to adapt this detailed picture to the nineteenth or almost the entire twentieth century. Jesus announced: “For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am’; and ‘The appointed time has approached’. Do not follow them.” (Luke 21:8) “For many will come in the name of me, saying: ‘I am the anointed’; and will mislead many.” (Matthew 24:5) Χριστός – משיח, in this context: “anointed”.
But all this, however, could not last more than 100 years! All this was to accompany only this war. Jesus stated: “All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” (Matthew 24:7, 8)
Amtb Lim
USA is sunsetting, if Trump starts the war, very likely his carrier(s) will be destroy by the Iranian.
Although Iranian will suffer more but the moment US carrier sink, it is the end of US evil empiricism.
Devil Trump will get Israel to attack Iran but the risk is equally high, Iranian will just seal the strait.
There is no winning card for trump, he is just bullying as he is stuck now now.
Although Iranian will suffer more but the moment US carrier sink, it is the end of US evil empiricism.
Devil Trump will get Israel to attack Iran but the risk is equally high, Iranian will just seal the strait.
There is no winning card for trump, he is just bullying as he is stuck now now.
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