Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Donald Trump warns China faces ‘toughest trade war deal ever’ if they wait until after US election

Zhou Xin

  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) If the final deal is difficult to achieve now - targeting interim deal will be another good option.

    (2) The interim deal will serve as the foundation to negotiate for Phase 2 of the trade deal - if again the final deal cannot be achieved.

    (3) And using phase approach to the trade deal - will be a more palatable negotiation approach - for a difficult trade talk.
  • ricohflex
    4 hours ago
    Trump is signalling to China he will lose the 2020 election.
  • Satpal
    4 hours ago
    This guy is wanted for war crimes against small children
  • walter oon
    3 hours ago
    It should be the other way round. If Trump does not conclude the trade war with China he would definitely lose the 2020 election. Conversely if he has the wisdom to seal a trade deal with China now, America will be great again and he could win the election. This stupid fat duck just cannot see the point !
  • Mario
    3 hours ago
    Hah3! if China buckle down, and allowed him to win another term, hah3! Who knows what will come again!
  • William
    3 hours ago
    This sociopath grossly incompetent Trumpy is so freaking delusional between what's true & what's not...and what's right & what's wrong.
    The USA is most certainly suffering more than China with the trade war created by grossly incompetent old racist Trumpy and, it will & can only get worst.
  • muthu
    2 hours ago
    The bully knows his time is up and having a last ditch flailing.
  • Zero SENTOKI
    3 hours ago
    Wish this golden hair monkey will die of KARMA death! This idiot brought chaos to the govts of many countries!!!
    • muthu
      2 hours ago
      Absolutely correct.

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