Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Trump to have 'extended meeting' with Xi at G20 summit
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/trump-to-have-extended-meeting-china-xi-jinping-g20-summit-11638834

18 Jun 2019 10:27PM
Danny Lum
(1) As long as US respect China's "red line" - able to "give and take" - then chances of a trade deal is possible.

(2) Remember the whole World's fate on global trade and global supply chain - is contingent on a good trade deal between US and China.

(3) Hope Trump and China can come to a good sense, a good compromise where both sides can accept - and strike a good enough trade deal - and save the World from a Global recession.
Raymond Chan
Good luck but don't end like the Hanoi and Singapore summit with Kim.
Fiona Linette
We're watching Mr President.
Chee Kong Wong
Finally, Trump blinked first. According to a Chinese newspaper release, it was Trump who call Xi Jinping.

Understandably, Trump is facing a lot of pressure from big US businesses to stop the tariff war with China.

It would affect his hope of a re-election in 2020 if the trade war continues.

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