Tuesday, September 3, 2019

ricky l

Joshua Wong asks Taiwan’s people to show their support for Hong Kong protests

Lawrence Chung

1 second ago
(1) As if causing chaos and violent in HongKong is not enough - this young punk want to cause chaos and violent in Taiwan.

21 seconds ago
(1) If Taiwan want to end up like HongKong with protests, tear gas, assault, vandalism, blocking of roads, disrupting MTR, airport services, police fighting protestors etc every other day ---- than Taiwan can follow what this young punk do and what HK protestors are doing.

(2) Guarantee to bring down business, travel, investment, and economy of Taiwan.

  • Melanie the insane Yahoo Bltch
    3 minutes ago
    If china wants to bring the world to an end, then bring it on. You will see how the world reacts.

    You people are stupld to give in to tyrants.

    The amount of Prcs waiting to murder CCP is countless.
  • ricohflex
    4 minutes ago
    This proves US/UK/Taiwan are funding the violent rioters. This is a small boy who has never done 1 decent day's work in his whole life. Where did he get the money to go jet setting around the world? It is not a 2 day visit. Joshua Wong is ESCAPING from Hong Kong, abandoning the silly kids he incited to riot. Joshua Wong will move on to US to claim his $$$ rewards for being a traitor to China. Harvard will be ordered by US state department to allow him to study there.
  • Fook Kee
    15 minutes ago
    He claimed to fight for "independent", now he is depending on others. Like the Americans, he and his gang make a mess in Hong Kong and then leave when it comes to a crunch.Why he and his gang are now finding an escape route when he is fighting for Hong Kong future. He is just a prawn used by the Taiwanese and American election. He is naive to think the Taiwanese, Americans, Australians, Canadians and Japanese will stand by him when the crunch comes. They will look after their own self interest.
  • Ian
    35 minutes ago
    If you are not supporting. No need for name calling. Especially for Chinese, think before you criticize
  • Sima yi
    38 minutes ago
    Who let the dog out?
  • ricky l
    39 minutes ago
    (1) As if causing chaos and violent in HongKong is not enough - this young punk want to cause chaos and violent in Taiwan.
  • Jimmy Bartolo
    53 minutes ago
    The pro-iIndependence activists, at the instigation of foreign agencies, are exploiting Joshua Wong's oratory skills.
  • seniorcitizen
    55 minutes ago
    Is HK being oppressed at the moment by China?

    • KD
      32 minutes ago
      @seniorcitizen: Yes, oppressed with too much FREEDOM !
  • Henry
    1 hour ago
    Look at his face and i can say this is just a laughing stock. Hahaha......
  • Henry
    1 hour ago
    He looks like a small boy to me. Immatured and foolish. Leading towards a great diasaster.
  • PanayiotouHenry
    1 hour ago
    Hong Kong and Taiwan forever Independence
  • SBCh
    1 hour ago
    He is highly intoxicated by his arrogance and thinks that his action can cause a tremor to China. Attempting to get Taiwan govt and people to join him shows how idiotic he is.
  • vincent
    1 hour ago
    A traitor to the Chinese race.
  • Just
    1 hour ago
    Great strength and valor came from a nobody, that's Joshua Wong, it's like David vs Goliath in the Bible, pray Taiwan and Hong Kong one day will be free from mainland threats and oppression, add oil Taiwan and Hong Kong, Chinese people deserves better and be free under tyrannical laws/rule.

    • Disappointed Man
      46 minutes ago
      Taiwan will never go in!!
      They talk only!! Let see what can they do?
    • KD
      1 hour ago
      @Just: NEVER compare and align Joshua Wong to David, you are exceedingly insulting & mocking David.
  • JohnnyTwoTimes
    1 hour ago
    China will be forced to unite Taiwan earlier ......erm.....unite Taiwan earlier.
  • Henry
    1 hour ago
    Biggest joke i have ever seen in me life.
  • Henry
    1 hour ago
    Too naive and still choose to play with fire.
  • Henry
    1 hour ago
    Very stupid looking boy. Do not comprehend what is left and right.
  • 37 seconds ago
    Joshua should ask Trump to stage a protest infront of the China Embassy .., Joshua looks like a clown .. short life boy ... enjoy hard before the day comes & soon !
  • Toast
    2 minutes ago
    The more cultured and refined Amos Yee this hero is
  • Sage
    29 seconds ago
    Joshua Wong has crossed the line , Beijing will move in & arrest him !!! Put him in an educational camp in Xin- Jiang and he will learn to be good boy for the rest of his life ! But looking at his face , his life quite short !

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