Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thousands pray for rain in Indonesia as forests go up in smoke

  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) So now cannot blame the West from accusing palm oil plantation - is not the cause of deforestation and contributor to global warming.

    (2) Because people here are blatantly burning to clear their palm plantation for the next palm growing and harvest.
  • just d
    4 hours ago
    Start a fire and pray for rain thereafter, brilliant!
  • Chin Boon
    4 hours ago
    Engage the coconut & bamboo bomoh from malaysia lah....
  • Allahthemoonidol
    3 hours ago
    Allah can do nothing for them. That's why Muhammad(pbuh) was so easily poisoned painfully to death by a young girl. All his sons died in their infancies and his followers almost all wiped out in the Yamama war. It was only much later that a Caliph named Uthman who burnt away any quran recitations that he disagreed with and compiled one final piece albeit non-contextual and gibberish. Effectively, Uthman is the author of the quran.
  • Roger
    3 hours ago
    Never start a company there, they will use praying as an excuse for skipping work. In fact never start a company at Muslims state. They are well known for their laziness.
  • John
    1 hour ago
    This has been a problem for decades and should have been solved years ago by our million dollar ministers.
  • wk
    3 hours ago
    keep preying
  • Marky
    3 hours ago
    Oh cmon
  • Jack
    4 hours ago
    Pray superman only superman can did it..
  • Lapses
    1 hour ago
  • PanayiotouHenry
    3 hours ago
    Pray for a leader who will hang corrupt local politicians.
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