Sunday, September 1, 2019

ricky l

Hong Kong protesters target airport as city mops up


3 seconds ago
(1) The HK protestors throw debris into the MTR track --- that pose danger to commuters as the MTR will be derail and overturn - that will cause many death and injuries.

(2) The HK protestors are disrupting airport services by blocking roads and accesses to the airport - causing inconvenience and blockage to travellers - and this is sabotaging HK travels.

(3) The HK protestors are vandalising public property like damaging facilities in MTR, roads, set fire to debris facing the Police HQ and PLA barracks.

(4) The HK protestors are causing retails, shopping, tourism, hospitality in HK to shutdown - essentially sabotaging HK economy.

(5) Thus, HK should increasingly imposing stricter measures and responses to curb such illegal activities, protests and rioting --- to restore law and order.

(6) Eventually when all measures are exhausted - the Governor should consider to impose tough measures such as Emergency Order and curfew - to stop all illegal assemblies, arrest all protest organisers, protestors, stop all political activities, curb social media from organising protests - in order to restore law and order, bring back business activities and social order.
(1)香港抗議者將碎片扔進地鐵軌道 - 由於地鐵將會脫軌及翻車,對乘客構成危險 - 會導致多人死亡及受傷。
(2)香港抗議者通過封鎖道路和進入機場擾亂機場服務 - 給旅客造成不便和封鎖 - 這正在破壞香港旅行。
(4)香港抗議者正在致使香港的零售,購物,旅遊,招待等關閉 - 基本上破壞香港經濟。
(5)因此,香港應該越來越多地採取更嚴厲的措施和應對措施,以遏止這些非法活動,抗議和騷亂 - 恢復法律和秩序。

(6)最終當所有措施都用盡時 - 總督應考慮採取嚴厲措施,例如緊急命令和宵禁 - 制止所有非法集會,逮捕所有抗議組織者,抗議者,停止所有政治活動,遏制社交媒體組織抗議活動 - 為了恢復法律和秩序,帶回商業活動和社會秩序。

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