Friday, September 20, 2019

ricky l

Pro-Beijing politicians float aggressive proposals to boost land supply for public housing in Hong Kong including fully taking back golf course and rezoning prime commercial site

Kimmy Chung

3 seconds ago
(1) HK Government should focus on building public housing flats that are affordable - instead of relying on private developers that concentrate on profiteering.

(2) Housing price above HK$5 million is exorbitant --- and most of the common HK people will be out of reach to buy such expensive apartment.

(3) As such, HK Government should undertake the role of providing affordable housing to HK people - vis-a-vis the salary of HK people.

(4) Entirely leave to capitalism in providing essential public services (such as housing, healthcare, education, essential food) is a flaw ideology --- as many common people will be price out by capitalists private sectors that are bent on profiteering.

(5) Socialist approach in providing public services to the common people at large - will ensure political stability, social stability and economic stability ---- that will not have plague HK society with discontentment and unrest experience by HK now.
13 seconds ago


(3)因此,香港政府應承擔為香港人提供經濟適用房的作用 - 相對於香港人的薪酬。


ricky l
Posted on :- 17 Sep 2019 10:49AM (Updated: 17 Sep 2019 12:07PM)

Ricky Lim
The HK dialogues should be broken up into 3 categories :-
(1) Economic

(2) Social

(3) Political - this topic seems to be the taboo and deadlocker between the HK & China Government with the HK protestors (as all the 5 demands are political in nature - but not economic and social issues - in which both China and HK Government can accomodate and improve upon).

As such, moderate HK people should try to achieve common ground with the HK and China Government - by focusing on the Economic and Social issues ---- which will likely to gain headway to resolve the painpoints faced by the HK people.

a. For Economic - this refer to job prospects for the HK people, the bread and butter issues, the salary, the cost of living, the prices of goods and services, education, healthcare, retirement sum etc. ---- which both the China and HK Government have the means and resources to deliver solutions to alleviate the problem face by the HK people.

b. For Social - this refer to the availiability of affordable housing, the size of the houses (not shoebox apartment of 40 sqm but should look at 90 to 100 sq m) - at affordable price, bigger social spaces for interaction and integration, establish platform for HK people to have constant dialogues with the HK Government and the China Government.

This is what the HK and China Government can accomodate - and fruitful outcomes can emerge from the dialogue.
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Ricky Lim
香港對話應分為三類: - 


(3)政治 - 這個話題似乎是香港和中國政府與香港抗議者之間的禁忌和僵局(因為所有5項要求都是政治性的 - 但不是經濟和社會問題 - 中國和香港政府都可以容納和改進)。

因此,溫和的香港人應該努力與香港和中國政府達成共識 - 關注經濟和社會問題 - 這些問題可能會在解決香港人所面臨的痛點方面取得進展。

一種。對經濟而言 - 這指的是香港人的就業前景,麵包和黃油問題,工資,生活費用,商品和服務價格,教育,醫療保健,退休金等等。香港政府有能力和資源提供解決方案,以緩解香港人面對的問題。

灣對於社交 - 這是指經濟適用房的可用性,房屋的大小(不是40平方米的鞋盒公寓,但應該看90到100平方米) - 以實惠的價格,更大的社交空間進行互動和整合,建立平台香港人與香港政府和中國政府不斷對話。

這是香港和中國政府可以容納的 - 對話中可以產生豐碩的成果。

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