Sunday, June 16, 2019

India to impose retaliatory tariffs on 28 US goods from Sunday

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Trump trade war with so many of his trading partners like Mexico, EU, China, India, Japan, Canada etc - will cause the Global Supply Chain, trade, business, investment to shift away from US.

(2) US business and consumers will be the biggest loser - when the World comprise of US$62 trillion GDP - shift its trade, business, investment focus away from US market of US$19 trillion.

(3) The World should focus on more multi-lateral deals to ramp up, enhance or conclude more multi-lateral deals to cushion the impact from US anti-trade policy and form new Global Supply Chain, trade market and investment market eg.
- RCEP - to conclude by this year
- CPTPP - to invite more members to join this deal
- BRI - to ramp up and get more buy in from Countries for infra development and beef up trade.
Joseph Convergence
Now India and USA trade war...sooner than soon, the whole globe will be $$inflated.
Is it going to be scary?

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