(Updated: )
Raneir Fohnob
Yes dont go US
Lam Chian Leong
(1) 1.8 million Chinese tourists visited America and spent a whopping $21.1 billion a year.
(2) 300,000 Chinese students spend US$9.8 billion a year to US economy.
(3) Let see whether Trump want to escalate his 3xStrike Economic war (Trade, Tech, Talent) on China --- and see how much China can burnt US economy.
(2) 300,000 Chinese students spend US$9.8 billion a year to US economy.
(3) Let see whether Trump want to escalate his 3xStrike Economic war (Trade, Tech, Talent) on China --- and see how much China can burnt US economy.
Lam Chian Leong
(1) Trump is waging economic war with China in 3 fronts :-
- Trade tariff war
- Technology war
- Talent war
(but using kamikazee - "suicide mission" - that harm self to hurt others)
(2) Trump tariff trade war to harm China exporters and production chain --- in fact hurt :-
- US consumers (who will be paying higher price)
- US production plants who depends on China's input - resulting in higher material, semi-assembled goods, components, parts - that eat into their profit
- US importers that buy at higher price
(3) Trump technology war on Huawei - is hurting :-
- US chipmaker eg. Intel, Qualcomm, Broadcom, etc
- US software companies eg. Google, Microsoft etc
(4) Trump talent war - by curbing China students, scientists etc
- is hurting US Universities who are depending on foreign students to fund their Universities (who are full paying students)
- is hurting US travel, accomodation industries - as it discourage China people from travelling into US.
(5) So Trump - Trade, Technology, Talent war with China --- is in effect a Lose-Lose-Lose Outcome.
US lose. China lose. World lose.
- Trade tariff war
- Technology war
- Talent war
(but using kamikazee - "suicide mission" - that harm self to hurt others)
(2) Trump tariff trade war to harm China exporters and production chain --- in fact hurt :-
- US consumers (who will be paying higher price)
- US production plants who depends on China's input - resulting in higher material, semi-assembled goods, components, parts - that eat into their profit
- US importers that buy at higher price
(3) Trump technology war on Huawei - is hurting :-
- US chipmaker eg. Intel, Qualcomm, Broadcom, etc
- US software companies eg. Google, Microsoft etc
(4) Trump talent war - by curbing China students, scientists etc
- is hurting US Universities who are depending on foreign students to fund their Universities (who are full paying students)
- is hurting US travel, accomodation industries - as it discourage China people from travelling into US.
(5) So Trump - Trade, Technology, Talent war with China --- is in effect a Lose-Lose-Lose Outcome.
US lose. China lose. World lose.
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Lam Chian Leong
Raneir Fohnob -
(1) I am not writing a thesis or dissertation to quote citation.
(2) It is from your washington source.
(3) But if you do a simple calculation - it is not too far from the truth.
(4) Eg. 300,000 students spend about US$30,000 a year - is about US$9.8 billion a year and for 3 years about US$30 billion.
(5) 2 million China visitors spend about $10,000 a year - about US$21.1 billion.
(1) I am not writing a thesis or dissertation to quote citation.
(2) It is from your washington source.
(3) But if you do a simple calculation - it is not too far from the truth.
(4) Eg. 300,000 students spend about US$30,000 a year - is about US$9.8 billion a year and for 3 years about US$30 billion.
(5) 2 million China visitors spend about $10,000 a year - about US$21.1 billion.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Raneir Fohnob
Lam Chian Leong
From MY washingtom source.which one?
Also even if All of them do not go to US, thats only a few billions. US GDP is trillions. Small potatoes
From MY washingtom source.which one?
Also even if All of them do not go to US, thats only a few billions. US GDP is trillions. Small potatoes
Lam Chian Leong
Raneir Fohnob -
I just pick the figures up from the Google search. (don't know which one) - but the calculation prove not too far from the truth.
(1) US GDP is US$19 trillion - but the public debt is US$23 trillion.
A large part of the debt is finance by external creditors eg. China US$1.3 trillion, Japan US$1 trillion plus many other Countries.
US need to pay high interest to all the external creditors - and a large part of US wealth flow out of US Economy.
(2) China GDP is US$13 trillion - and its public debt is US$5 trillion.
Most of its debt are finance by internal creditors. This means the debt is domestic debt - and don't flow out of the Economy.
(3) Trump do a huge tax cut and use large debt to finance its economy - the moment creditors start selling US Treasury Bill and no longer hold US$ - US economy will implode.
(4) This will accelerate when Trump launch a big trade war against all its trading partners --- and the trading partners will start to look elsewhere for trade instead of trading with US.
