(Updated: )

Ricky Lim
(1) Evidently Trump's tariff trade war has back-fired - and now hurting US Economy.
(2) So Economists were right all along - that Trump tariff war will hurt not only US Economy but the World Economy.
(3) Trump did not learn from the 1930 tariff lesson that are launched by US - and trigger a World Wide Deep Depression.
(4) Now China will teach Trump a good historical lesson.
(2) So Economists were right all along - that Trump tariff war will hurt not only US Economy but the World Economy.
(3) Trump did not learn from the 1930 tariff lesson that are launched by US - and trigger a World Wide Deep Depression.
(4) Now China will teach Trump a good historical lesson.
Engr Aungmyint
China could outlast Trump term or not?
Kent Yeo
We Chinese must fight till the end whether in China or oversea
Christopher Mathew Stephenson
I guess witing 3 hour to get into a Costco parking lot and fight over all the products inside the new Costco in china just to give your money to a American company is how you fight back.
Daniel Tan
Time will tell who last.
For china, they had been prepared for the long fight in trade war with trump.
Moreover china had been into so many hardship from famine during closed door policy for almost 30 years. There is nothing for them to be afraid of.
For china, they had been prepared for the long fight in trade war with trump.
Moreover china had been into so many hardship from famine during closed door policy for almost 30 years. There is nothing for them to be afraid of.
Chin Mark
Those good for nothing elite politburo party members may not be worried how many tens of millions of their own people died or suffered as a result of the trade war. But they and their own families will cower in fear if the US freeze their ill-gotten oversea assets. These people has already tasted riches and will never go back to the olden days of poverty. So don't compare old China with the new one.
Wei Min Chan
USA is winning, and China is losing. So why is Trump so nervous? Wait for China to fail, until China can no longer withstand this trade war, and you can easily step in and negotiate an even better deal for USA.
When Trump is making so much noise now, is there something that the public do not know? Maybe USA is not winning, and China is not losing afterall?
When Trump is making so much noise now, is there something that the public do not know? Maybe USA is not winning, and China is not losing afterall?
Superone Cdg
I think Trump only has capability to deal with his contractors and bankers and do not have a clue on how to deal with a massive nation of 1.4 billion consumers, almost none living below poverty line, and a middle class of more than 400 million.... and growing.
In 2017, GM reportedly sold more cars in China (4.04 million) than in the US (3.002 million) and Trump is screwing things up for GM with his absurd tariff.
That US twitter-in-chief is really a nut case blowing hot and cold by the second, and he also wanted Denmark to sell Greenland to him or else.
In 2017, GM reportedly sold more cars in China (4.04 million) than in the US (3.002 million) and Trump is screwing things up for GM with his absurd tariff.
That US twitter-in-chief is really a nut case blowing hot and cold by the second, and he also wanted Denmark to sell Greenland to him or else.
Alf Alf Alf
The idiot Trump's daughter posing in front of the camera is also an idiot who know nothing just like her father.
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