(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Those people who complain about the price increase in electricity here - have a choice.
(2) Just switch to those electricity providers that offer fixed tariff - who sign a contract with you for 2 or 3 years.
(3) Then this increase will not affect you.
(4) No need to kpkb. (cry father cry mother)
(2) Just switch to those electricity providers that offer fixed tariff - who sign a contract with you for 2 or 3 years.
(3) Then this increase will not affect you.
(4) No need to kpkb. (cry father cry mother)
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Danny Lum
(1) This energy price increase is expected - as the Gulf oil and gas situation there is very tense - that threaten to cut the oil and gas supply if a war break out.
(2) Just switch to service providers that offer the fixed tariff - as the price is fixed for the contract period for 2 or 3 years.
The saving is very good.
(3) The electricity tariff price increase will not affect you.
(2) Just switch to service providers that offer the fixed tariff - as the price is fixed for the contract period for 2 or 3 years.
The saving is very good.
(3) The electricity tariff price increase will not affect you.
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Lau Lan Chu
They not kpkb but take chance to whack the government. But silly is SP is run by maybe some civil servants not even PAP. Just anyhow whack feel shiok can already.
Reply · 3h
Danny Lum
Lau Lan Chu -
(1) Such people can be seen everywhere - they are not objective 对事不对人。
Some people anyhow whack via REACH discussion, some in CNA forum, some in yahoo forum etc --- with points taken from opposition forum or blogs --- but most of the time, their points, complains or ideas cannot stand water.
(2) Thus most of the times, many people who are objective don't really take their views seriously.
(3) These people don't give credit when due - and they are very quick to whack and bash when anything they are not happy about crops out - but they don't know, or don't take the initiative to seize the opportunities that come to them --- only know how to kpkb.
(4) Like this electricity tariff - all those who have switched to fixed tariff are enjoying very good saving - and the energy hike never affect them --- and yet you still can see these people take the opportunity to whack the Government.
(5) That is why, those who can seize good opportunities that this Country offer - can progress very quickly --- while some who only know how to kpkb got left behind --- and they will continue to kpkb.
(1) Such people can be seen everywhere - they are not objective 对事不对人。
Some people anyhow whack via REACH discussion, some in CNA forum, some in yahoo forum etc --- with points taken from opposition forum or blogs --- but most of the time, their points, complains or ideas cannot stand water.
(2) Thus most of the times, many people who are objective don't really take their views seriously.
(3) These people don't give credit when due - and they are very quick to whack and bash when anything they are not happy about crops out - but they don't know, or don't take the initiative to seize the opportunities that come to them --- only know how to kpkb.
(4) Like this electricity tariff - all those who have switched to fixed tariff are enjoying very good saving - and the energy hike never affect them --- and yet you still can see these people take the opportunity to whack the Government.
(5) That is why, those who can seize good opportunities that this Country offer - can progress very quickly --- while some who only know how to kpkb got left behind --- and they will continue to kpkb.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Lau Lan Chu
And to add on, they blame everyone except themselves, a failure mentality mindset . They are in the rut situation mostly got themselves to blame but they don't see it. Everything is somebody else fault. Say for example the tariff thing, a lot of people already switch to commercial fixed rate package, those either sleeping or can't be bothered will get affected and start blaming the whole world.
Andrew Choy
Hope you all have sign up with those open market electricity supplier, at least you get to save some money lor. And don't use the conventional crude oil/CNG spot pricing as gauge lor, SP is anyhow up and down price one.
Abdul Hameed
All The Authorities In The Educations , Healths , Energy , Transportation And So On Is Monitoring Of The Prices To Suit Best For The Increasing Of Materials OF Cost Purchases. Do MOM Do That To Suit The Increasing Of The Cost Of Living?
$50 Dollars Increase Can Cope ?
$50 Dollars Increase Can Cope ?
Cw Ang
Give you rebate they say
Competing electricity supplier they say
Follow trump they do,, imposing tariffs internally and not externally.
Give $1 to the left pocket, before anything take $10 from the rght pocket!
Whatever given is one time off, whatever to ne taken is perpetual
Competing electricity supplier they say
Follow trump they do,, imposing tariffs internally and not externally.
Give $1 to the left pocket, before anything take $10 from the rght pocket!
Whatever given is one time off, whatever to ne taken is perpetual
Lokeman Tasref
Does not these energy supplier is over generating power. The over capacity exceeds the demands yet they need to increase the tariffs? So are we paying due to oversupply ?
Kee Wee Lee
Time is really bad. Minutes should cut pay. I believed also helping the new authorized supplier. Not easy to start a new business with discount. Good luck fellow citizen. Morning coffee price going to jump again.
Singh Prem
SP GROUP must release its fully audited accounting reports for year ending 2016 to 2018 and also proof of its earnings from January 2019 to end May or June. The Group makes profit and never a loss, and selling bulk electricity to private retailers at good profit... so why is it resorting to increasing electricity rates impacting households??
June Poon-Malmer
Really hard to comprehend why solar panels are not installed on HDB or private condo rooftops in modern Singapore , those flat tops are definitely the ideal locations in a land scarce country.
How can the island not profit from 365 days of free strong sunshine instead of allowing private electricity suppliers to dictate prices ?
Wow ! one can just imagine the amount of electricity being generated for all households in each block which therefore reduces dependency on private providers , consumers shouldn't be at the mercy of those companies.
Europe has already gone into the solar panels era . Huge fields of panels laid out . Even private house owners are benefitting from own investments , not mentioning the extra energy generated and sold back to electricity providers and with only 4-5 months of sun from late spring to summer , its still a win win situation for them .
How can the island not profit from 365 days of free strong sunshine instead of allowing private electricity suppliers to dictate prices ?
Wow ! one can just imagine the amount of electricity being generated for all households in each block which therefore reduces dependency on private providers , consumers shouldn't be at the mercy of those companies.
Europe has already gone into the solar panels era . Huge fields of panels laid out . Even private house owners are benefitting from own investments , not mentioning the extra energy generated and sold back to electricity providers and with only 4-5 months of sun from late spring to summer , its still a win win situation for them .
Saddar Khan
Wait what abt those who changed to Sembcorp or the others with 'fixed' electrcity rates? Is there gonna be any price changes?
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