Friday, September 27, 2019

Hong Kong leader trapped for more than 4 hours by protesters

  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    The HK Governor was trapped in the indoor stadium as HK protestors block the road and refuse to let Carrie Lam leave after she held an explosive dialogue with 150 HK people which the HK protestors felt is a PR show.

    Without declaring Emergency Order - well meaning dialogue is not going to resolve HK problem as HK protestors will view the HK government as weak and will use violent means to get what they want - instead of looking at compromise and consensus.

    A Government must negotiate from a position of strength and not from the position of weakness.

    Now it appears that the HK government is negotiating from a position of weakness.
  • 香港領導人被示威者困了四個多小時

    ricky l1秒前
    香港總督被困在室內體育館內,因為香港示威者封鎖了道路,並拒絕讓林鄭月娥(Carrie Lam)與150名香港人進行爆炸性對話,而香港示威者認為這是一場公關表演。




  • Swissknife
    7 hours ago
    Quote: ""Back in July, there were two million people protesting on the streets. Why didn't you listen to us? Now you've picked 150 people. What can we say that 2 million could not?"" Unquote. This is an unfair accusation coming from a pro-democracy group. Lam had already invited them for dialogue at the early stage of the protest but they refused. They are not interested in a dialogue, they are only interested in their own agenda, which is shown here again. Instead of genuinely trying to find a solution, they start by accusing Lam. Their own agenda do not represent all the people of Hong Kong, but the foreigners'. They are traitors!

    • david
      1 hour ago
      I agree with you COMRADE! Now when will we get paid?
    • Donald
      6 hours ago
      @Swissknife So the foreigners because of their agenda (CIA infiltrators) are the traitors?
  • John
    2 hours ago
    Trump is way more popular than this lady.
  • Jay
    1 hour ago
    These riots need weapon.
  • Dave
    5 hours ago
    She's a ruler, not a leader.

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