Sunday, June 30, 2019

Ng Eng Hen confident that technical glitches in F-35 fighter jet ‘will be solved’ before delivery to Singapore

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Interesting that some people here say that Singapore don't need an expensive toy like F35.

(2) Some people say that F35 is an inferior plane - not good enough to do combat.

(3) The truth is, more and more airforce in many developed Countries are replacing their 4G fighter with better maneouverability with 5G stealth planes.

(4) Reason being 4G fighters will face a very potent threat from advanced SAMs.

(5) 5G stealth planes notably F22s and F35s - can overcome advanced SAMs undetected.
F22 RCS (Radar Cross Section) = 0.0001

F35 RCS (Radar Cross Section) = 0.005

Both cannot be track, lock by radar and missiles.
They only occur as blip on and off on the radar.
No other similar stealth planes can achieve such RCS - the closet RCS is 0.1 ---- which can be track, lock and shoot down by radar and missiles.

(6) F35 in addition is highly upgradeable (because it is upgradeable via software module) as compare to F22 which is (hard-wired).

(7) F35 is a "game-changer" whereas F22 is not (though it is more maneouverable than F35).
- F35 can deploy drones that fly alongside it - and is an extended arms of F35. No unmanned drones can execute and win a battle without human brain - who can make the final decision to win the battle.

- F35 have advanced sensor and superior secure datalink for communication and can aggregate the whole Airforce, Naval and Armed forces asset into 1 unified firepower to take out the enemies air, ground and naval forces.

- F35 have MDF (Mission Data Files) - that can sense, learn, aggregate, organised, proposed battle plan and engagement --- on every aspect of enemies assets, capabilities, forces etc - and attack them with precision and game-changing strikes.

- F35s maintenance cost is much lower than F22 - that is why US have stopped production of F22 as it burn a big hole in US budget.

- F35s are using composite fiber and to make it more stealth - coated with stealth coat paint. F22s are using aluminium coated with stealth coat paint. Every sortie, F22 need to be re-coated with the stealth paint - else no longer stealth. 
For F35s if run out of stealth coat paint, it is still a stealth.

(F22 and other 5G stealth planes --- can't do what the F35s do).

Danny Lum
(1) This shows that many people have very little knowledge about the F35s, its capabilites and what it can do and what threat Singapore face - to bolster RSAF strength - and yet want to interfere in RSAF procurement.

(2) 孙子兵法 ------ 三“不知” 的败笔 :-





The Suntze Art of War - "3 don't know" that cause military failures :-

(1) 1st don't know -- don't know the army cannot proceed - you force it to proceed.
don't know the army cannot retreat - you force it to retreat.

(2) 2nd don't know -- don't know how to plan, manage, run army affairs - but want to interfere in army affairs.

(3) 3rd don't know -- don't know how best to execute and achieve army missions - but want to interfere in the appointment of army generals, buying of military assets, training of army troops etc

--- all these 3 "don't know" ---- will lead to fatal military failures.
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Danny Lum
(1) It is very significant that Israel, US, UK fly their F35s into Syria - because Syria is the most heavily defended air space by multi-layer SAMs - older SAMs, S300, S400 (design to detect and shoot stealth). All the radars and missiles cannot detect the F35s that fly in and out to track and shoot the ISIS in Syria.

(2) Israel, US, UK don't fly their 4G planes into Syria airspace (eg. F15, F16, Eurofighter or even drones) - because they will be shot down by the advanced SAMs.

(3) Indeed one Israel F16 was shot down by the older SAM.

(4) Even AWAC that collect info. 400 Km away (effective operating range) will be threaten by S400.

(5) Without F35 stealth plane - the West practically has no air cover, not even talking about air superiority --- Syria airspace will become a "no-fly zone" by default.
And the West will be blind "on the battlefie;d" --- as even AWACs or drone cannot even operate to collect info.

(6) Thus, US is thinking of decommissioning its F16s and even F15s (relying solely on F22s and F35s) as their mainstay fighter.
F35s double up as AWACs (not F22).

Danny Lum
(1) So those people who have disillushioned about the F35s --- stop interfering into Mindef procurement.

(2) Else people can enforce a no fly zone --- and we will be run over by numerical superior ground force - invaded and defeated !

Richard Siow
oh.. there goes a chunk of GST% to be raise in coming years.
Winston Ling
oh wow, so lets hear you propose an alternative, then we will see haters respond to that choice again.
every damn 5th generation plane will be critcised.
too expenisve! or will be outdated by 2030 when its here, and useless.
Raymond Chan
One F35 can buy one Comunnication Disease hospital. One F35 can build two NTU cultural centres.
Winston Ling
and Japan is buying like 100 of it?

