Riot police deployment thwarts Hong Kong airport protest
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49 seconds ago
1 second ago
ricky l1秒前
(2)這些香港抗議者得出的結論是,他們犯下的暴力行為越多 - 香港總督將會屈服。
(3)與溫和的香港人保持對話平台仍應繼續: -
- 專注於提供負擔得起的公共住房
- 提供高薪工作
- 提供實惠的醫療保健
- 提供負擔得起的教育
- 支撐經濟
- 因為故意破壞是令人髮指的
- 破壞公共財產 - 正在破壞納稅人的財產
- 毆打無辜者和警察
- 應攜帶武器,汽油彈,磚塊,電線桿等 - 應予以逮捕
- 應該逮捕非法抗議以破壞機場服務,公共服務。
ricky l49秒前
(1)香港防暴警察飆升 - 在港鐵,巴士轉換站,機場等地方大肆宣傳----這是一個很好的舉措 - 因為它可以阻止騷亂者聚集,從而將暴徒的運輸工具帶走去他們有針對性的抗議網站。
(2)通過搜尋各地鐵的潛在暴徒,巴士交匯處 - 暴徒不能組成大團體來壓倒警察。
(3)這種“安全激增策略” - 是一個很好的舉措 - 因為它在源頭控制問題。
- We do not understand why the Hong Kong mass media keeps on describing these 'RIOTERS' as pro-democratic supporters when in fact their actions instituted is to cause the most serious damaged to the Hong Kong's economy. They belong to the terrorists group trained in Oslo.
- To the young people in Hong Kong, if you fashion yourself as the future of Hong Kong and making it free and democratic as you claim... stop this meaningless rioting and restore clam. Give Peace a Chance and give yourself the benefit of embracing something new to fast forward a strong Asian presence in this new World. Are you afraid to welcome and experiment in this New World Order, or are you missing the chance? This rioting will ruin what is known as the Pearl of the East and ruining her reputation.
- It come to the point where protesters are not scare of HK polices, So please allow PLA to step in NOW!
- HK governor cannot continue to let the protesters destroy public properties, disrupting transport and airports and causing lost of incomes for innocent Hkeess etc. This has been going for far too long .
Support the police . The police need to be more forceful . Arrest the protesters /mobs, shoots them since they adore USA freedom of democracy so much (including USA shooting) - Time to declare a state of emergency in HK and impose curfew with shoot to kill orders to law enforcement & security personnel.
- well done rioters! causing inconvenience to ordinary folks will only make more people oppose the "peaceful" protests.
- Carrie Lam should visit Singapore and seek advice from our Minister Shan. Looks like she in a dilemma. And whats the police doing? Afraid of foreign interference? Every weekend riots in Hongkie country. Every weekend shootings in America. Good riddance.
- how come hk police are so restraint and patient ? if these protesters are In USA, or France, or UK or Papua New Geinea, the police would have shoot them without delay , regrets and fear
- The HK police has become a para military force to prevent protesters from demonstrating in public places like the MTR, malls and the airport.
- Catch the snake by the head. Identify all the leaders. If they’re locals lock them up. If they’re foreigners apprehend, deport and bar them. Then cut their supplies and all resources. Spare no mercies for all those who vandalized and/or terrorized. These people are only out to create havoc and have no intention of talking sense.
- Since these Hkees protesters adore and worship USA freedom of democracy so much, than the Hk police should follow the USA police freedom to shoot, the hk must shoot the violent protesters at sight. Because Hk police is so mild and the lady leader is so weak, these protesters has becomes more bold and violent.
- Am impress with the patient of Hong Kong enforcer.. but things must be stop immediately before it effect the whole country goes recession
- Well done, Hong Kong Police, very well done indeed. Keep up with the good work and "Make Hong Kong Peaceful, Strong, Prosperous and Great Again"
- Truth be told China don't even feel anything lost if HK economy goes down the drain.Many coastal cities in China alr more than make up for the HK lost.The Port of HK couldn't compete against Shanghai.
- Collect them all.
- Hong Kong police did a great job, deserves my salute.
- Wow...millions of protestors. It takes one day is enough. Millions are looking at share board.
