Saturday, September 14, 2019

Yale-NUS College withdraws programme on ‘dissent and resistance’ over concerns of ‘partisan political interests’, ‘legal liabilities’

Vernon Lee
Senior Editor

  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) Allowing activist Jolovan Wham; and historian Thum Ping Tjin - who sell Singapore Sovereignty out and champion Malaysia sovereignty over Singapore ---- is akin to fostering Joshua Wong of HK selling out HK Sovereignty.

    (2) It also has the effect of sowing discord and unrest in Singapore to follow the footstep of HK.

    (3) This nonsense "political dissent" forum ought to be stop - to prevent Singapore from following the footstep of HK.

    • 17 hours ago
      U r misinformed lah .. it wasn't thum or jolovan who invited the snake to our NDP leh
    • The King
      22 hours ago
      @Chong U know what is A Spider?
    • The King
      22 hours ago
      U Must Be A PAP Running Dog. Woof Woof!!
    • Chong
      22 hours ago
      Well said, Ricky!
    • Adrian
      23 hours ago
      Whether you love or hate the PAP, I cannot afford to leave things to chance. Better be sorry now than to regret later
    • Muse
      23 hours ago
      ricky dont lose that number. you may be the next one
    • danny
      23 hours ago
      its still much better than pap sell Singapore to ceca india .
    • Breeke
      HK less protests = communist mainland. U commie?
  • Blah Blah Blee
    2 hours ago
    "The project “does not critically engage"". Wrong. The project engages critically. That's why it is banned. If the project just took PAP's propaganda and repeated it, it would pass muster as an acceptable course equivalent to National Education.
  • Pict
    21 minutes ago
    University education is to educate youth to think and to train their minds so that they can discern for themselves and find solution in future. It just a week program and the NUS-Yale make it sound like the project will turn everyone to "terrorist".
  • png
    57 minutes ago
    As long as PAP is in power u all better be more carefully.
    There is no such thing as freedom of speech.
  • Theforgottongeneration
    1 hour ago
    LAB shouldn't have included the term "Dishonorable Son" in its curriculum. Bad mistake.
  • SRC001
    20 minutes ago
    Yale-NUS consist of some of the best and brightest minds in Spore.

    Their education is unlike NUS which is mass student programmes of standard education e.g. engineering etc, and does not expand or train the minds on such topics, t think critically.....

    I think the programme is very good, but the people they got e.g. Thun Ping Tjin, Jolovan may not be so good.....

    Perhaps they should have got the original politicians to speak for themselves instead of these middleman like Thun, Jolovan, etc
  • w b
    34 minutes ago
    So much for liberalism
  • T
    2 hours ago
    Well surprise! surprise! There you go with freedom of speech and equality. So much of rubbish swept under the green carpet of Singapore.
  • Tan
    2 minutes ago
    Just vote the fxxker out. Short and simple and all other issue come clean.
  • jaykay
    59 minutes ago
    Glad it has happened. Why in the first place such a project was initiated to ape the American culture ? Who was responsible for such a backdoor initiative?
  • Chiang Mun Wei
    26 minutes ago
    请把 Yale-NUS College 的 ku ku jiao 切掉
  • Lapse LoL
    20 minutes ago
    You Lowlky Stingkies!

    Bend down,
    Agape your mouth!

    Show your respect and deterrence to PAP !

  • Eric
    56 minutes ago
    Because we need to learn from HK to destroy SG. The idiot who approved of this in the first place needs to be sacked
    7 minutes ago
    The westerners are primitive ideology mules, they can only think in black and white, pro-God or anti-God. Sadly, Singaporeans have gone through culture cleansing and have become shallow bananas.

    We're like a computer hard disk that has been reformatted. And then being loaded with primitive 20th century western ideologies.

    Ha ha ha!
  • 14 seconds ago
    If democracy is a river, then all the westerners are shallow river fish living in this river.

    The Chinese culture is like an ocean, democracy are just on of the many rivers feeding into this mighty Chinese ocean. The Chinese are ocean fish.

    Every time when you hear a Chinese said the Chinese have 5000 years of history, the person meant 5000 years of wisdom.

    We have 75% Chinese in this country, but have been cleansed and become ideology mules. We are mules carrying load given to us by shallow angmohs.

    Ha ha ha!

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