SDP to launch manifesto in two weeks, hold pre-election rally next month
- 19 minutes agoDo not fool and brainwash people with your rubbish here.
- @ricky l -NS no more relevant arh, with so many millions of foreigners here.....NB !
- @Lapses - then why don't you surrender yourself to the Malaysian navies when they anchor at Tuas?
2 seconds ago
10 minutes ago
- No oppositions destroy people jobs. Which country has oppositions do that.
- @Awareandknow - go to the SDP website - and see for yourself.
2 seconds ago
2 seconds ago
1 minute ago

This reserve were to help the situations and solve problem but they will put the money back to reserves .when everything is solved. They may earn some money and put back to reserves.
- All the best! Never give-up HOPE!
ricky lricky l1 second ago
@Awareandknow -
(1) A party that bent on :-
- abolishing NS - so that we get invaded by foreign forces.
- want to eliminate GICs and MNCs - so that Singaporeans will lose their job en-mass
- want to draw on reserve (a mammoth sum of S$60 billion) -- for their so call National Renewal Plan - with no substance - that will bankrupt Singapore reserves that have been so painstakenly accumulate over the years.
--- Singaporeans will have "ZERO Confidence" --- with this fly-by-night politicians to govern Singapore.
- If SDP cannot speak for the people in Parliament is a loss to all the people of Singapore.Including supporters of the PAP.because everyone desperately needs a strong opposition party to speak for our benefit and effectively suppress the abuse of power by the ruling party.
- Good job SDP . . All opposition parties should prepare early in case the dishonourable son calls for snap election again
- Please contest in all the wards. Then the whole Singapore will vote. Never has this ever happen before, so please make it happen.
- Why no objection to part-timers in GRC being paid full-time salary?
- Unfortunately,many people still cannot accept Chee Soon Juan,even though he had paid his dues ! That's the reality that few are willing to forgive,just like failure is never accepted as well.
- Sdp win 1 seat I run naked at stadium
- VTO!!!
Please get more candidates to compete in other areas. Your manifesto has to include plans to reduce cost of living. Getting jobs back to Singkiez, ousting foreign nuisance, no more foreigners!! Except those from Malaysia. - Good for you, SDP! Wish you all the best, i will try to make it to your rally..
Jia you! Add oil! ( i am a current supporter of all the Hong Kong people fighting for their future and that of the next generation...i add oli to them all them, for which sometimes I have been reviled by other commenters.... ) - The biggest sacrifice all opposition parties got to make is to unite as ONE OPPOSITION PARTY and fight the PAP toe to toe in every ward. Just think - too many opposition parties will dilute your votes. If 10 persons voted for PAP and 10 persons voted for opposition, its a world of difference. Your opposition votes don't go to just one opps party. So to the opps parties, if you sincerely make this sacrifice for Singaporeans, this is the FIRST STEP forward.
- All Singaporean are indeed very very happy to hear that. Add oil SDP. All Singaporean rally behind you.
- SDP must change out CSJ to stand a little chance this time round at next GE. With CSJ still as head of party, likely all efforts will go down the drain again. People don't remember one's good deeds, and will never forget one's past bad reputation. Likely to kumsia kok wee again. Leopard will never change its spots...
- WE are in dire need of a "People-Serving" Govt and not a "Self-Serving" Govt.
- Cannot win one lah. Now sinkies are majority juhu Lang, ah tiong, pinoy, Keleng kia and ang MO gui, many make money here, evade their country tax system, criminal justice and all those trash whom their country rejects are here to make money. These bozo new citizens will vote pappies. So let karma takes its path and go relac lah kopi enjoy the kpkb newstainment. 😂 😂 😂
(2) If Singapore has no National Service, we will have been over-run by foreign navies - and Singapore will have been conquered.
(3) Do Singaporeans trust SDP as politicians - to screw Singapore?