- good for nothing police and as well judges of Hong Kong,they are behind the supporters protesters.
- Too late now, CL and gang had forced these poor youngsters to the brink, they had sacrifice their future, their lives to pursue their cause till he end, CL govt. is there to serve mainland thugs/barbarian and not for the interest and wishes of the people.
- Hong Kong should suspend immediately 1 country 2 system, implement 1 country 1 system.
- Millions of pro-democracy supporters have taken to Hong Kong's streets for the past three months in the biggest challenge to China's rule since the city's handover from Britain in 1997...Yahoo..should be billion..your typo error.
- More police actions will galvanise the young protesters to come out in force !
The ineffective and incompetent leader speaks of dialogue with the community,but nothing happens. This stalemate will be a hot potato for China to handle,as it has to take careful steps,as the world is watching,though it is an internal matter. - Singapore is a safe and disciplined city , No self destruction
- Ya, kinda makes sense doesn't it? If you target a public airport, police will be dispatched....
- There are 36,681 in the HK police force in total ... how have they been able to manage without help ... hmmm
- Rubber bullets, tear gas and water canons didn't work in HK, to exterminate those pests, feed them with 5.56mm and 7.62mm bullets. Those terrorists are hundred times worse than the Japanese soldiers!
- These terrorists fully deserved to be caned & jailed for life! HK gov. is too soft!
- Kick away all protectors, a clear abuse of right, Police must ensure the route is safe and smooth. Severe punishment to these idiots still now no pain at all to them.
- thee is gross inadequacy in Hong Kong's law. those out to destroy properties should be shot on-sight.
- Real bullets please!!!
- Salute HK Police from Singapore. Why is yahoo placing propaganda piece by AFP? The riots are "largely leaderless"? The leaders have already been identified and some arrested. What rubbish!
- Fk the UK bustards, please China I beg you send thousands or hundred thousand police and army troops to exterminate those terrorists and pests in HK. Hope to see at least 1000 to 2000 HK terrorists killed by gunfire and tanks! Go to hell u bloody HK Cantonese MFs!
- 实现祖国完全统一,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求。必须把维护中央对香港、澳门特别行政区全面管治权和保障特别行政区高度自治权有机结合起来,确保“一国两制”方针不会变、不动摇,确保“一国两制”实践不变形、不走样。
- Hahaha. Am very bored and sick of seeing this.
- I suppose next they will be demanding amnesty for fare skipping and jumping over MTR turnstiles?
- Outnumbered by a few riot police? Well, there cannot be many of them left then. All the live video footages I have seen show at best a couple of hundred hardcore rioters.
- US funded HK mass-media is toeing the line of their White Western masters.
- When such a large Mass of People goes on the streets from young to old from student to Professional, their is surely a matter of their Bread butter Butter issue , their children future , their retirement survival, the Reds are not concerns of the Honkies they live or die, just be human
and understand the feeling of our Honkie bro & Sis ( Red every where are Bad NK, Russia and China Red) all the same brotherhood of Evil - So Rioters are getting cornered. Time few of them were shot with real bullet as they do in the Rioter's sponsors country US and UK.
The latter only boasts lip service to democracy--3 years plus and they have still not delivered on BREXIT which people voted. - Each day I pray for HK to return to calm. Very sad to see HK people fighting with each other. Very sad to see Chinese vs Chinese in various countries. HK has a great future under One China. But it needs Great Leaders, definitely not Carrie Lam and her Cabinet
(2) These HK protestors conclude that the more violent they commit - the more HK governor will give in.
(3) Holding a dialogue platform with the moderate HK people should still go on :-
- concentrating on providing affordable public housing
- providing jobs with good pay
- providing affordable healthcare
- providing affordable education
- proping up the Economy
--- This will help to win over the majority of the moderate HK people.
(4) But meanwhile, the Police and the Security Forces must impose strict measures to tackle violent rioters :-
- as vandalism is outrageous
- destroying public property - is damaging taxpayer's property
- beating innocents and police
- carrying weapons, petrol bombs, bricks, poles etc - should be arrested
- illegal protest to disrupt airport services, public services - should be arrested.
(5) If all current security measures are insufficient to restore law and order ---- eventually Emergency Order must be considered.