Joshua Wong asks Taiwan’s people to show their support for Hong Kong protests
1 second ago
(1) As if causing chaos and violent in HongKong is not enough - this young punk want to cause chaos and violent in Taiwan.
21 seconds ago
(1) If Taiwan want to end up like HongKong with protests, tear gas, assault, vandalism, blocking of roads, disrupting MTR, airport services, police fighting protestors etc every other day ---- than Taiwan can follow what this young punk do and what HK protestors are doing.
(2) Guarantee to bring down business, travel, investment, and economy of Taiwan.
(2) Guarantee to bring down business, travel, investment, and economy of Taiwan.
- 37 seconds agoJoshua should ask Trump to stage a protest infront of the China Embassy .., Joshua looks like a clown .. short life boy ... enjoy hard before the day comes & soon !
- The more cultured and refined Amos Yee this hero is
- Joshua Wong has crossed the line , Beijing will move in & arrest him !!! Put him in an educational camp in Xin- Jiang and he will learn to be good boy for the rest of his life ! But looking at his face , his life quite short !
You people are stupld to give in to tyrants.
The amount of Prcs waiting to murder CCP is countless.