Friday, June 28, 2019

Malaysia proposes softening drug laws

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Singapore must be careful not to emulate this.

(2) Else we will see more drug addicts shoot up in Singapore.

(3) We must be tough on drug traffickers and drug addicts - to ensure that drug abuse will not go up in Singapore - that will wear down the whole Society.
Georgie Lee
Dont worry, we have brain they have bronze.
Georgie Lee
Another Bodoh is talking.He must be from one of the 90 percent Bumis in the University. Today small amount.Tomorrow also small amount. The next day also small amount. Add up together in a month you can a gunnhy sack. BODOH. No wonder Malaysia is still so backward.
Lim Chye Hock Phillip
and going further and further back.
Guna Shekeran Vijayan
Drug addiction is a disease with no cure, legalise drugs no matter how small will not cure addiction.
Joseph Convergence
Very interesting.
Looks like a very good law- proportionately appropriate👍
Joseph Convergence
But, herion abuser is a no-U.Turn train to hell.
Joseph Convergence
Including a heavy fine will make this Law immaculate
Sebastian Kang
More Malaysians and even some foreigners will test the "resolve" of the Malaysian PDRM and the drugs enforcement teams

More pushers and addicts will flood their streets ... Will it be like USA ... Ghettos occupied by drug pushers and addicts
George Lim
Good bye to the future generations of Malaysians. Weak and corrupt leaders have destroyed your country.
Georgie Tan
More Malaysians will bring drug to other country and when caught and sentence to death, the good for nothing people will cry father cry mother.
Frank Kam
All of a sudden this decision...???? Just becos the son of a Minister had recently been caught doing drugs...???? hahaha !! LOL !!! MY Citizens should watch this closely ...!!!
Shrio Tang
Malaysia Boleh!

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Georgie Lee
Another Bodoh is talking.He must be from one of the 90 percent Bumis in the University. Today small amount.Tomorrow also small amount. The next day also small amount. Add up together in a month you can a gunnhy sack. BODOH. No wonder Malaysia is still so backward.
Guna Shekeran Vijayan
Drug addiction is a disease with no cure, legalise drugs no matter how small will not cure addiction.
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