Press associations call on Hong Kong police to curb attacks on journalists covering anti-government protests

(1) In any police operations (in many Countries) - all press reporters are not allowed to obstruct, or keep themselves in between the police and protestors - as the Police need to take action or perform clearing operations --- and these reporters will be obstructing the police operations.
(2) In fact, these reporters who obstruct the police operations - will be arrested and charge in Court - for obstructing police operations --- which in Cantonese term 阻猜办公。
(2) In fact, these reporters who obstruct the police operations - will be arrested and charge in Court - for obstructing police operations --- which in Cantonese term 阻猜办公。

ricky lricky l2秒前
(1)在任何警察行動中(在許多國家) - 所有新聞記者都不得阻撓或保持自己在警察和抗議者之間 - 因為警方需要採取行動或進行清理行動 - 這些記者將會妨礙警方的行動。
(2)事實上,這些阻撓警方行動的記者 - 將被逮捕並在法庭上指控 - 因阻撓警方行動而在粵語中阻止辦公。
ricky l ricky l19秒前
(1)香港的抗議傳奇 - 香港記者和香港抗議者 - 將香港政府及香港政府及香港政府的抗議活動 - 揭露香港的世界 - 言論和民主的自由如何被公然剝削和操縱 - 中國大陸。
(2)許多民主國家的法律 - 不會容忍這種操縱新聞自由和香港抗議者所謂的言論自由,非法抗議運動,遊行,公然持有外國國旗,不尊重國歌和國旗,故意破壞,騷亂,破壞和破壞公共財產和政府建築物。
(3)在其他民主國家,所有上述行為---將被視為叛亂和騷亂 - 並且將激活更強大的警察甚至軍事行動以合理的力量平息這種叛亂和動亂 - 並且不會允許讓這個城市癱瘓的廢話。

the reporters are constantly blocking the police from doing their jobs .
The police has always give advance notice to the reporters to move aside but all the refuse .
The video are clear evidence that the reporters refuse to move aside , therefore they get hurt during the cross fire
The police has always give advance notice to the reporters to move aside but all the refuse .
The video are clear evidence that the reporters refuse to move aside , therefore they get hurt during the cross fire

Surprisingly and incredibly that Hong kong is the only city in the world that can accept, allows and tolerate so many real and fake reporters?

'If you want to step into the kitchen, then Dont complain about the heat', so goes the saying.
'If you want to step into the kitchen, then Dont complain about the heat', so goes the saying.

dont stand in front of the police if you are worried to get hurt.
the police are there to arrest the mobs and not waiting for you to film them
the police are there to arrest the mobs and not waiting for you to film them

Who is able to protect and prevent the Mobs from attacking, damaging and destroying the MTR ?and blocking the roads? Is it the reporters? And why are the reporters not standing in front of the MOBS to take their photo/videos and interview them? If Not , all these reporters must fxxxk off and stop preventing the police from doing their jobs.

how come hk police are so restraint and patient ? if these protesters are In USA, or France, or UK or Papua New Geinea, the police would have shoot them without delay , regrets and fear
The police is only doing their jobs to safeguard the MTR and yet these protesters and reporters Keep verbally abusing them.
the hk police should retreat to protect only their police station and let the MOBS and reporters destroy the MTR since the Hkesss like to self destruct themselves.
The police is only doing their jobs to safeguard the MTR and yet these protesters and reporters Keep verbally abusing them.
the hk police should retreat to protect only their police station and let the MOBS and reporters destroy the MTR since the Hkesss like to self destruct themselves.

It is time the HK police stay safe at their own police station and let the mobs and reporters self destruct HK themselves . The Hkesss are abusing the police every time they go out to stop the violence which are started by the protesters. It’s no use to sacrifice and help such stupid Hongkees

Eh..... hongkong police is like giving interview very often and the press are the main attendant

you cannot blame the police for being shield to the criminals... hahaha...

These reporters are part of the protesters groups, as long as anybody obstruct the police from performing their, they can be arrested. These idiots media crting foul for nothings.

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