Monday, June 24, 2019

UK PM candidate Hunt: Boris Johnson is a 'coward' for avoiding debates on Brexit

24 Jun 2019 04:20PM
Danny Lum
(1) Very interesting that Boris Johnson is every bit like Donald Trump - but this time vying for PM of UK.

(2) Boris is totally clueless of how to do a Brexit that will not cause massive business disruption to UK and EU as well as massive job loss to UK.

(3) His slogan is "I will get UK to Brexit" - how I don't know - just vote for me - I will get it done.

(4) And the frightening thing is - he is the favorite to win majority of the vote from UK Conservative Party - in blind faith - oblivious to what Boris will do to UK economy --- just like what Trump has done to the Global trade, economy and geopolitical fallout.

(5) This is the karma of backlash from raw Capitalism ---- where voters care less and throw all caution to the wind --- in blind faith - vote in a person who blare "I will get what you want" - how it is done "I don't know" - but will get it done --- and he is voted as the Head of State ---- very frightening.

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