(5) When this happen, the incentive for Countries to hold US$ will be dampen - and more Countries will hold yuan, yen and Euro - if the trade increase with these Countries.
(6) Then US$ will plummet, US Economy will plummet as creditors no longer want to buy US Treasury Bill and hold US$. Countries not trading so much with US will also stop holding US$.
(7) As US public debt increase but no external creditors want to lend it money, if US try to print money through quantitative easing to repay its mammoth debt ---- then US$ value will become like banana money (worthless like Venezuela).
(8) No Monetary Institutions in the World such as IMF, World Bank, ADB etc is able to bail US out from bankruptcy by lending to US to settle its US$23 trillion public debt plus annual debt interest of US$170 billion a year. (Source :- US Debt Clock)
(9) Trump is plundering US Economy ----- in case you are still very proud of him.
I just pick the figures up from the Google search. (don't know which one) - but the calculation prove not too far from the truth.
(1) US GDP is US$19 trillion - but the public debt is US$23 trillion.
A large part of the debt is finance by external creditors eg. China US$1.3 trillion, Japan US$1 trillion plus many other Countries.
US need to pay high interest to all the external creditors - and a large part of US wealth flow out of US Economy.
(2) China GDP is US$13 trillion - and its public debt is US$5 trillion.
Most of its debt are finance by internal creditors. This means the debt is domestic debt - and don't flow out of the Economy.
(3) Trump do a huge tax cut and use large debt to finance its economy - the moment creditors start selling US Treasury Bill and no longer hold US$ - US economy will implode.
(4) This will accelerate when Trump launch a big trade war against all its trading partners --- and the trading partners will start to look elsewhere for trade instead of trading with US.
(5) When this happen, the incentive for Countries to hold US$ will be dampen - and more Countries will hold yuan, yen and Euro - if the trade increase with these Countries.
(6) Then US$ will plummet, US Economy will plummet as creditors no longer want to buy US Treasury Bill and hold US$. Countries not trading so much with US will also stop holding US$.
(7) As US public debt increase but no external creditors want to lend it money, if US try to print money through quantitative easing to repay its mammoth debt ---- then US$ value will become like banana money (worthless like Venezuela).
(8) No Monetary Institutions in the World such as IMF, World Bank, ADB etc is able to bail US out from bankruptcy by lending to US to settle its US$23 trillion public debt plus annual debt interest of US$170 billion a year. (Source :- US Debt Clock)
(9) Trump is plundering US Economy ----- in case you are still very proud of him.
Lam Chian Leong
(1) And in case you dispute the above analysis :- check the offical source about US economy.
(2) The odds of a US recession by next year have increased sharply, with mounting protectionism continuing to pose the greatest economic threat, according to a business economic survey.
Increased trade protectionism is considered the primary downside risk to growth by a majority of respondents, followed by financial market strains and a global growth slowdown.
The panelists put the odds at 60 per cent for a US recession before the end of 2020.
(3) Source :- AFP
(4) In time for Trump election or expulsion ... lol
(2) The odds of a US recession by next year have increased sharply, with mounting protectionism continuing to pose the greatest economic threat, according to a business economic survey.
Increased trade protectionism is considered the primary downside risk to growth by a majority of respondents, followed by financial market strains and a global growth slowdown.
The panelists put the odds at 60 per cent for a US recession before the end of 2020.
(3) Source :- AFP
(4) In time for Trump election or expulsion ... lol
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited

Lam Chian Leong
Raneir Fohnob -
(1) US don't pay back debt?
(2) Do you know that US Treasury Bill can be bought or sold in the market?
(3) China already sold off hundred over billions of US dollars.
(4) And you say US treasury don't pay back debt? Then all your US commercial banks such as BOA, Citigroup, AIG, Big US conglomerates like Microsoft, Google, Amazon etc will collapse - because they also hold more than half of US$23 trillion US Treasury Bill.
(5) US Economy will go bankrupt like Venezuela.
(1) US don't pay back debt?
(2) Do you know that US Treasury Bill can be bought or sold in the market?
(3) China already sold off hundred over billions of US dollars.
(4) And you say US treasury don't pay back debt? Then all your US commercial banks such as BOA, Citigroup, AIG, Big US conglomerates like Microsoft, Google, Amazon etc will collapse - because they also hold more than half of US$23 trillion US Treasury Bill.
(5) US Economy will go bankrupt like Venezuela.
Like · Reply · 1m
Lam Chian Leong
Raneir Fohnob -
(1) During Obama time when US are hit by the sub-prime financial crisis - Obama have to rely on printing US money (quantitative easing or credit easing) - to aid many of US banks, financial institutions from collapsing.
