Monday, June 3, 2019

Singapore needs secure 5G network, but every system will have vulnerabilities: PM Lee

 (Updated: )

Shan Kissdani
Does Singapore CARE more for MONEY than its citizens's HEALTH?

Brussels does not go ahead with 5G, due to health concerns
Plans for a pilot project to provide high-speed 5G wireless internet in Brussels have been halted due to fears for the health of citizens, according to reports. It is impossible to estimate the radiation from the antennas required for the service.

“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not,” Environment minister Céline Fremault (CDH) told Bruzz. “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt,” she added.
Mikey Mikey
Good answer!
Swee Meng Ling
It is not an invalid concern, but it comes too late. They should not have any RF communications, even wifi and Bluetooth. There are no data of absence yet, and shall never be found.
Lam Chian Leong
(1) If you are using your internet via wi-fi - you are already expose to RF (radio frequency) - 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz.

(2) If you are using 4G smartphone to post your comments here - you are already expose to RF.

(3) What is the difference of using 5G - which is also RF?

(4) You are living in the world full of RF around you - wifi, 3G, 4G, 5G, radio, microwave, satellite, IoT using wifi, autonomous using RF etc.

(5) Unless you don't use internet.

(6) Even the TV you watch also emit radiation. Then you should not watch TV. Laptop also cause radiation, then you should not use your computer.

(7) The only safe place that you don't get bombardment from radiation, RF, EMR etc - is to live in a forest (provided that human don't get eaten up by wild animals).

(8) There are no definitive report to say that by using this RF, you will get brain tumor or cancer.

Lam Chian Leong
(1) Conversely, 5G network can bring unprecedented possibilites in many aspect of an Economy - where many industries can tap on the high speed network to deliver eServices that is not possible by a slower 4G network.
Shan Kissdani
Lam Chian Leong According to your rationale, if a girl is raped once, it shouldn't be an issue if she is raped again then?
Yes, 5G can bring many possibilities but at your health's expense and your children's health as well?
Lam Chian Leong
Shan Kissdani -
(1) Can you read the whole text all over again?

(2) Then why you use laptop, smartphone to access internet, watch TV if you are so afraid of radiation? No on force you to used. You must as well live in the jungle.

(3) Nobody force you to use 4G or 5G. If you are so afraid, then don't even touch internet - because the gadget you use harm your health. You cannot stop the Country for implementing 5G - because there this are survival for Country to be able to compete effectively in this growing uncertain world.

(4) Then you must as well don't work - because in every company everyone is using 4G, 5G, internet, computers. 

(5) So your argument got logic or not?
Ben Tao
Since everything is the same on Security issue, then, the 5G to select is based on Quality,TECHNOLOGY SUPERIORITY, and Price. IT IS OBVIOUS, what system should be selected. Malaysia already uses China Technology for the past 40 years throughout in power and Telecommunication Network and know its reliability, quality and technical support services with technology knowhow transfer, so Malaysia, can manufacture all those systems themselves. Malaysia too become self reliance, through China transfer of Technology. Huawei 5G technology is being now gearing up in Malaysia.
Rick Tan
Huawei was established in 1987 and they're only about 30 years old. How can Malaysia used China technology for 40 years .
Besides they don't have 1G ,2G and 3G products.
4G only come around 2014.
Mikey Mikey
As 5G is overly invasive, please focus on the physiological and psychological aspects as they harm the citizens' well beings. Result is abundance of autistic kids, cancer ridden elderly and other strange ailments. Do pay attention to the health consequences.
Eddie Lim
whether is from china or US or anywhere, as long its reliable 5G, we sg will buy..... but why dont local clever grads produce 5G? whats all the A* for? :)
Rick Tan
High tech countries like Japan and US are not producing telecommunication products like 5G because it's not profitable and require big amount of R & D.
Giants like Ericsson and Nokia are not spared. Huawei is different because the government gave them billions to survive.
Eddie Lim
Rick Tan though China has lent over US$20trillions to US and still lending, that doesn't mean China has to give billions to Huawei to develop 5G. Infact, its huawei and other big and small companies in china collectively give China govt all the money that they are able to lend so much money to US and other countries.
Swee Meng Ling
Rick Tan
I dun think it is the money from the government. It is like Creative Sim said the cost of an China engineer that can rival the world is so cheap, check how much the engineer and our university lecturers cost. Easily 5 to 10 times of a China engineer, and also work so much longer hours. Bare in mind that the population of people inside China universities is more than the whole of Australia, and unlike the west that like to soft subjects, majority take STEM in China so to make a living.
Swee Meng Ling
so you can see that the disadvantages are all self imposed
Rick Tan
Eddie Lim China bought only USD1.2 trillion on US treasury note. And they're selling about 10 billion recently due to short of USD domestically. It's not 20 trillions as what you said. The 1.2 trillion is less than 6% of US external debt.
Eddie Lim
Rick Tan if u r not embarrass, your Chinese ancestors in the other world are ok becos of u while facing other Chinese ancestors... and those also who have surname tan are embarrassed by u too, u sure u r Chinese? Lol 😁
Long See Hooi
PM from Spore as usual is a two timer - does not wish to antogonize the US anf China, playing the middle ground. We call this coward. I salute Malaysian PM frankness and strong opinion in this aspect.
Kok Chee Seong
Malaysian PM Mahatir is extremely hateful of Western and Jews. That's why he support China from being abused by USA
Chansim Lim
Makysia need to say something to support else they will be asked to pay for the undelivered project. That's normal. How you know Dr. M will finally select Huawei? He is supposely to handover his job. Say something without actually delivered it is his strong area!
Ong Ch
Not only is he Frank, he also know who not to bully, big and small, he know Oso. Lol
Rick Tan
Chansim Lim sad to say it's not what you want now. The problem is the supplier can't deliver due to US sanction.
Ong Ch
Malaysia had no good reason to reject Huawei given its financial situation.
Chansim Lim
Thats right. You are right on the dot.
Tony Gan
Yes...and you want a smart city ? In conflict of future..that to not necessarily amount to outright war....the smart cities will be crippled ! In setting direction...your father generation alway demand that implementation must be practical..cost effective...productive....Under your seems that...there is competition just to spend...billions and billions...jellwery at changi...1.74 billion...maintenance ? Travellers not coming to changi just to admire...changi...but you are raising changi business cost...and making..changi less attractive !
Roland Tan
I doubt 5G is bad for human. Since the early days of evolutions, humankind already subject to all kinds of radiation - cosmic, uv, infr red, all kinds of energy fields from inside and outside planet earth. Human creations of bluetooth, wifi, radiowaves, microwaves are all having side effects on our bodies just like all drugs good for curing various illnesses are also having side effects. Who knows, maybe 5G turn out to be the energy fields good for human existence. So, its too early to pinpoint 5G or future 10G as being the devil human beings must alienate from. To suppress Huawei, all kinds of bad devilish pictures can be painted just like what happened to Toshiba when they were in the tech lead in the eighties.

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