Saturday, June 15, 2019

In full: DPM Heng Swee Keat's speech at the REACH-CNA dialogue

 (Updated: )
Danny Lum
(1) What I hope to achieve for this feedback is - Securing a good job for Singaporeans - ensure income security for the entire household.

(2) Thus, I will like to pursue the track :-
"Harnessing technology to ensure social mobility and help to secure good job for Singaporeans":-
(i) Help retrenched mature PMETs to get jobs, retrain if skillsets is obsolete due to business transformation.

(ii) Help young PMETs to get jobs relevant to their trained skillsets.

(3) Background :-
- With advent of disruptive tech and business transformation - some mature PMETs' jobs got disrupted and lose their jobs.
This will greatly impact their household income - as many could be the sole breadwinner.

- Some young graduates from ITE, Polytechnics and Universities may have problem securing jobs after graduation that commensurate with the specialised skills they are trained in.

- There are programmes, career fairs, skillfuture (to help train PMETs), apprenticeships, train-and-placement, internships, job trial and placement etc --- that are helpful to help PMETs find and secure jobs.

- But notice that despite all the above help, there are still some PMETs who fall through the crack and still unable to secure jobs.

- Thus I will like to suggest a "career tracking mechanism" - to track those PMETs "from cradle to grave" - harnessing technologies - employing techniques such as personal dashboard, employ big data, data analytics and AI to help PMETs to match training course, match job and secure jobs, assign a "career coach or career consultant or career psychologist" attach to each individual, income source, manage their income etc.

Suggested solutions :-
(1) Create a "Personal career tracking dashboard" for each retrenched mature PMETs and young PMETs looking for jobs.

(2) Get these retrenched mature PMETs and young PMETs looking for jobs - to register themselves with this dashboard --- so that they can login periodically to manage their career - such as job search, attend training, plan their career training and job search, availability of adhoc jobs, freelance or temp jobs - so that they can earn some income if they run out of cashflow - to tie them over etc.

(3) Each personal dashboard will be assign with a career coach or career consultant. However if specialists are needed - career psychologist, adhoc job or temp job specialists could be assign to help individual who need urgent income to help him/her tie over their financial strain --- until a permanent job come along.

(4) The purpose and merits of this career tracking dashboard assigned to individual are :-
- it provide assurance to individual that the Government, working with business enterprise and union - are indeed working together to help individual to secure jobs.

- the dashboard provide information, updates, job sources, training sources, temporary income sources, career coaches etc - to the individual (that their job needs are being looked into, follow up) - systematically.

- individual can also provide feedback and update into his/her dashboard what they have done (eg. they may do their own job search, or may have other income earning source) --- so that right help can be rendered.

- Government will have a good information source - how these PMETs are doing and how the individual household get by ---- so that appropriate policies, assistance and help can be rendered.

- This will give the assurance that individual facing difficulties is look after - and will appreciate initmately that Government do take care of their welfare - "working with them, for them".

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