Wednesday, June 26, 2019

1.7 million Singaporeans to receive S$1 billion in GST Vouchers and MediSave top-ups

 (Updated: )

Tan Kok Tim
The learned, rich, powerful and with tummy full will continue to champion social ideals for the lower income group, and will ask the Govt to give them more.

They themselves do not get the GSTV rebates for sure, but their golden heart want more for others. And that is not a bad thing.

However, will they put their money where the mouth is?

Will they ask the Govt to impose an additional 3% GST on all retail purchases for every item with retail price exceeding S$1000?
Danny Lum
(1) 2 tier GST is cumbersome to administer, high cost to administer and can subject to abuse.

(2) Eg. a ;aptop cost $1,300 - and will have attract 10% GST instead of 7% GST.

(3) The shopkeeper will tell the customer - if you buy your laptop as one set $1,300 - you will have to pay the 10% GST.

(4) But if you buy your laptop at $999 and labor, harddisk and laptop bags at $301 - with 2 invoices - you will pay 7% GST for the 2 invoices.
This abuse of the GST is hard to detect, hard to administer and is lawful --- and it defeat the 2 tier GST.
Tan Kok Tim
Danny Lum Good diea. like buying a car, the bills come in 20 sheets, one for steering wheel, four seprate wheels, engine, aircon, battery, seats, radio...truly clever to cheat.
Danny Lum
Tan Kok Tim -
(1) Ya, I have thought of this - but never pen it down.
(2) You have put down my thoughts into this post.
Tan Kok Tim
Danny Lum Make if an offence to break bills more than one bill when the goods are taken out on purchase as one whole assembed unit. Caught, the GST fines will be doubled the GST amount payable. Both buyer and seller have to pay double fines.
Danny Lum
Tan Kok Tim
(1) The administration of this will be hellish.
(2) The assessment is that --- the cost of administration, enforcement, detection etc will be more than the cost of GST collection.

Imagine there are billions of items to monitor?

(3) Skillfuture courses have so much difficulties to administer, monitor and detect for abuse.
GST abuse will be far worst - and the GST collection will not meet the fiscal objectives --- and in turn, more GST increase will be needed to make up for the shortfall.
IamTony Kt
Danny Lum dear sir.. Why keep aiming the learned the rich and the powerful?

The studied to be learned. They became rich becoz they worked.. And become powerful becoz they took their oppty.

We all are Singapore citizens. We are given same platform.. Same sch syllabus and options to make money. Those who took their chances are where they are now. Those who didnt are complaining.
Tan Kok Tim
Danny Lum Why monitor. Prosecute some to teach the rest. Have heavy fines or even jail sentence as deterrence to those who go against the GST laws. Some have been prosecuted before. Policing the GST. Who is policiing or not not policiing in the present GST system. There are crooks in the present system. When caught, they pay big fines.
Tan Kok Tim
For the additional 3% suggestion, fine heavily both, the buyer and seller in cahoot to cheat GST.
Danny Lum
Tan Kok Tim -
(1) Skillfuture offenders have been prosecuted - and yet the abuse still go on.

(2) 2 tier GST is flaw and it won't achieve the fiscal objectives.

(3) Breaking the invoices into 2 or more is not an offense under the Commercial law.

You can't stop merchant and customer - to buy goods in parts.

(4) Foreign business can sue or file a complain against the Government in WTO - for breaking the commercial law.

Danny Lum
IamTony Kt -
(1) The Economy provide the platform and support to all people in a fair manner to do well economically.

(2) Some people do well whereas some will fall behind.

(3) I don't think the Government is trying to penalise those who do better under the Capitalist System.

(4) But there is a Compassion part of the Society - where those who do well should help the lesser indulge and those who have fall behind --- under the "Socialist scheme".

(5) Because those who are unable to do well - will pull down the rest - and the whole Society suffer.

(6) There are scheme to ensure "Distribution of wealth" - where the rich pay a bit more, whereas the poorer will get more help to level up --- so that an elongated pyramid (social inequality) will not cause a big problem to the Society - like what is happening in US, Europe and elsewhere.

