Tuesday, June 18, 2019

China warns US against opening Mideast 'Pandora's box'
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/china-warns-us-against-opening-mideast-pandora-s-box-11637190

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Trump rescind of Iran nuclear deal - is one of the many strategic mis-step that have cause global problem - in fostering unnecessary tension and cause global economic hardship.

(2) Trump tariff trade war - is other strategic mis-step that has cause global economic destruction by derailing the global supply chain and trade.

(3) Trump rescinding of Paris Climate Agreement - has cause the derail of global warming initiative - causing havoc to the Global warming.
George Lim
Don't think like the liberals.thats fatal.

Danny Lum
George Lim -

(1) Trump and Trump administration are the most fatal to the World.

(2) The faster they leave the political scene the better.

(3) Because they are the sure bet - to cause global economic destruction and the one that will sow the seeds for major conflict and confrontation.

(4) WW1 and WW2 have plenty of such examples.
Ryszard Ewiak
For now we can sleep in peace. Jesus said: "You are going to hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, because these things must take place, but the end (τελος - also means: fulfillment) is not yet." (Matthew 24:6, HCSB)

The global nuclear war, (this will be the fulfillment of the sign of Jesus), will start with an ethnic conflict: "For nation will rise against nation", like as in 2008 in Georgia. (Matthew 24:7)

This time it will be a world war not only by name. The "great sword" will also be used. (Revelation 6:4) Jesus characterized him in this way: "Terrors [φοβητρα] both [τε] and [και] unusual phenomena [σημεια - unusual occurrences, transcending the common course of nature] from [απ] sky [ουρανου] powerful [μεγαλα] will be [εσται]." (Luke 21:11)

Some ancient manuscripts contain the words "and frosts" [και χειμωνες].
The Aramaic Peshitta: "and will be great frosts" [וסתוא רורבא נהוון]. We call this today "nuclear winter".

In Mark 13:8 there are also words of Jesus: "and disorders" [και ταραχαι] (in the sense of confusion and chaos).
The Aramaic Peshitta: "and confusion" [ושגושיא] (on the state of public order).

There will be also significant tremors, food shortages and epidemics along the length and breadth of the regions as a result of using this weapon.

Jesus presented here a complete picture of the consequences of the global nuclear war. I hope that President Donald Trump does not accelerate this war.
Guna Shekeran Vijayan
Another troll.
Xian Lian Zeng
You certainly talk with certainty.
You don't blush, do you?
"Science is what we know. Philosophy is what we don't know.
Between the two... lies (sic) religion. - Bertrand Russell.

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