Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trump slammed for trolling Greta Thunberg climate speech

1 person reacting
  • ricky l
    (1) Trump rescind from the Paris Climate Agreement.

    (2) Trump revert all policies protecting the Environment.

    (3) Trump is acting against the interest and future of humanity.
  • Frank
    4 minutes ago
    A 70+ years old President throwing his might on a teenager who just happen to be very passionate about Climate Change and wanted To change the mindset of Leaders to say what they mean and mean what they say. about saving the Future of Earth Climate..
  • person
    1 hour ago
    Nothing Trumps the Dump
  • Ngiam
    2 hours ago
    Many countries don't bother about climate change n actions need. Well no problem, we all would suffer together if there are climate disasters .
  • Samuel
    2 hours ago
    The message was directly aimed at Trump,but he is not brave to admit that climate change is real nor a hoax,as he had claimed.
  • mat72
    2 hours ago
    Yeah, freedom speech without accountability.
  • Justin
    2 hours ago
    The girl was probably used by adult activists. Exploiting children to do the work of adults. I am for "climate control" but I will not listen to an immature child telling me what to do and what not to do.
  • HeadortailiWin
    3 hours ago
    Trump have absolutely no right to speak a single word on climate issue. He is the main culprit that withdrew from climate change treaty.
  • JOE
    3 hours ago
    Greta Thunberg you didn't mention Indonesia fire.
  • Gerard
    3 hours ago
    Sad! So sad she was misinformed. Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth is debunked. She should have watched that video and find the truth by herself if those predictions were accurate or simply a hoax. Shame on those who spread Climate Change apocalyptic scare. God is in control. Donald Trump was praising her that she can still have a bright future and learn despite her condition. It should be interpreted this way and not the other way around the leftist/media are pondering. Period.
  • Samuel
    3 hours ago
    Her poowerful and emotional message of climate change was directly at Trump,who care only about himself,his popularity and TV ratings.He does not even show concern about the lives of his grand children in the future and they will have to bear the full brunt of climate change.

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