Monday, June 24, 2019

Amid US-China tensions, ‘not easy’ for ASEAN to stand together; must find common ground: PM Lee

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Thinking aloud, India is currently "digging in" and is still not willing to open up its consumer markets to the RCEP members -- and thus likely to again cause delay to the conclusion of the RCEP at the end of 2019.

(2) Given this background, will RCEP consider India to join the RCEP in Phase 2 until India is ready to join.

(3) Meanwhile should consider inviting other new member to replace India (with US$3 trillion GDP) - for eg. UK (also US$3 trillion GDP) to join the RCEP --- and try to conclude RCEP in Phase 1 by end 2019.
John Low
Asean leaders should visit each other ever more often and treat each other as friends. The rich leaders should be humble and be willing to treat less richer countries leader with more respect and give them due decorum.
Henry Lee
Needless to say when one take side on US and another take on China. They cannot stand near the other. Can see Malaysia and Indonesia standing at the two extreme end. They don't want to be near Singapore. Well done.
Lee Mae
In fact very easy to counter the Us-China trade war as China, India and Asean and S Korea, Japan, Australia and NZ is enough to dethrone America!!! Just count the population of these ASIA_ASEAN ASIA PACIFIC countries combine!!!
Thein Maung
easier said than done, when within ASEAN iself the original Bandung Spirit of Non-Interference within any member state has been abused.
How would Malaysia ( very vocal supporter of the Rohingyas) like it if a member state suggested that because of the Bumiputra advantage of Malay Muslims that the non-Muslims of majority regions of Malaysia should consider joining the more liberal Singapore - similar to what the Rohingyas of Myanmar proposed in 1947, by submitting a Petition to Mr. Ali Jinnah of Pakistan " to be with their Muslim Brothers" to incorporate the Muslim Majority regions of Arakan within the then East Pakistan (todays Bangladesh)

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