(7) But the 2-tier GST is flaw - as it can be subjected to abuse and the administrative cost to monitor, detect, enforce, prosecute, court cost etc will too high - and will defeat the GST collection. A court case cause ten of thousand of dollars - and even if triple the fines - cannot even cover a fraction of the Court cost.

GST voucher, progressive tax, and other welfare programme - to ensure redistribution of wealth to help the less well off --- will be more targetted and of better help.
Cw Ang
Why not just fund my medisave?
Tan Kok Tim
The learned, rich, powerful and with tummy full will continue to champion social ideals for the lower income group, and will ask the Govt to give them more.

They themselves do not get the GSTV rebates for sure, but their golden heart want more for others. And that is not a bad thing.

However, will they put their money where the mouth is?

Will they ask the Govt to impose an additional 3% GST on all retail purchases for every item with retail price exceeding S$1000?
Danny Lum
(1) 2 tier GST is cumbersome to administer, high cost to administer and can subject to abuse.

(2) Eg. a ;aptop cost $1,300 - and will have attract 10% GST instead of 7% GST.

(3) The shopkeeper will tell the customer - if you buy your laptop as one set $1,300 - you will have to pay the 10% GST.

(4) But if you buy your laptop at $999 and labor, harddisk and laptop bags at $301 - with 2 invoices - you will pay 7% GST for the 2 invoices.
This abuse of the GST is hard to detect, hard to administer and is lawful --- and it defeat the 2 tier GST.
Tan Kok Tim
Danny Lum Write it into the GST law what are against the law. Collusion by buyeer and seller to cheat on GST, make it a serious offence, write into the GST laws.

Danny Lum
Tan Kok Tim -

(1) The Global Supply Chain, the World trade system and the whole World Commerce - is buying and selling of raw materials, parts, semi-finished goods, etc.

(2) The Commercial Law and International Law of Commerce - govern this.

(3) Singapore cannot enact a law - to break the commercial law and the international law.

(4) Else WTO can prosecute us, and foreign business will stop trading with us.
Our Courts will deem the law as inadmissable - as it break the commerce law and international law - as it break the whole ethos and backbone of the Mercantile law and Commerce Law.

(5) It end up that Singapore trade will break.

(6) Also the 2-tier GST is bias and penalise those goods and services that is $1,000 and above - that will skew Singapore Economy and industries --- which doesn't make sense.

(7) Thus the 2-tier GST is flaw - and Government will have an obvious good reason not to take it up.

(8) And how do you stop people from ordering a $1,000 meal into 2 parts - $900 for a main course and $100 for dessert?

And how do you stop people from getting his wife to buy the wheels, his son to buy the engine, his friends to buy the car chassis and the last person to buy the labor to assemble it into a car?

We can't implement a flaw tax system - and cause alot of problem later.

(9) I stop my discussion here - as the reasons have been thoroughly debated.
Eddie Lim
I would to thank the Govt for the GST vouchers, comes in really handy for poor people like me. Thx, cheers! :)
Freddie Tan
Dont be too happy. Next month ERP go up. Utility bill will follow suit. Your $300 not enough to cover these increases
Eddie Lim
Freddie Tan better than some other govt who only take but not give right?
Ong Ch
Hopefully I will get 2.
Gratitude 🙏
Sebastian Png
Same old tactics ,election coming?
Othman Ahmad
Just take and Go
Eddy Khong
So much medisave top-up please give CASH instead👍
Foong Mun Loh
deliberately keeping a nation on handouts to win votes.........but hey, the DumbFarks are falling for it, right ?
Richard Hurts
Give chicken wing, take back whole chicken. Thanks?
Andy Yeo
9% GST is coming soon!
Onh Ong
The ministers so much pay do they get the $300 give it to the poor elderly
Georgie Tan
Freddie Tan
Whether the Govt give or not, price will still go up if it has to go up.
George Lim
Yes, it's clearly pre elections time. Once in 5 years.

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