Wednesday, September 25, 2019

K Shanmugam questions funding support behind The Online Citizen: report

Staff Writer, Singapore
Editorial Team
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) News Platform like the The Online Citizen making use of foreign reporters and journalists (based in foreign countries) to write negatively about Singapore - to stoke negative feelings and tension in our Society - is not acceptable - as it may cause unrest in Singapore and is tantamount to foriegn interference into Singapore's domestic affairs.

    (2) The historian Thum Ping Tjin also urged Mahathir to take leadership in the promotion of democracy in Southeast Asia - is violating Singapore Sovereignty and instigating foreign interference into Singapore domestic affairs.

    (3) Kirsten Han also said that unlike in Hong Kong, Singapore had failed because its people have not been out in the streets, according to the Today report.
    Kirsten Han is trying to stoke violent protests and unrest in Singapore.

    (4) Baring all the above circumstances, the Government should block the Online Citizen and revoke its licence (if licence is issues).

    (5) All the political activists named here that have been active to sabotage Singapore national security and national interests - should come under close security surveillance and supervision - and if they break any laws that harm Singapore national security and national interests - should invoke the Internal Security Act on these political activists.

    (6) Singapore should stay vigilant in our internal security - and should not end up like HongKong where internal unrest are stoke by internal political activists supported by foreign interference.

    (7) These few political activists are definitely a real security to Singapore - and we should not hesitate to take strong measures on them - the moment they put up real threat against Singapore.
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) All these political activists have toxic agenda against Singapore national interest and national security - and thus are ostracized by Singapore.

    (2) Thus Singapore must stay vigilance against these group of political activists - that do not have Singapore interest in mind - and are bent on destroying Singapore such as provoking Singaporeans to rise up and emulate HK protestors to do violent protests.

    (3) These group of political activists need to be stopped by whatever necessary laws.
  • Alvin
    2 minutes ago
    Singpore is not own by rich PAP to fundcthe campaign againt Digaporeans. The fuding came from peacful democrat ith no violene involving.
  • Anonymous
    2 minutes ago
    Indeed Malaysia corrupted government would love to see Singapore falls.
  • Stan
    5 minutes ago
    I remember that we only found out about the faulty train carriages because some foreign news reported it. Tsk Tsk, so bad of them to report on our internal matters, influencing us, and preventing our trustworthy govt from keeping that unimportant news concealed.
  • test of time
    6 minutes ago
    Freedom of speech and freedom of press is nonexistence. Media outlets must be unofficially accredited by IMDA run by you know who. Like those in socialist countries, news are heavily filtered and tag with the agenda the party is setting. How many investigative reporters do we have on the land? What we have here are all news readers.
  • seownang
    10 minutes ago
    Worried about foreign influence but not worried about bring so many foreigners to work here
  • pope
    12 minutes ago
    The remaining nine administrators are jus afraid they’ll end up like Terry Xu or Leong Sze Hian if they are here. This minister is jus worried that when there’s funding n support, there’s strength n power, which is something pappies definitely fear
  • Breeke
    15 minutes ago
    "websites that receive funding from and hire foreigners can easily be subverted to advance foreign interests."

    "Can" is not admissible as evidence .. shouldn't you know better? As a layman, I found your argument highly irresponsible and unfair to anyone or any entity that has foreign investors or hire FTs.
  • Tan
    16 minutes ago
    SATANMUGAN rises from HELL again?
  • John Chen
    19 minutes ago
    Shanmugam questioned, “We don’t know who they are. Are they Singaporeans? Are they foreigners?”

    This is exactly the same questions Singaporeans are asking nowadays to their colleagues and service providers..
    4 minutes ago
    U r also funded by high levies from fts as u can see now so many fts here in spore as if in a foreign lands as we travel in the train. Karma will take its cause.
  • Theforgottongeneration
    8 minutes ago
    ".... The minister also took issue with the fact that out of 14 administrators of the website, only five are in Singapore. Nine are based abroad, including four in Malaysia and two in Indonesia.... "

    Dun know if this Shanmi is acting blur, stupid or plain ignorant. Out of 14 managers-workers-employees in ANY company nowadays, if 5 are Singaporeans, then very good already. Also, out of 14 new citizens, how many had actually done NS? They should have sufficient data already to know how many NCs are staying and how many are leaving after a few years. They created an uneven playing field for Singaporeans, then alway presents only one side of a story, hor?
  • Breeke
    8 minutes ago
    So TOC should import the Malaysian into Singapore as FT to legitimise her writings .. in the same fashion the Isreali NAS Daily came here? Or produce pro-govt work can, anti-govt article is traitorous?
  • OhPehSom
    10 minutes ago
    There is no need to play the 'foreign' card. Afterall, we are often told that foreign talents are important to us. What is more important is whether the news is true.
  • MercuryQ
    11 minutes ago
    If pap get voted out, they are going to blame the foreigners for voting?
  • Tomyam King
    12 minutes ago
    Well played, Shanboy. Papaya appealing to Singaporeans' national pride against foreign influence in the country, especially from bolehlanders to turn opinion against TOC. If foreigners are such 'bad' influences why keep importing them into the country then?
  • Breeke
    16 minutes ago
    "noting that it receives support from foreigners and employs foreigners, including Malaysians."

    Omg .. i had morning coffee from Starbucks, and lunch at Paparich .. i feel so traitorous now.
  • Breeke
    23 minutes ago
    Writing about LHL family affairs IS NOT writing about Singapore. Minister, please dun conflate the 2.
  • Breeke
    25 minutes ago
    Singaporeans? Hear ur name hands already tremble how to write lol
  • Jh
    32 minutes ago
    Even hospital in Sg also employ many pinoys

    • XYZ
      57 seconds ago
      "Shanmugam said that New Naratif, a movement which supports democracy in the region and is set up by Han and Dr Thum, receives foreign funding. "

      So is this Shame-mugam unwittingly conceding that he, LHL (and the PAP govt) are against democracy?? LOL

      Not that I need his admission, I already KNOW these PAP monkeys are a bunch of radical socialists, PRETENDING to be "democratic" but they are clearly anti-democratic tyrants. LOL
    • Boleh Land
      1 minute ago
      Now we know there are some local oppies(traitors) and foreign oppies trying to gang up to smoke Singaporean and others to believe their lies, fake news etc.
      They are up to no good. BEWARE OF OPPIES (traitors). So Terry admit his evil act.
      hahaha. Collude with Malaysian. No wonder we got so many foreign trash writing evil things in Yahoo.
    • Keith Foo
      3 minutes ago
      Do mainstream media take advertising money from foreign companies? Do they write advertorials on how great their products are? Can we also therefore not argue, our MSM are under the influence of foreigners?
    • Breeke
      3 minutes ago
      "So what is the Law Minister barking about?”

      Lol. Terry, u dun how to spell DIE isit haha
    • Alvin
      5 minutes ago
      Singpore is not own by rich PAP to fund the campaign againt Singaporeans. Singaporeans are not dump to know good and bad. We are living a close knit to protect people from morally corrupted politicians. The funding came from peacful democrat on online platform. You are delusion on democracy and freedom.

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