Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ricky l

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam says she fears damaging city’s reputation further by invoking emergency powers to quell protests

Kimmy Chung
  • 1 second ago
    Lam said the case had not been made to invoke emergency legislation amid fresh calls from pro-establishment politicians for an anti-mask law.
    “I said earlier that we have to make use of the existing laws appropriately,” the city’s chief executive added. “But we have to assess whether such laws can tackle the current violent situation precisely.
    ---- (1) My answer - I beg to differ. by not invoking the Emergency Order - and by making use of all existing laws to quell the HK unrest - has the unrest been stopped?
    The answer is no - and in fact the protest turn more violent.
    The longer such situation drag, the more ugly the situation will transformed.
    Hong Kong’s leader has said she was holding back from using emergency powers against violent protests for fear of inflicting more damage to the city’s reputation.
    “And [we must consider] whether such laws would backfire on an already chaotic society, or worsen our already damaged reputation in the international community.”
    She said the government had to seriously consider those factors and therefore had not invoked the powers, with the unrest sparked by the now-withdrawn extradition bill in its fourth month.
    ---- (2) My answer is by not invoking the Emergency Order - the current prolong chaotic situation has seriously damaged the reputation of HK - as can be seen from the following outcomes :-
    (a) Both Fitch and Moody have downgraded the HK credit rating - which will incur high costo of borrowing for HK business.
    (b) Travel business in HK gone down double digit. Airline business equally badly hit.
    (c) Retail business in HK gone down double digit.
    (d) HK economy spiralling downwards and may go into technical recession.
    (e) Fund moving out of HK.
    (f) Many Countries issue travel alerts to HK.
    --- (3) My answer is ---- Emergency Order is a tool and mean to stop all protest - whether peaceful or violent --- and to curb all political activities --- that will further inflame, cause further hatred, and prevent all forms of violent and hatred expression.
    This will help to cool temper and temperature down.
    Thereafter, meaningful and peaceful dialogue in search of political, social and economic solutions can takes place.
    Without reining in with strong measures, HK protestors will go wild and bent on using violent means to achieve what they want.
    Only stronger fist to clamp down on violent and radical behavior - can instill discipline, while allowing peaceful resolution to take place.
    The Emergency Order is not to be carried out indefinitely --- it can be 1 month, 2 months or 3 months ---- when HK people are brought back to school, to work or stay at home - while allowing proper platform for HK people to carry out proper dialogue and feedback in search for resolution.
    The Emergency Order can be lifted - when law and order are restored and no violent protetors take to the street.
    Only when law and order are restored --- will HK reputation comes back - not when weekly violent street protest go on and on.
    So Emergency Order will not destroyed HK reputation ---- instead if will be an effective means to restore HK reputation.
ricky l1秒前
該市首席執行官補充說:“我之前說過,我們必須適當利用現有法律。” “但我們必須評估這些法律是否可以準確解決當前的暴力局勢。

1 second ago
Posted on :- 16 Aug 2019 05:48PM (Updated: 16 Aug 2019 05:50PM)

Ricky Lim
(1) The question of whether the HK police have the strength to tackle the protest - is missing the point in HK disorder.

(2) It must be an all encompassing approach that involve political decision plus police enforcement.

(3) 1stly, Politicians must declare whether HK unrest - has reached a stage of total lost of control in social order - that warrant declaring of "State of Emergency".
This is a political decision - not a police decision.

(4) If "State of Emergency" is declared - there would be :-
- "lockdown" of people's movement
- banning all protest movement
- arrest of suspected rioters, protest organiers and protestors

(5) To enforce "State of Emergency" - only economic activities and social activities are allowed - and all political activities will be banned.

(6) Police must be able to deploy forces and assets at all MTR station, bus interchanges, main roads etc - to prevent any protest movement from forming up - and any protestors that carry placards, weapons, wearing of shirts with protest slogans, illegal assembly will be arrested.

