Thursday, June 20, 2019

Trade disputes to dominate as ASEAN meets in Bangkok

20 Jun 2019 01:38PM
Danny Lum
Beijing is intensifying its drive to sign a massive trade pact - RCEP.
New Delhi is the "glaring objector" to the free trade deal.
Australia and New Zealand pushing for "high quality" environmental and labour protections.

(1) There should be more urgency in bridging the differences - and try to conclude the RCEP - given the global trade war escalating.

(2) RCEP is the biggest market to cushion the impact of Trump trade war - that is impacting everyone - including China, India, SE-Asia and even Australia and New Zealand.

(3) The urgency is there - and "compromise, give-and-take" should take precedent to conclude the RCEP - else the whole World will suffer from global recession, lost business and jobs.

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