Saturday, June 29, 2019

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong reaffirms bilateral relations with partners on sidelines of G20 Summit

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
Mr Lee also discussed such a system with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday.
The leaders agreed that the conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership would send a strong signal of commitment to the multilateral trading system amidst US-China trade tensions and protectionism around the world, the spokesperson said.

(1) It reassuring that PM Modi share the same view that concluding the RCEP is most urgent given the global trade tension and protectionism - in which India is also a victim.

(2) Thus India must look at "win-win solution" and many need to "give-and-take" in the opening up of India market in exchange of opening up other RCEP market --- to ensure mutual beneficial outcome.
Some sacrifices will be worth the effort - as the final outcome will benefit all RCEP members in which India is also a part.

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