(2) But it devalue the US$ - and international creditors start to sell off US Treasury bills.
(3) Many Countries have adopted bilateral currency swap and limit the keeping of US$ as their primary reserve.
(4) Yuan, yen, euro has gain prominence as reserve for many Countries.
(5) When US financial crisis recover - Obama have to pull back the credit easing to instill confidence in the US dollars - so that other Countries start to buy US Treasury Bills again and keep US$ - but other primary currencies and bilateral currency swap become more common - in case US do "printing money" again.
(6) This time if Trump try to "print money" or dishonor its debt ---- US economy will end up like Venezuela --- because the World will not support US$ - and US economy will definitely bankrupt.
Mark my words.
(1) During Obama time when US are hit by the sub-prime financial crisis - Obama have to rely on printing US money (quantitative easing or credit easing) - to aid many of US banks, financial institutions from collapsing.
(2) But it devalue the US$ - and international creditors start to sell off US Treasury bills.
(3) Many Countries have adopted bilateral currency swap and limit the keeping of US$ as their primary reserve.
(4) Yuan, yen, euro has gain prominence as reserve for many Countries.
(5) When US financial crisis recover - Obama have to pull back the credit easing to instill confidence in the US dollars - so that other Countries start to buy US Treasury Bills again and keep US$ - but other primary currencies and bilateral currency swap become more common - in case US do "printing money" again.
(6) This time if Trump try to "print money" or dishonor its debt ---- US economy will end up like Venezuela --- because the World will not support US$ - and US economy will definitely bankrupt.
Mark my words.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Raneir Fohnob
Lam Chian Leong
They will pay back to their own kind. Bit not to you
What can you do abput it
They will pay back to their own kind. Bit not to you
What can you do abput it
Lam Chian Leong
Raneir Fohnob -
(1) Unless US and US companies is not going to sell its product to the World or buy anything from the World.
(2) If US don't pay money, the World stop buying US products or supplying anything to US and they will confiscate all US assets to repay the debt.
(3) US don't live alone - and depends on many others to survive.
(1) Unless US and US companies is not going to sell its product to the World or buy anything from the World.
(2) If US don't pay money, the World stop buying US products or supplying anything to US and they will confiscate all US assets to repay the debt.
(3) US don't live alone - and depends on many others to survive.
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Lam Chian Leong
Raneir Fohnob -
(1) Another thing, Trump has taught many of you very bad moral values - away from values that make America a nation.
(2) Unfortunately, you have learned all the bad things that deviate from a dignified human being from Trump and glorified it.
very sad for America.
(1) Another thing, Trump has taught many of you very bad moral values - away from values that make America a nation.
(2) Unfortunately, you have learned all the bad things that deviate from a dignified human being from Trump and glorified it.
very sad for America.
Ebi Komaru
Lam Chian Leong I don't quite agree on the Trump technology war on Huawei - is hurting... Many will happily eat Huawei's lunch, Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung & even ZTE on the 5G network. Samsung, Sony, Google, Xiaomi... on the smartphone. These companies more or less will source the same chipsets anyway. You can Google Nokia, Ericsson for source of news.
Like · Reply · 6m
Lam Chian Leong
Ebi Komaru -
(1) I don't agree with all the 3xStrike Economic war (trade tariff war, technology war and talent war) - launch by Trump on China.
(2) It is very evident that Trump don't understand Economic - and try to use brute force to unravel the whole global supply chain - that actually benefit US.
(3) US trade is only US$4 trillion - but it help to generate US$15 trillion of its internal economy from cheaper production input.
(4) Now Trump mess up its global supply chain and trade --- he also mess up his internal economy of US$15 trillion.
(5) Soon you will see US economy will shrink very rapidly and lead to US recession.
(1) I don't agree with all the 3xStrike Economic war (trade tariff war, technology war and talent war) - launch by Trump on China.
(2) It is very evident that Trump don't understand Economic - and try to use brute force to unravel the whole global supply chain - that actually benefit US.
(3) US trade is only US$4 trillion - but it help to generate US$15 trillion of its internal economy from cheaper production input.
(4) Now Trump mess up its global supply chain and trade --- he also mess up his internal economy of US$15 trillion.
(5) Soon you will see US economy will shrink very rapidly and lead to US recession.
Like · Reply · 1m
Raneir Fohnob
Ebi Komaru well said. Huawei supply is filled with prders from other cpuntries. From software to hardware
Lol. Some superpower
Lol. Some superpower
Toh Boon Ping
That may include chinese all over the world. To westerner, all chinese looks the same.
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