Thursday, June 20, 2019

Commentary: The US-China contest is a race towards 5G domination

A report for the Pentagon warns that the US is behind in developing the latest technology and in setting global standards for 5G, the Financial Times' Henny Sender points out.
 (Updated: )
Danny Lum
(1) This article lay out the fact that indeed US has lose its edge in 5G technology - due to under-investment in new technologies.

(2) As a result, the whole eco-system, apps, software, IoT, etc will be developed around 5G and China will overtake US.

(3) This is the real reason why Trump and his gang - are so eager to cripple Huawei.

(4) But with extreme pressure, China will be more determined to surge ahead by pumping in more investment - and soon will be able to compete with US tech-by-tech, parts-by-parts.

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