(7) This is the only way to quell the HK unrest - and bring back law and order.
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Ricky Lim
(1) The current HK situation - has reached a critical juncture - to declare "State of Emergency" and clamp down on all protests - to restore law and order.

(2) Further delay will have an irreparable economic loss, reputational loss and international intervention.

(3) There is a need to make a swift and decisive "double down" to end the unrest and 止血。

(4) The longer the HK unrest situation drag --- the greater the damage not only to HK but also to China - and collateral damages to many business partners.
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Ricky Lim
(1) If HK politicians and HK police - fail to quell the unrest within its means and resources now ----- China forces may be force to come down one day ---- and these will have a far wider implication and far worse consquences that no Hongkongers will want.

(2) And it will also have negative consequences to China mainland.

(3) Thus, HK politicians and HK police - will have to make a "hard decision" now - based on the "hard truth" facing HK currently as more violent protest unveil.
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Ricky Lim
(1) 非常时期,你需要非常手段。

(2) The core motivation of "State of Emergency" order or decree - is to restore law and order, social order and economic order.

(3) All Political activities and political dissent will take a backseat - and will be banned throughout the Emergency Order - until law and order are restored, safety and security order are restored.

(4) The Security Ministry under the Emergency Order (a proxy to Martial Law) - will have sweeping power to deploy security forces at all critical infrastructure such as Legislative chambers, China Liaison Office, Airport, MTR stations, bus interchanges and main road.

(5) The Emergency Order will have the power to order Telcos to block all social media communication such as telegram, facebook, instagram, twitter etc - to remove the means of communications for protestors and rioters to orgainse protest, riots and illegal assembly.

(6) The Emergency Order will also have to power to control mainstream media to toe the official line - to promote unity and stop division or dissent.

(7) The "strongman" image with the primary goal to restore law and order, social order and economic order shall emerge throughout the Emergency Order - a "Disciplinary Master wielding a big cane" - to stop all Economic sabotage, social order vandalism and protect the safetly of citizens and public infrastructure should emerge.
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ricky l
1 second ago
(1) Violent protest/Unrest and Reputation - are mutually Exclusive.

(2) You won't have good Reputation for business - if your city is plague with Violent protest and Unrest.

(3) Only with Peace and Stability - will your city have Reputation to attract Business, Travel and Investment.

(4) And declaring "Emergency Order" - is for you to restore Peace and Stability - so that you can regain the City Reputation as a peaceful and stable place for Business, Travel and Investment.

Outspoken pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho Kwan-yiu said it was time for the government to invoke the Emergency Order ordinance and bring in legislation restricting the wearing of masks as well as banning any slogans advocating independence.
The city’s largest pro-establishment party, the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, also urged Lam to look into an anti-mask law.
Further backing came from Maria Tam Wai-chu, deputy director of the Basic Law committee. Noting that Lam had already decided against using emergency powers to ban the use of masks, she said it should go through the Legislative Council instead, when its members reconvene next month.

  • Toto
    1 hour ago
    So far China has kept out of Hong Kong and letting HK handle their own internal affair, as per Agreement.
    The US and Britain telling China to keep out, is hot air from them, it was not necessary of them. They are just being pompous.
    In fact the youths of Hong Kong have nothing to do with the Agreement. The agreement was made before the handover, and is promised to those already born at that time, the British subjects, its not for those born after the handover. Therefore most of the protesters are Chinese nationals.
    So at present China is restrained by the agreement, but after the agreement is over, these Chinese nationals, those that have not run away to other countries, will be re-educated. Their names and pictures are already gathered.
  • Ming
    6 hours ago
    Not just loss face/reputation, loss $$ big time esp. tycoons.
  • Tom
    5 hours ago
    Carrie Lam you are really useless, now is the people's life is threatened. Humans life or reputation which is more important. One people's life loss you will never able to recover it but reputation can.

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