(Updated: )

Danny Lum
Trump's Democratic rivals say Iran's actions were entirely predictable once Trump withdrew from the nuclear accord, with which UN inspectors say Tehran was complying.
"We're saying to Iran - we negotiated, you agreed, but we're breaking the deal and now we want to negotiate again," said Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley.
"People don't tend to want to negotiate with folks who have broken the previous deal," he said on the Senate floor, warning that "we stand on the precipice of potential war."
(1) This will teach Trump an expensive lesson - for dishonoring international agreement - a heavy price to pay --- a possible showdown, a confrontation or even a war.
(2) Now Trump got to face the consequences - that he does not want ---- when if honoring the agreement will not pose any problem.
"We're saying to Iran - we negotiated, you agreed, but we're breaking the deal and now we want to negotiate again," said Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley.
"People don't tend to want to negotiate with folks who have broken the previous deal," he said on the Senate floor, warning that "we stand on the precipice of potential war."
(1) This will teach Trump an expensive lesson - for dishonoring international agreement - a heavy price to pay --- a possible showdown, a confrontation or even a war.
(2) Now Trump got to face the consequences - that he does not want ---- when if honoring the agreement will not pose any problem.
Petjay Catarbas
US came half way across the globe to the Middle East to ask for a fight again. A crisis will unite the people. Trump needs a crisis for his reelection. He doesn't give a shxx to anything else.
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