Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Trump ready to slap more tariffs on China after G20 meeting
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/trump-ready-to-slap-more-tariffs-on-china-after-g20-meeting-11613532

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Trump fails to realise that - he can't use threat to coerce a trade talk - if the other side is equally strong to cause pain.

(2) A trade talk will only work if there are mutual benefits - not one sided coercion.
Albert Kwek
This is just repeating his threats before the meeting with Xi during G20. I believe Xi will not go to meet him, just waste of time.
Petjay Catarbas
Perhaps, this is how Trump gambled and loss, went bankrupt 6 times. Now he's gambling with America's economy with his reckless trade policies. Unfortunately, the world will be dragged into a recession.
Tjudin Tjong
On the surface, it looks like a thread. It actually giving a final chance to China before more tariffs are imposed.
China unfair way of doing trade need to rebalance. If not, America would only lose more and more. No US President would want to walk this path. Trump is the chosen one and would hope to make America great again!
Albert Kwek
This trade war there is no winner at all. All are losers. But the strongest will not be the strongest anymore. Who starts the war and make the whole world to suffer? It is very clear. It is like WW II. All Americans and companies are going to suffer due to his ill policy.
Albert Kwek
After the trade war, most of these American dreamers or sympathisers will be very upset and frustrated. Some may chose to commit suicide. Just remember one thing. Justice will always stand on the correct side. God will oversee these.
Jack Liew
President Xi dont need to meet this trumpet wolfat G20. He is melting by the day.. All this fuss is actually his last straw of release before melted off . His ball actually strinking now.
If u remember, this wolf was making hell a lot of treatening noise against Nancy (democrat), but until his last breath, he lost out, getting nil $ to build the Mexico wall.
What a disgrace to the american nation.
Agrosk Kar
China and chinese everywhere must never be bullied by the whites again. Don't ever forget the gunboat diplomacy and more when china was browbeaten into the mud and struggling to breath.
Agnes Sim
This is one person who cannot be neglected. Also cannot befriend. An evil person to the core. Twisted in nature and soul. Go ahead to slap higher tariffs. Talk, China will talk. Fight, China will fight all the way. Bully, no way. Let's see who will win in the end. I am very curious.
Jack Liew
Talking about this trade war, that reminds me of the World Heavyweight Champian , between Hollyfield vs MikeTyson .
One is agressive and desperate tryin to tko his opponent within first 2 rounds.
The other is tactful and smarter, trying to drag the fight longer until more than 10 rounds to wag off his opponent ... which resulted in ear biting.. lol
I remember the one that managed to sustain more than 10 rounds won the fight .. so its needless to say more here .....
Danuta Ewiak
Where are we heading? Let me remind here a fragment of Heaven's plan: And both these kings [Great Britain and Russia. In 1882 British troops occupied Egypt. Great Britain then took the role of "the king of the south". Around the same time, Russia expanded its influence in the region, which previously belonged to Seleucus I Nicator, and took the role of "the king of the north"], their hearts (will be) to do mischief, and at one table (they) will speak a lie; but it will not succeed. Indeed yet (the) completion to (the) appointed time. And [the king of the north] will go back (to) his land with See More
Ben Tao
The below article.... cut from Quora from the world greatest political strategist... a top brain thinker.

USA and the West always complain that China enforced technology transfer. This is not really correct. Remember that when China joined the WTO in 2000, she was classified as a developing nation even till now. Under that category n playing by the rules of WTO, China can protect certain industries so that these industries can grow in her country.

US said that Hwawei telecom equipment has backdoors to spy for China but they could not show any proofs. They are said to steal intellectual propSee More

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