Singapore is merely getting 2 to evaluate first, and it has to replace 60 F-16, even so they might not replace all 60 with F-35.
it is possible they may have a mix of maybe 30 F-35 and have the other 30 F-16, upgraded to F-16V models. and have the F-15SG also.
i wonder why so many ppl are making a big issue about Singapore's decision to buy F-35 when its still in the evaluation stage and the cost of the plane will drop over time, its already cheaper than before, and after Japan and Australia, Korea get their share, the cost of F-35 will have dropped further.
Paul Tan
Why about the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Games spent about 385 millions?
Eng Hong Ong
I was reading an article saying F35 needs a source code unlock daily (except UK) otherwise rendering the plane useless..

How true is this?
Poi Pat
No problem. Mr Ng will unlock it everyday once US delivers the plane. Since there is no war and no enemy, Mr Ng has plenty of time to play with this expensive toy everyday.
Winston Ling
Poi Pat sure lets save money and not buy this "Expensive" toy in 2019, i am sure when we need it in 2030 or when the price drop, we can just order 40 of it from amazon, and it will appear before the war comes, in a few months, assuming our pilots all know how to use it from the PC game. Why not you suggest an alternative for the F-16, for 2030. cos from what i can see among the fifth generation fighters list most of them are above 50mil per unit and its far from tested as much as the F-35.
at least by the time we use the F-35, japan will have 100 of it, Australia and Korea will have fleets of it, where we can learn how to use/service it, and know the history of problems, compared to another model which is cheaper but less tested in real world.
Poi Pat
Winston Ling Recession is coming and yet Mindef spending like there is no tomorrow. They keep using national reserves unnecessary yet keep on increasing gas and electricity prices.
Brian Soh
Poi Pat Can you list us ONE reason why you are safely typing your replies in here?

If there's budget allocated for our defence spending and is spent within the limit, I don't see why a 5th Gen Fighter squad shouldn't be in the RSAF. It's still better than Malaysia who is stuck with their non-servicable squadrons and it is dangerous for any country to be without air-cover. Troops on the ground will be compromised and losses definitely.

Can you still type peacefully under such conditions?

Or are you so concerned about the electrical and gas increases (July - Sept) that you overlooked and overreacted to these bigger issues on hand?
Winston Ling
Right now any fighter plane NEWER than the F-16 is going to be hell of an expensive price, for planes like 4.5 generation, like Eurofighter etc, those planes will be outdated by 2030 when they arrives, and the new replacement is expected to be in service for over 20 years until 2050, can you image like the Su-35 or Typhoon, Rafale in 2030? as for planes like japan's X-2, Russian Su-57 etc are far from being in the stage of mass productions, with only a few prototypes. even China's J-20 is only like 28 delivered in China as of 2018. not that China is even willing to export its tech, even if theSee More
Jim Tan
How stupid can one be to buy a broken system
Brian Soh
Smart one, care to share what's unbroken and better buy?
Jm Chow
Ng's confidence (the flaws in the F-35 could be solved).... is not misplaced.
The F-35 technical and design flaws have plagued its buyers until now...... since the F-35 was delivered a decade ago.

The F-35 is still very much a 'lemon'...far from being combat ready....
Good example...the US has to deploy the F-22 raptor to face Iran ..Not the F-35. Why ?

The Pentagon and the US generals know that the F-35 will be a a real war.
Singapore don't have a fleet of F-22 as an alternative (if we bought the F-35)
Paul Tan
The future is in the drone technology not F35. 5 years down the road cheap drones could easily take down the F35.
Brian Soh
I don't rule out drone technology. The fact is both squads operate differently and complementing each other. One can't put all eggs into one basket and assume it will work.

There are already plans to fly fighters and bombers with the pilot onboard...aka remotely. Then again, it will not be the best deal as situational awareness is dropped much. Too many factors to consider.
Petjay Catarbas
Is such expensive jets really needed? Are there cheaper alternatives that can still meet the needs of SG defense? What's the regional threats that SG need to have F35? Will it be too costly to fly and service that eventually they'll be white ele on the ground? It's tax payers money.
Brian Soh
And you are based in NY? Or so says your FB profile. Get real...
Petjay Catarbas
Brian Soh, we are global citizen. Just sharing my thoughts.

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